Love and Death
Chapter One
Tom’s POV
Since meeting Toni, every day of my life has been perfect. She was all I ever asked for in a girl. And people consider me as a player. But no, not this time. I actually think I’m in love! I mean she’s cute, she has dreads, she plays guitar, she’s into ALL the same music I’m into, she’s a fan of Tokio Hotel AND she’s funny. What more could I ask for right? Me and Bill both have girlfriends we can relate to. I mean that girl Bill dreamt about is now his new girlfriend. She makes him happy and he can trust her. I’m just glad Bill has found someone he likes AND is the same as him in every way. It’s the same with me and Toni.
Louise and Toni get along great. They come on tour with us and they’re a good laugh. They’re really good friends now, but Louise says no one could EVER replace her best friends/ band mates she had to leave behind. She misses them every minute and I think Bill is worried about her. Georg says its like having two pairs of twins instead of one pair of twins and their girlfriends. I don’t know what he means by that….but his exact words to me were, ‘look, I mean they both wear eyeliner, wear black, like the same music, sing. And you two both play guitar, have dreads, listen to the same crap music.’ what did he mean by crap music?!
I was pacing up and down the footpath outside the tour bus in a complete daydream, when I suddenly felt someone jump on top of me and we both went crashing to the ground, “OH SHISSTE!” I exclaimed, “TONI!” she was just laughing.
“miss me?” she smiled.
“well since I saw you last about 10 minutes ago, I’ve thought about you every second,” I replied, “so yeah, you could say I have.”
“good, because if you hadn’t missed me then you would be in trouble Mr. Kaulitz.” she smiled and kissed my cheek. We got up and I put on the puppy-dog look
“a kiss on the cheek, is that it?” I asked pretending to be sad, she rolled her eyes and kissed my lips. I smiled.
“TOM! TOOOOOM!!!!!” I heard Bill yell from the bus, good he got the surprise I left waiting for him in the bathroom, I smirked.
“what have you done this time?” Toni sighed.
“you’ll see,” I winked at her, we walked onto the bus and fell over with laughter because standing there was Bill in pink skinny jeans, a pink t-shirt and pink eyeliner, “aww I‘m sorry Barbie! It wasn‘t my fault Ken broke up with you!” I teased.
“NOT. FUNNY!” he screamed at me(well he screamed quietly because Louise was asleep on the sofa and he didn‘t want to wake her.) he stormed to the back of the bus and dug through his suitcase. He pulled out something black and went back into the bathroom. He came out about what seemed like an hour later wearing Black skinny jeans, a black and white striped t-shirt, black converse, a black leather jacket, black eyeliner and his hair was spiked up into a Mohawk. “I’ll get you back for that!” he smirked. I rolled my eyes. At that moment, Gustav came in, “guys we have an interview with MTV now, c’mon!” he said. Bill told Toni to tell Louise, who was still asleep, where we were going, he kissed Louise’s forehead and we headed out the door.
Toni’s POV
The next half an hour was quite boring, because Louise was asleep. I changed the channel on the TV to MTV, Tomi was supposed to be on soon. I sat there starring at the TV when someone said, “After the Break: we will have Tokio Hotel on the show, so stay tuned.” I walked over to Louise and shook her gently, she wasn’t that hard to wake after I told her that Tokio Hotel were on TV in 5 minutes. She immediately sat up and turned her attention to the screen. “please welcome Tokio Hotel!” the voice said again. Me and Louise just smiled at each other. We watched the TV in silence, apart from the times where they were being utterly stupid and hilarious, we just couldn’t help laughing. Then the interviewer walked over to the audience to let them ask questions, one of them was, “Bill, do you and Tom have girlfriends?”. we smiled at each other and looked at the screen.
“yeah, we do have girlfriends actually,” Bill replied apologetically, it was followed by a lot of AWW!s.
“really? What are their names?” the interviewer asked.
“well my girl is called Toni,” Tomi smiled
“Tomi and Toni, cute.” the interviewer said, “and you?” she asked Bill.
“my girl is the most amazing girl in the world,” she smiled, “she’s called Louise.”
“she’s not as awesome as my girl though,” Tom winked, both our jaws dropped. Wow. They were both so sweet.
“but. On the bright side,” Georg said, “me and Gustav are still single” he smiled, showing everyone his huge muscles. All the girls screamed. I just laughed. Georg was such a show-off.
“OK! Before we go! Tokio Hotel have promised us they’ll sing us a song off their new album!” the interviewer said and everyone screamed. They all walked over to a stage and Bill counted them in, “there are days….when you feel so small….and you know…you could be so tall” he sang, and I could tell Louise had melted inside. We stood up and started singing REALLY badly to the song and when it was over we collapsed back on the sofa laughing.
