• Introduction

    The sun was dimming as it began to set over the waters, creating a brilliant orange sky. The waters shimmered, and the tree's blew in the light wind. This land is sacred. Animals are usually plentiful, but as time went by, there seemed to be less and less. Spring was turning to summer, so the hunt would be plentiful. I am a great hunter in these lands, or.. I will be! I am Jay, Jay Mars. As of now, I'm 15. I almost reach 6 foot, and I'm slim. I have short light, sandy brown hair, with golden eyes. I'm trying to get a tan, but right now, I'm almost as pale as the sand on Lunar Beach. That's the best place to be at a time like this. Once the moon appears, It's the most beautiful thing you'll ever see. The waters.. The sand.. Sitting on this huge rock, it makes everything look so.. Amazing. Looking at the grass, it glistens a nice dark green, with a blue tint.. The sand reflects the moon, and it all looks like a master piece. This land.. Is Kayto. It is home to many. And it is out duty, as the Tyan Village, to protect it to the best of our abilities. To help everyone who lives on this island. We have many things that try to kill our live stock.. Bears, Tigers, Panthers.. But the wolves come the most. We have some sheep, cows, pigs, and some are lucky enough to catch deer live. Yes, we catch the animals that dwell on this island. We have all sorts of them. We only keep the ones we want. Like cows. Well, enough with this. Let's get onto the story. My story.