The High Seas - Chapter: 2
Chapter: 2
As the ship neared closer to land, everyone could see the world's greatest island. Island Victoria, the largest, and most beautiful island in all the world. Anyone from across the world was welcome here, and pirates alike could share their stories of adventure. It would have been a great time, if Aaron and his crew we're here to have fun, instead they were here for answers.
"Oh, why hello there! I'm selling some gorgeous jewelry that you might like!" a market gypsy exclaimed while waving over her stand. "They're very expensive, but I'll bet you'll find them to be worth the coin!" "Aaron, can I get this one?" asked Ariel. The jewelry that she held in her hand was a necklace, made from linked steel. Hanging on this crude necklace, though, was a beauty. A sapphire gem, perfectly oval, dangled on the necklace. "I'm sorry, but we're not looking for jewelry." Aaron explained to the gypsy as he took the necklace from Ariel, placing it back on the stand. Ariel gave Aaron a very dissatisfied look. "Well then, what are you looking for, young man?" "We need to know if there are any legends. Any one's about ancient ships with weird markings on it." Aaron explained. "It took our friend when he boarded it, and we need to find this ship, madam." Marcusa pleaded to the gypsy. "Oh, you've crossed paths with the ship of sand." "The what?"
"Legend tells of a ship, long ago, that was made from the very sand itself. The ancient ancestors made this ship, and wrote those markings you saw a while back, they are permanent, and give the ship the ability to withstand the sea. This allows the boat to travel to any part of the seas, even Nightmare Cove. Although, things went horribly wrong, and a monster consumed the crew, and possessed the ship. Your friend is on that ship, and that monster is holding him captive. It knows you will chase after it, and if you do, it will be suicide. You will be feeding yourself to the monster." "Wait, what is this about Nightmare Cove?" asked Ariel. "I can explain that," Michael answered ,"Nightmare Cove is where the worst pirates in existence are located." "Wait, worst like...they're horrible at sinking ships?" Aaron said, jokingly. "No sir, they are the worst. They kill without remorse, and they sink ships ruthlessly." "Sounds like a fun place to me." Ariel replied.
"Well thank you for the story, but could you tell us how we can find this... ship of sands?" Marcusa asked the gypsy. "Well, if you want to save your friend..." "We do." "...I like your style young lady." the gypsy smiled. ,"The ship of sands is nearly untraceable, but thanks to that monster, it creates a fog larger than a cloud. Just follow that fog whenever you see it, and that's where the ship of sands will be." "Thank you for helping us so much. How can we repay you?" asked Aaron, holding his coin bag. "Oh no such thing young man, for the words that lead you to your death need not a payment."
"What do you think she meant by words that lead you to your death?" Ariel asked Aaron. "She meant if we hadn't asked, we would live and grow old." Aaron answered. "Huh?" "Meaning, we're going after that ship, suicide or not." As everyone jumped on deck, lifting the anchors and preparing to leave port, the gypsy stared at them, clutching the same sapphire necklace.
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