Chapter 2
Bill’s POV
Over the next few weeks, I realized that Louise was VERY depressed. I think it was probably because she was on tour away from her friends. I asked her would she like to come and it was an instant yes, followed by a massive hug. I sat for hours on end every day trying to think of something to do to make her happy again. Then it hit me. When she was sleeping, I dug around her bag(not for any perverted reason, trust me) until I found her mobile. I hit number 1 on her speed dial. It was Flo, her best friend who answered. “LOUISE!” she exclaimed, “do you know what time it is?!” oops, I forgot about the time difference.
“sorry to bother you,” I apologized.
“oh! Bill! Hi! How are you?” he said.
“I’m great! Danke, how are you?” I replied
“awesome, but what are you doing with Louise’s phone?”
“I need to ask a favour…” I told her about the whole thing with Louise being depressed and we discussed my plan. We talked until I heard a voice shout, “FLORENCE! GET OFF THE PHONE AND GET TO SLEEP!”
“sorry I have to go! Bye!” she said.
“Danke! Auf Wiedersehen!” (thank you! goodbye!) I replied.
I hope my plan will work. I hate to see Louise like this. I put the phone carefully back in her bag and set it down beside her. I bent over her and kissed her forehead, I stood up and pulled a strand of hair away from her face, “Guten Nacht meine Liebe,”(good night my love) I whispered and turned around to leave when she grabbed my hand.
“nein, bleiben sie, bitte,”(no, please stay) she whispered.
“I’d love to, but I have a concert tomorrow, remember, I need my sleep.” I apologized.
“ok,” she said silently and fell asleep, I walked out and stood at the door.
“ich liebe dich,” I whispered before leaving.
I walked towards the kitchen to get a snack before going to bed. I dug through the fridge and somehow, amazingly assembled myself a sandwich. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, I jumped about 10 feet in the air. “Oh Mein Gott! Gustav! You scared me!” I exclaimed.
“sorry,” he apologized, “you really love her don’t you?”
“well, yeah, I mean she’s the only girl I’ve ever really connected to, y’know.” I said.
“I know, I can tell,” he said, “you seem really calm, and really happy around her.”
“I know, but she shares everything with me, we share the exact same thoughts and feelings, we’ve been through the exact same things. I..I guess I love her”
Tom’s POV
I stood behind the curtain separating the living area and the kitchen, listening to Bill and Gustav’s conversation. Wow, my baby brother is in love! He’s found someone he can relate to, it’s amazing, it took 20 years, but he’s finally found someone. Someone who’s gone through the exact same things as he has(well, not he fame bit, but you know what I mean). they could be twins! (over my dead body! HA! He already has a twin (; ) and me and Toni…I mean seriously, she’s like….WOAH.
“I am? Am I?” I heard a voice from behind me ask. I jumped about 5 feet in the air.
“Gott Toni!” I exclaimed.
“you were talking to yourself!” she laughed
“was I?”
“how much did you hear?”
“from the bit about how Bill has found love, to the bit where you think I’m ‘like…WOAH’” she smiled, I smiled back. She stopped smiling and looked directly behind me.
“what?” I asked.
“oh what have we here? An eavesdropper perhaps?” Bill laughed from behind me. I turned round.
“Shh! You’ll wake Louise and Georg!” Bill whispered
“doesn’t matter!” Louise sat up, “I’m already awake.”
“how long have you been awake?” Bill asked.
“I was never asleep.” she smiled and Bill’s face went pure white.
“s-so you h-heard…?” Bill stuttered
“yeah.” she smiled.
Chapter 3
Louise’s POV
Well, I was awake from the point where he’d woken me by kissing me forehead. I was sitting there smiling, in a daze and they all decided to go to bed. I fell asleep on the sofa, which was my new bed. And Toni had the other sofa. They were quite big, which was OK. I woke up to find Bill lying next to me with his arms round me, I blushed and kissed his cheek. He was still asleep, and his grip was too strong to wriggle out of, so I laid my head on his chest and just lay there until he woke up. His eyes flickered open about what seemed like an eternity later and looked down at me, I was starring into his beautiful brown eyes, “morning,” he greeted and squeezed me tighter, “sleep well?”
“yeah.” I smiled and we sat up, his arms still round me. He squeezed me one last time before letting go. I stood up and smelled the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. Waffles. Bill must have smelt it too because he stood up and was lured to the kitchen. I followed.
