• I hear a heartbeat. It must be my own. Oh, how I despise the dark. Wait, what’s this? There seems to be a crack in the wall. I knocked on the area, hearing an echo behind it as if it were hollow. I gave it a swift kick, and sure enough part of it crumbled away. Continuing in this manner, I chipped away a good portion of the stone. My reward was nothing but an empty space housing a single torch. At least I had light now. Turning back to the room before me, I could now see the set up. The only door that could be found was the one I had just come through, and it appeared to be shut as tight as ever.

    I was trapped in this room in which hung a plaque of a spider. I noticed that its body was jewel-encrusted. Ruby-laden legs, beautiful sapphire eyes, an emerald body and a head of amethyst. Pretty, but not very useful. Turning my gaze to the floor, I noticed a few stones were raised. Maybe if I just stepped on them enough something would happen. Purple? Blue? Green? Red? Nothing is happening! Maybe these don’t have anything to do with what I needed at all. I looked the plaque over, and couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. This didn’t make any sense to me. What was I doing wrong?