• Leon stood in front of me, spear poised and an evil glare in his eys. I held my blade firm and tried to push leon aside to fight at his side, but he snarled at me and kept me back. Abashed but undeterred, I waited. The sinister apparition before us spoke, its voice rattled and rasped.
    "You.... have wandered.... Into the wrong....Territory.... Angel scum....,"
    I shivered in fear and I noticed that the air around us was becoming chilly and forboding.
    "What is it you want, fiend?" Leon demanded.
    "your... soul...." the monster rasped.
    Then it vanished. The trees bagan to echo with its voice.
    "You and the girl.... will be empty shells.... and i shall be... whole again...."
    Leon wrapped his arm around me and glared into the darkness. there was a terrible screech and the spirit appeared before us again, only it seemed.... solid now.... and it carried a massive notched blade. Before either of us could act, it attacked. Leon threw me aside and locked the spirit in battle. I landed in the under brush and turned to leon. His spear was too uweildy to properly attack the demon. And it kept fading out and reappearing in some other location. Yet it didnt attack, maybe because leon rushed it too fiercely. I had to help... But leon was so overbearing and protective of me hed never let me swing my sword. Maybe magic worked against the spirit world...? It was worth a shot... But which one? the few spells leon had taught me were lower level and weak.. I felt so hopeless. I decided the fire spell would have to suffice. i focused my mind and body solely on a raging inferno and a small sphere of blazing energy roared to life in my palm. I hurled the sphere at the apparition and prayed. The flames collided and burst. Small flames roiled around the spirit, yet it remained adamant. At firs i thought i had failed then the creature roared in agony. Not from the flames themselves but the light they produced! It couldnt face the light!
    "Leon! Light is its weakness!"
    He jumped back and he started to glow with a radiant blue light. The spirit rushed him. I gasped. leon was too busy gathering power! He would be killed! but just as the spirit swung its massive blade, leons arm shot forward and clutched the fiends grotesque face. the light got stronger and then it exploded with the ferocity of an old world cannon into the darkness. the spirit gave a blood curdling wail and it vanished. it dispersed like mist in a high wind. It gave one last statemnet before vanishing.
    "L-lord... Duncan..... I was unable.... to serve you....."
    instantaneously, the air became much warmer. Leon came to me and hugged me tightly, almost crushing my lungs.
    "KAIRI! You did it! You beat the apparition!"
    I blushed and gasped.
    "You did the beating.... I just found it out by accident..."
    Leon pulled away. We stared into each others eyes and i felt an overwhelming urge to kiss him... I slowly leaned in towards his lips and to my surprise he leaned in towards me. I closed my eyes and drew closer. But instead of his lips, I felt his finger. my eyes snapped open and i looked at him. For the first time since i met him, leon looked like he wantewd to cry.
    "I-i cant... I am forbidden..."
    My temper spiked.
    "Forbidden by who?!" I raged."Why? YOu had better tell me what youre hiding leon! No more lies! who are you?!"
    He looked away.
    I-I am an..." he started but was cut off by the sound of a young mans voice cutting through the trees.
    "Halt, heathens! You are trespassing and must die!"