• "Darkness… Cold, unforgiving darkness…" Daniel whispered to himself as he stumbled through the abandoned neighborhood.

    The sky was blood red and the clouds, a dark grey. A black fog moved through the streets of the abandoned neighborhoods and city streets. Darkness was all that anyone could see, darkness was all that was just about left. Houses were unattended, cars with engines running, but no one in them. No one is really sure what happened exactly, or where most of the people who had owned these houses or cars went. None of the few groups of people left could explain the blood red sky, nor the clouds that moved so smoothly through this river of blood. Daniel was one of those survivors of whatever happened overnight. He doesn't remember hearing any screams, cries, or even barking from the dogs. He only remembers getting up due to what felt like an earthquake in which he had gone to his basement to wait it out. It only lasted seconds before it dispersed into silence, to which Daniel preceded to wait till the aftershock past. He waited for at least an hour, nothing came.
    At this point he decided everything was fine, and left his basement. It was at this point that he opened his basement door and the black fog rushed in and slammed him to the floor. He was knocked unconscious and laid there for what was probably hours. When he awoke he was still woozy from hitting his head on the basements stone floor. He sat up for a second, examining his surroundings and making sure he was still in his basement. He grunted as he struggled onto his legs, everything ached and everything was sore. He hobbled his way through the dark looking for the basement entry, feeling the cold stone wall until he came to the stairs. He slumped one foot onto each stair, he did this cause there was no railing for him to hold onto. Each step creaked as he put all his deadweight on it. He finally reached the top and shoved the wooden doors open as he shielded himself from the sunlight that he thought would be there. There was no light though, not any at all.
    It was darkness with little light, a thick black fog covered everything in sight. The damage was amazing for the short time the earthquake had hit, or had something much worse happened in the time he was unconscious? Daniel was still disoriented and sore, though not as much as he had been from when he awoke. He moved slowly outside where he proceeded to the front of his house. His vision was blurred by the fog and his slowly dissipating disorientation, but he could see well enough to view the silhouettes of crushed homes and smashed cars. He walked on towards his front door, the grass looked charred and as Daniel got his sense of smell back he could smell burning and a bit of decay. He stopped and knelt down to touch the grass and see if it was charred. He put his hand slowly into the dark and touched the ground, feeling ash of what he hoped was that of grass. Daniel grabbed a handful and quickly brought it up to his nose and he was about to sniff it but he heard a loud bang followed by a scream. He dropped the ashes on the ground and quickly followed the loud screech, thinking it was a woman in danger. As Daniel ran towards the noise he tripped and fell face first in a puddle, he paid little attention to what he had tripped over and what was in that puddle.
    Daniel got back onto his feet and wiped his face with his shirt and continued his path.
    The screeching had stopped as he slowed down from a run, to a walk, to a halt. He looked up, and just above the fog a woman, or what looked like one, was tied to a church steeple. Her skin was pale and bruised, it had incisions in it and she looked liked she was bleeding profusely from her wrists and ankles where she was bound. Daniel Looked up at the mysterious woman for about 3 minutes, examining her. She was naked, but had no features of that of a human, no nipples about the breasts, no genitals, no nothing, it was smooth for the most part.