• The halls were emerged with red hearts filled with helium. All the students moved to and fro in their small private school, each holding a balloon. Now Hazel Gritton was no different as she skipped down the hallway with her balloons, and a smile on her face. She loved Valentine's, no matter if she were single or not. Everyone received candy and a card from her. It did not matter if you knew her well or just knew her name. She would find you. But this year, Hazel did have a lover, Jonathan Blake. She had spent last Valentine's with him as well. The girl was head over heels for that boy and couldn't wait to give him his present. Hazel had been saving her babysitting money and counting the days till February 14th.

    Down the hallway danced Jesse as she was all smiles, and her head seemed larger than usual. But it was being weighed down by the diamond on her neck. She pranced like a peacock; and as soon as she saw Hazel, she gave a sly smile.

    "Oh, Hazel! What did you get for Valentine's day?" Jesse sneered.
    "Oh, I don't know yet. We are exchanging presents after school." Hazel simply said.
    "Well, did you see what I got?"
    "Yes, it's really pretty, but didn't you tell me yesterday that Valentine's day was dumb and you hated it?"

    Hazel sweetly smiled and handed her a valentine and went on with her day. She was always a shy girl so it was hard for her to give candy out to people. But what she lacked in social skills, she made up for her never ending sweetness. Even the people she knew did not like her got something. She was just cupid in girl form.

    "Hi, Alice. Here's your Valentine." Hazel said as she handed the blonde girl a Valentine who was next to her locker.
    "Thanks, Hazel! Do you know what Jonathan got you?" Alice exclaimed with her ears shining.
    "Oh no, we are exchanging presents later. But did Michael get you those earrings?"
    "Yes. He's so perfect! Well, I'm sure Jonathan got you something amazing too."

    Hazel just smiled; she knew Jonathan had lost his job. The chances of her getting a present were slim, and she was okay with that. All she wanted was for him to love her.

    "Jonathan!" cried Hazel has she jumped into his arms.
    "Happy Valentine's Day, lovely." he whispered while she giggled.
    "Open your present!"
    "You got me something?"

    The two lovers were on a swing in the back yard of Jonathan's house. Hazel had raced their after school just so she could see his face. Jonathan carefully opened the red package expecting to see cologne or candy; instead, he saw the red watch he had wanted. He gasped in amazement.

    "Hazel...wasn't this expensive?" He mumbled.
    "Haha, don't worry about it!" She laughed.

    He silently handed her a card and box of chocolates.

    "Aw, thank you!" Hazel genuinely said and her rosey lips met his.

    Jonathan sat in silence. Not because he was shocked, but because he was ashamed. Little did Hazel know, that that morning he had traded his friend one of his old iPods just to get cigarettes. All Hazel had wanted was that silver locket they had seen, but he figured she would not get him anything. He wondered if he should tell his poor, love-struck girl that he had ruined her Valentine's Day.

    But ignorance is bliss, and he left her to that while he suffered in silence.