• “Mommy?”
    I asked her quietly. She sat on the side of her bed with tears streaked her face. She turned toward me with red eyes. Blood soaked her clothes. The room was dark, and I could barely make out her face.
    “Mommy? What’s wrong?”
    A smirk slid across her face. Her eyes blared redder by the second. I backed away slowly. She slowly stood up. Her hair fell into her face. Fear ran down my spine. I ran as fast as I could out of the room.
    The world was asleep except me and mommy. Her once beautiful blond hair had become a dark almost black color. Her soft blue eyes had turned into a bloody red.
    I ran with all my strength towards the front door. I carried Sophie in my arms. Her pink floppy ears bounced on my arm. My white night gown was too big, and I was starting to trip over it.
    I made it to the door in record time. I glared up at it. I was still so small. Tears began to slide down my cheeks. I pushed at it and hit it. I couldn’t get it to work no matter how hard I tried.
    “Let me out!”
    I yelled it as loud as I could, but the door wouldn’t budge. Mommy strolled casually down the stair case with eyes set on me. Their color grew and though the house was dark, I could see the blood stains on her clothes. It dripped from her lip in a disgusting way that made me sick.
    Suddenly the doors flew open and I fell onto the snow covered earth. I stumbled trying to get up. She lunged forward. I hid in the snow.

    “Veronica, calm down. It is okay. I am right here.”
    Mason’s soft green eyes glared at me. They were showered in concern. I smiled best I could. I should have expected him. He held me close.
    My name is Veronica chi-hime chu-u-ji-tsu. Most of my name is in Japanese because I am Japanese. I have an American name for safety. My true name is Chi-hime Ch-u-ji-tsu, Blood Princess Royal. I come from a line of strict pure blood vampires. To honor us as royals, our last name has been Royal. Well, we have had one slip up.
    Eleven years ago, on a cold December night, my mother went insane. She had been in love with a human named, Christopher Revel. For years she had been having an affair with him. My father oblivious to the truth lived a perfect life as a royal.
    He was a happy relaxed man. Who was nineteen to the real world, but in his world, more to say our world, he was fifteen-hundred years old. My mother merely was eight hundred-seventy when she met him. She had been changed at sixteen. Her first and only love of the real world had transformed her in a desperate attempt to keep her forever. Though her family was already vampires and had been.
    My parents had fallen shockingly in love at first sight. She only wanted him, and for eight-hundred years they were perfection and happiness rolled into one. Then, while on her business trip to America, she met him. In the fearful streets of downtown L.A. she met Christopher Revel. He was a young architect. She had started sneaking off on “business trips” frequently. Then, came the night my father left on his trip to Italy. She invited Christopher over late at night. She knew she was doing wrong. Her life was spiraling downward and upward. Confusion engulfed her and she was becoming depressed, but if she married a human. The consequences would be tremendous.
    He came to her and comforted her. Only they went past comforting. My father returned late in the night due to his flight being delayed. He found them in bed. Tension flared and I awoke to the sound of objects breaking. I was only five years old at the time. So I stumbled through the dark house in search of my parents. We lived in a five story mansion so once I found their room relief filled me.
    I jumped up to open the door. My father, Nick Ch-u-ji-tsu lay on the floor; blood covered him and the floor. Christopher sat on the bed. Shirtless and scared, he frowned as he saw me.
    “Run, dear child.”
    I had just become worried and took long strides toward my mother whom sat on the edge of the bed.

    I never forgot that day. She went mad and chased me out of the house. Christopher chased after her. Unfortunately she couldn’t be helped. The stress had overcome her. She had chased me and cornered me. He had run toward me in an effort to protect me, though he was a moment too late as her fangs dug into my neck. I hadn’t known I was a vampire yet, but she showed me. My hair became light silver, and my eyes a blood red/ I threw up blood. Just in time Christopher stopped her from killing me.
    I became a vampire full fledged at five. The correct and normal age is fifteen. If you are turned a vampire by family, then you will not age. There have been cases in which people have aged to twenty and froze. It is rare to find a vampire over thirty. There has never been a case where a five year old has been turned by family.
    My mother would be disinherited I knew. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open. I collapsed in the snow.