• student #1: Jake Emerald blade, 2nd year, Gryffindor, plays as seeker

    Jake looked up from his book. He was in the Gryffindor commons room. His friend, Tom, was already in the Boys domintory. It had been a rough day ever since Tom read a book about a "Lord Voldemort" and how his real name was 'Tom Riddle'. Tom had gone in a frantic that the ministry of magic would assume that Tom was Voldemort. Jake had to tell Tom repeatedly that Lord Voldemort was dead, thanks to Harry Potter, who was currently as of no supprise minester of magic.

    Jake got up, put his ' Dragons and Danger' book away and crept into the Boy's domintory. A big Quidditch game tomarow, Gryffindor versus it's rival, Slytherin. And along to go with that, a huge history test on the history of hogwarts is due tommarow, and to pile on that, in magical creatures, theres a griffin riding test, to see how well you can fly on a Griffin. Jake sighed as he crawled into his bed.

    "Wake up! we got quiditch practice! get up! jake! cmon!!!!" Jake woke up to see Tom rummiging through,already in his red and gold quidditch uniform. He got up and got dressed. "Alrite Tom, it's not like the death eaters are looking for thier master!" Jake teased. Tom just turned pale as a cloud as his crush,
    Nicole Degote, giggled. "um, right....well jake,i uh......ill see you on the field."
    and Tom went off like thier were mandrakes under his skin. Jake followed him down to the quiditch field.

    "Alrite team, today we got to train hard. dont let your guard down at any moment, Slytherin tends to cheat un noticed so we've got to be aware of every movment." Jake leaned on the wall as the team captain, John Withersman, gave his usual five minute lecture to the team. Then Tom, whos always impatiant, yelled out " Alrite! lets just get in the air already!!!" and in a flick, john pulled out his wand, pointed at Tom and yelled "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!!" Jake, along with everyone, else first went wide eyed as Tom started being levitated into the air, then they bursted into laughter when john dropped him into a bucket of water.

    Jake pulled out his staff -at this time, wizards and witches started using wands or staffs- and yelled out " EXPELIOMOUS!" and every one laughed as john, a 4th year, was thrown back by Jake, a 2nd year. Jake smiled and lifted Tom out of the water. "thanks,all though you could've done that,like........ sooner!" Jake grinned and said "nah.....it was a lil funny to see you flying, cause after all you siad lets go "in the air"!" Tom turned red and grabbed his broom. "alrite Jake,lets go already."