• What on Earth was he thinking? Interacting with this girl? It would be nothing but trouble. It was what was best, for not only his well being, but hers as well. Hai was a sweet girl, and the last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt.
    In fact it was best if he just kept her off his mind. But how could he? Hai just had this aura about her that he found strangely, a bit like himself. They way she acted so quiet, yet could pile on loads of energy. And the way he saw her smile during breakfast, she was practically the Sun. But any other time she was the dark side of the Moon.
    He walked into the class room, and ended up receiving yet another lecture about being late. He silently took his seat. He didn’t bother to take note of anything the teacher said, this would be easy. Instead he pondered on about the girl with the black choppy hair and beautiful brown eyes. He found her truly breathtaking.
    “Edan,” he snapped his head up, “can you tell me what one hundred-twenty-eight times five-hundred-sixty-nine is?”
    “Seventy-two thousand-eight hundred-thirty-two,” he sighed.
    “Did you do that all in your head?”
    “Yes,” he let out another sigh.
    “Wow you’re fast aren’t you? Well then can you me what five point two eight divided my six i-“
    “Point eight, eight.” Edan cut her off. She walked over and glanced quickly over his shoulder. No notes, not even a calculator. It was all in his head. The bell finally rang, leaving no time for an investigation.
    The girl was still on his mind. He had to face it. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to see her small pixie-like frame, her slightly pale face, and midnight hair. But at the same time he knew better than to intermix with her. No matter how much he felt he had to.