• The rain that was going on outside Amber's house made her want to go outside. She thought it over in her head, then after alot of thinking, she ran outside into her backyard where no one can see her. She tried to control the rain. She waved her hands franticly, she moved her wrists and finally, in front of her was a big blob of water. She smiled, then grinned. Amber wasn't awestrucked or surprised because she had done this before. Excitedly, she made shapes out of it. She tried getting more water into her big blob but she failed. She tried again and another blob appeared. She gathered more and more water and at last she did it.
    "Yes!" she shouted. She jumped up and put her right fist in the air and as she did that, the blob popped on top of her head.
    "Drat! Oh well, at least no one saw me" she pulled a face. Then, she heard a cracking noise behind her. Amber did a backwards jump and landed behind the mysterious person.
    "Who are you?" she asked.
    "Please don't hurt me, Amber!" the person said.
    Her voice sounds quite familiar. Is it really....?!! she thought to herself.
    "Who ARE you?!! How do you know my name?" Amber asked to check if it really was who she thought it was.
    "I know your name because I am your mother" she said. Amber's mother turned around and looked into Amber's crystal eyes.
    Amber's eyes swelled up in tears and she ran off into her mother's arms.
    "Oh mother! Where have you been?!! I haven't seen you in 7 years! I missed you!" she sobbed. Her mother patted her head.
    "I missed you too, dear. Come on, let's go inside", she said.

    After drying themselves off, Amber's mother, Kaylee, made Amber and herself hot cocoa.
    "Why did you leave us mum?" Amber asked as she wanted to know the truth.

    To Be Continued...