• Alessa had stepped to far back. A simple miss calculation sent her falling over the edge. The fall seemed like miles but was a few mere feet. Her stomach tightened as her back and head smacked hard against the pavement. Her vision blurred as she gasped to no effect.
    "Alessa!" Bonny screamed, jumping from the bed of the truck. She kneeled next to her friend till Alessa's burning lungs filled with air.
    "Are you alright?" Bonny asked helping her friend sit up.
    "I'm fine," she replied. It hurt to breathe, but Alessa knew it would be momentary and she needed to work past the pain. "Really. I'm fine. Now come on," she said "we have to get this stuff inside before dawn."
    "Alright," Bonny said. She was giddy and excited for what was to come.
    "Alessa! Are you okay?!" Her mother came rushing out of the hose, hand over her heart.
    "Yeah, I'm fine mom," Alessa said. "Can ya help us get this thing inside?"
    "Of coarse, of coarse." she said reaching forward to help support the heavy garbage bag. "Wow, you guys got a big one!"
    "I know right!" Alessa said, her mood brightening instantly. "Well I can't take all the credit because Bonny picked it out."
    "Very nice Bonny! And its your first time, yeah?"
    "Yup!" she replied. Alessa had never seen Bonny so happy. They dragged the bag across the yard, driveway and into the garage.
    "Why don't you guys get this thing downstairs and I'll make sure everything is clean, okay?"
    "Okay mom," Alessa said. "Come on Bonny, pull that thing over here."
    Alessa pulled back the rug in the corner of the garage. Without even having to look, she punched in the combination on the electronic lock and pulled the doors of the basement open. They carefully slid the garbage bag down the newly installed conveyor on the left side of the staircase. Bonny held it at the top while Alessa ran down the steps to catch it when it was released.
    They hoisted it carefully into the table. Alessa got the supplies from the cabinet, including, gloves, sterile water, scalpels, sponges, towels, plastic bags and the vacuum for the bags as Alessa's mom came down the stairs.
    "All good upstairs. You were very clean this time Alessa. Or was that Bonny too?"
    "Nope. You have to be experienced to leave no trace."
    "Well...Alessa," her mother hesitated before continuing, "I'v been going over the numbers and I know that you'v gone over your limit twice." Alessa paused for the slightest moment, then continued arranging the tools. "Now...I'm not mad, but if you go over your limit for they year...we will have to stop this for at least a few months, and we both know how you get when you don't get one for more than a month."
    "Okay, fine," Alessa said, not even bothering to look up from her work. Her mother was surprised that she had agreed so quickly, but saw no reason to worry.
    Before they began, Alessa's mother took a blood sample and did a full examination.
    "Whats all that for?" Bonny asked.
    "We do it to make sure it doesn't have and diseases or things that can harm us. Mom takes the sample to work, and tests it. We should know within a week. And until then, we keep it in the freezer," Alessa replied, setting the tray covered in tools next to it.
    "Wow thats really through<" Bonny said, pulling on rubber gloves. Alessa and her mother did the same.
    They began their work. The started at one-thirty in the morning and didn't finish till around seven-thirty. As eight o'clock drew closer, Alessa's mom cleaned up and ran off to work, while Bonny got ready for school.
    "You coming today?" Bonny asked, pulling on her shoes. She was sitting in the basement with Alessa, who was finishing cleaning up the nights work.
    "Nahh, not today. I like to rest up the day after."
    "I'm just glad I know now why you missed so much school. And I'm glad that my mom let me spend the night."
    "Yeah," Alessa replied, tying up a trash bag, 'If she hadn't let you, I don't think i would'v gotten this one. Mom was right, he was big."
    "Well, I gotta go," Bonny said grabbing her backpack and heading up the stairs. Alessa didn't reply, she just stared at what was left of it...him.
    She stood and walked to the table, running her fingers through his golden blonde hair. His eyes were so blue and clear. She could easily remember watching the light drain from them. Like a light dimming in a distant room. But they were beautiful none the less.
    She grabbed the plastic bag next to him and pulled it open. She rummaged through it till she found his wallet. She pulled out the drivers licence and looked over it.
    Name: Kevin Davids
    She didn't bother to look at any other details. Seeing the truth of his physique surprised her. He seemed so much smaller when she had jumped on his back, clamping the rag of coliform over his mouth. Or when Bonny had hit him square in the temple with the titanium baseball bat. When he was finally down, Alessa had looked into Bonny's eyes and saw the same crazed happiness her mother said she had seen in Alessa. She instantly knew that Bonny was hooked.
    He had been covered in muscle, probably only around 10-15% body fat. He would feed them for weeks. She grabbed a Sharpy out of the drawer and thought for a moment. Within seconds she pulled the cap off the marker and wrote 'K-Dav' on his forehead. She was happy that mother let her code name their victims. It made them feel like she owned them, like they were hers and hers only. She pushed the gurney, which held K-Dav's remains an the bags containing the meat into the freezer.
    As she shivered and closed the door, a sick, disturbing thought entered her mind...what would she have for breakfast?