Where It All Began chapter 2
History...I really hated the subject. There were only two things that made the most boring period of the day bearable.
One.)It was the last period of the day
and Two.) Anthony sat directly in front of me.
As our History Teacher, Mr. Shawn, blabbed on about the Great Depression, Anthony and I passed notes.
So whats up?
He wrote to me, slipping the folded up piece of paper on to my desk as he pretended to cracking his back.
Nothing much...Hows things with Kamryn?
I wrote down some notes from the PowerPoint Mr.Shawn was showing us before slipping the paper into his armpit.
Ugh...Kinda don't want to talk about it..Anyways why so interested?
My heart started to race as I read those words. I could tell him the truth, let my feelings be known, but i decided against it. I lied
I'm not..I'm just curious as to how you stand that little backstabber..
Now now, she's not that bad. She can be a little...hyper at times..but
She HURT Anya!!! I can't let her get away with it...No one messes with my friends..
Mr. Shawn walked passed me as he continued to lecture. I had to wait til he passed to slip the note into Anthony's jacket hood.
Are you sure that's the only reason you hate her?
I paused. I couldn't answer him....I couldn't tell him the truth. Luckily the bell rang before I could come up with a response. I gathered my things, slipping my binder, books and the note into my backpack and slung it onto my shoulder.
We walked together down the hall. It was a beautiful November day, warm and clear with only a few fluffy clouds in the sky. We chatted about nothing in particular, random comments that lend into small conversations, until he walked down the stairs that led to the parking lot and onto one of the buses lined up in front.
I waved to him until he was on the bus and out of my site. When he was gone I sighed and continued across the parking lot to a small grassy area with a picnic bench and a slide. This is where my group of friends...well one of them sat after school until we were either picked up by parents or others decided to walk home.
My sister Alex and her boyfriend Seth were already there, along with Anya and Kai, and a few sophomores like Justin and his twin brother Josh, Kaitlyn, and a few others.
I threw my bag down onto the grass and jumped up onto the table next to Alex. She was a year younger than me, a sophomore, but people always mistaken us as twins because we looked so much alike.
"Hi Iz" she said as she stroked some of Seth's hair out of his eyes.
"hi..." I laid back on the table, putting my hands underneath my head. Anya looked at me. "Whats up? Why do you seem so down?" I put one hand over my eyes " I think he knows..."
Anya was by my side in a sec. "WHAT?!"
" I think he knows..." I said again. I handed her the note we had been writing. Her eyes scanned it quickly. " Oh...my..gawd" she didn't say anything else for a moment. "Ok, so he knows..not a big deal right?"
"Wrong" I sat up "If he knows..then..then..he doesn't like me..otherwise he would have said something..right??"
"Wrong" Anya said mocking me "Maybe he is like you are, to afraid to say something..ever think of that?"
I propped myself up on one elbow " Ha, yeah right, Why would he like me when he has little miss date anything with a d****?" This got a laugh from both Anya and Alex. "Anyway, just drop it" I said sitting up completely
We sat there for an hour or so, talking, joking and messing around with each other, until I finally got Alex to leave Seth and go home. We walked across the grass to an iron link fence that separated the middle school, which was next door to the high school, from the high school. Throwing are bags to the other side, we quickly climbed up and over, dropping to the ground with soft thuds. From there we walked across the middle school's lower field and onto the street, crossing quickly and onto our front lawn.
At home we went our separate ways. Alex ran upstairs to her computer and I went to the kitchen, pulling out a glass from the cabinet and pouring myself a glass of grape juice. Sipping the juice and savoring its delicious tartness, I took my backpack into the living room and turned on the Tv. I sat and listen to whatever random tv show was on at the time and did my homework, the evening slowly slipping by...
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