• I suddenly wake up. My eyes are open wide, yet unable to close. I hear sounds like "Click, Clack, Click, Clack." And a few squeaks. I panic, yet I cannot move from my position. It seems as if I am laying down on a table with a sheet over my face. Then it hits me; I'm dead. But how could it be? How could I be...dead? I try to speak. I hear two voices; "Ronny, hows your wife doing? I hear shes sick," The first voice says. Right before he was done talking, another voice joined in; "Yeah, we found out she had breast cancer. She's in or treatment." I feel the table roll on a turn, and continues on rolling straight. I try to speak once again, but it seems as if I am almost saying the words, but it's like a cube stuck in my throat. Then the table takes another turn around a corner, and then stops. I hear the two gentlemen walk out of the room for a few minor seconds, then walk back in. "So, hows the treatment going for your wife?" The first voice says. "Well, I haven't seen her for a few days, I haven't talked to her either." Says the second voice. "Oh, well, sorry to hear that." Then I hear a snap. It must have been one of them putting a glove on. This makes me nervous. Why would they need gloves? Are they about to preform an autopsy? Whats going on here? Am I dead? Am I passed out? So many questions, yet no one to answer them. "Alright, John, pick her up, I take the other end, and we throw her on," Says the first voice. "Sounds like a plan." Are they throwing me into water or something? I feel my body in thin air for a few brief seconds, then a loud THUMP onto a cold, thick table. I hear someone rambling through a tray of scissors and hospital supplies. I then hear something similar to "cing cing" Like someone testing a pair of scissors. "Okay John, start with the stomach."