• As the night came up us, I froze in fear thinking if what my brother said was true."Vampires came out at night, they drink your blood then there out of sight" he said."Whats a vampire?" I said getting scared."Why hasent anyone ever told you? they are lovely creatures who are more beutiful than any thing in the world, they confuse you with there cute voice then they bring to there hide out the THEY DRINK YOUR BLOOD!" he said.I screamed my lungs out as he laughed."NOT FUNNY!"I yellled.After a long argument I fell asleep still thinking of them.Then something hard and cold woke me up."Wake up silly"it laughed."No five more minutes"I said.The lovely voice laughed "come on" it took me by the hand and let me out the window.After I found out what happened I screamed mu lungs out.A hand kept putting itself on mu mouth.When we got to a dark place the person let me down.The creature showed me hie face.It was so handsome!"Hi my name is James whats yours?" the person said calmly."Aliza"I said surprised to how calm my voice was.James looked at my face and gasped."Are Aliza the queen of vampires?"James said."What?!NO!"I said."Yes you are!" James said.I tought for a moment and said"oh you ment my ancestor Aliza who got crazy and said she was the queen of vampires?" I said."No wait yes i think so no she said that the person who looks like her in the future is the new queen!" James said.Before i could say anything he took me to people that somehow I seen before."The queen has come!" James said. "HA" said a women," im the queen shes human and besides im more pretty."No your not more pretty Alinda and shes not human" said James.I fel a sudden felling of warmness.the woman named Alinda got a sniff of me and left crying a if what James said was true.A group of people came toward me abd gasped"QUEEN QUEEN"they yelled."You now must stay here forever"said James."What?!NO!NEVER"I said.After an hour I was in a gown with a crown and stitting in a thoren doing nothing."Queen you must get married" said a man.I think his name was Eduardo."What?!I only been here for an hour and I have to get married!" I said."Thats the rule" said Eduardo."Fine who should I marry then?"I asked."The man that brought you here"."Wait you dont mean James do you?"I asked.Eduardo nodded and said" the wedding will start now".After a long argument I finally gave up.The wedding was really nice.I dont know how long I stayed there but I never wanted to leave.Then something touched me and said wake up.When I looked at who it was I smiled. heart