“guten morgen!” (good morning!) Gustav greeted, “anyone in the mood for waffles?”
“yes!” bill exclaimed, he sounded like a kid in a sweet shop. Gustav chuckled and handed us two plates with about a tonne of waffles pilled on them.
“where’s Tom, Toni and Georg?” I asked.
“Tom and Toni went to the park and Georg is out getting bass stuff,” Gustav replied.
“oh. So it’s just us three then?” Bill asked, sounding quite happy.
“yeah. Danke Gott! I don’t think I could take anymore of Tom and Toni. They’re too….gross….” Gustav chuckled. I laughed and scarfed down a waffle.
“you’re an excellent cook.” I complimented, mouth full of waffle, “let me just say I’m glad Tom isn‘t the one who likes to cook.”
“danke schon. No doubt tom would’ve poisoned them or something.” Gustav chuckled. I turned my attention to Bill, his plate was empty.
“whoa!” I said, “how did you eat that fast?”
“I honestly don’t know” he laughed.
Tom, Toni and Georg were out for another two hours. Me, Bill and Gustav just sat around and joked about Tom. “and those baggy clothes?! I mean what the hell is he thinking? Seriously?” Tom laughed while coming in the door with his arm wrapped around Toni’s waist. I rolled my eyes and hi-fived Toni.
Gustav suddenly said, “oh! Bill! We have that thing to go to now!”
“oh yeah!” he replied. He pulled his jacket on, kissed my head and rushed out the door.
Tom’s POV
“what was that about?” Louise asked. She pushed her plate of waffles over to me, I grinned and dug in. Toni rolled her eyes.
“careful Thomas!” Toni smirked, “you don’t want to kill it!”
“whatever Antonia, I will eat the way I want to eat!” I smirked back and dug into the leftover waffles.
“Thomas? Antonia?” Louise laughed and walked over to Bill’s laptop, she opened it and went on itunes, I kind of guessed because 5 minutes later, Green Day was playing out of the laptop and she got up and started dancing. She was still dancing 30 minutes later when Bill and Gustav came back in. Bill just looked at her and smiled, “Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance” started playing. “may I have this dance?” Bill asked, holding out his hand.
“I would be honoured,” she smiled, took his hand and they started dancing about the bus. “MCR, SERIOUSLY?! How can they LIKE that music?! Well I guess that’s what emos dance to,” I said quietly, well I thought it was quiet but obviously not.
“I HEARD THAT!” Bill and Louise both shouted.
“it’s true though!” I shouted back.
“is not! MCR are amazing! And we aren’t emos!” Louise shouted. When the song finished, “Teenagers” came on, Bill and Louise fell over laughing, oh c’mon, the song isn’t funny! It’s just about some guy that’s afraid of a group of some emo teenagers. Bill and Louise were lying on the floor laughing. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the laptop, I turned that crap off and put on some real music, Samy Deluxe. “HEY!” they both laughed. I just starred at them.
“now THAT is REAL music.” I grinned, Bill sighed and got up off the floor, he snatched his laptop away and put “Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day” on. He helped Louise up off the floor and they started dancing again. I looked at Toni who couldn’t help but smile. And then I looked at Gustav who wasn’t paying attention, he had his earphones in and I could hear Metallica playing from it. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside Toni who was admiring Bill and Louise’s dancing. Toni put her head on my shoulder and we starred at the two weirdo’s dancing. All of a sudden, the song ended and “Holiday” blasted through the speakers. They just both laughed, and stopped dancing (FINALLY) but then they started singing. Oh joy. Louise grabbed a hairbrush from somewhere and Bill had a can of hairspray, they started using them as microphones. How cheesy can you get? They sang about 7 songs and finished with “I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy” and by the end of it they were witting on the other sofa laughing.
“that was fun,” she smiled.
“sure was,” he smiled back and kissed her lightly on the lips.
yeah, i know i did this last time too! but if you want to continue reading it, please read it at: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5497582/4/Love_Death
like i said, i post WAY more on there biggrin i hope you enjoy reading it!!!!
~ Louise xoxo
- by AlligatorBlood-182 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/15/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Love and Death
- Artist: AlligatorBlood-182
this is the SEQUEL to Don't Jump!!! i hope you enjoyed reading Don't Jump!!!! ^_^ this story was awesome to write! haha :D
it is based around Tom and Toni, Bill and Louise.
ENJOY! xox - Date: 02/15/2010
- Tags: love death tokio hotel bill
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Comments (1 Comments)
- i-heart-tdl - 02/17/2010
- OMG! i just finished reading it all. I'm so sad it's over!!!! i loved it. you're awesome! smile
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