This story begins long ago, after the war between the vampires and werewolves was started.
There was a female vampire; she had long midnight hair, beautiful crimson eyes, fair skin and delicate features. Her name was well known throughout the entire vampire kingdom, she was their princess and their strongest warrior, Clair Marie De Coudray. She was kind, smart, and strong. She normally had her head in the clouds only because she hated her daily lessons. One day as she walked through the village that was near the castle where she lived she meet someone. He was tall and muscular with black hair that went to his jaw and beautiful Cristal blue eyes that as you looked into them, it looked like you were looking into the ocean. His name was Alexander. Clair didn't know who he was but he intrigued her, and she intrigued him. So they started to meet more in the village but “little did they know” that they were enemies, because she was the princess of the vampires and he was the Heir to his father's throne as Alpha of the werewolf's.
It was the night of the full moon that Clair found out that her beloved Alexander was a werewolf and he found out that she was a vampire. As she saw him transform she drew her swords to defend herself in case he attacked. He looked at her and into her crimson eyes it was now that he could tell that the blood that ran through her veins was neither werewolf nor mortal but that of a vampire. He attacked her just as she thought he would do, they fought till the moon left the sky and he returned back to his normal form. As they looked at each other their looks were that of lovers that have been betrayed by each other, they were enemies and would always be. They both returned to their homes and families. After years they both took their birth right as the leaders of their races.
Now there has been a new Heir born that was of vampire blood. She was the princess and the future queen, Tresa Marie De Coudray. She was the “spitting image” of her grandmother Clair Marie De Coudray, but much has changed in the time that her mother has ruled as queen. There is a peace treaty between the two great races and there are even vampires and werewolves that have gotten married to one another and had children, even though they are half breeds they are still accepted. There are still those vampire and werewolves that think the treaty should be broken and that there shouldn't be peace between the two races.
The treaty will only be finalized when the first born daughter of the Vampire Queen and the first born son of the main Werewolf Alpha are married. Many have tried to stop the completion of this treaty but they have had no success in doing so. Will the treaty be completed or will war erupt between the two races again?
Chapter 1
The Anniversary
Today was like no other day at the castle, for today was the anniversary of the Vampire King’s death. It had been nine years but the wound from the heart break was still fresh to the De Coudray sisters and their two brothers. Queen Selene was the saddest though, she missed her husband greatly and she wished she had him back but she knew she could not have him back. She would go on with her day as best as she could. Like normal, her day was filled with paper work and listening to people complaints about what happened in the large city that surrounded the castle.
The town was full of humans, werewolves, and vampires. Most of the complaints came from the humans and vampires about the werewolves. The vampires, complained about their smell and the half eaten human body’s that once were there regular blood suppliers. The humans complained about the werewolves eating the humans on the night of the full moon and leaving the half eaten carcasses to rot and stink in the blistering sun.
For the most part Selene just pretended to listen as she did what paper work needed to be done or update the books on the different vampire families. These books were all leather bound and had the family names in scripted in gold leaf on the spine of the book. The older the family was the thicker the book was. To keep her mind at bay Selene was updating the book on the De Forte’s. They were an old family, almost as old as the De Coudray’s, and were royal, they were the first family in line to take the throne if anything were to happen to the De Coudray sisters and their brothers. But that would never happen because there were very few vampires and werewolves that would be able to beat them in their true forms.
As the human that was mumbling a rather long complaint about the werewolves Selene wrote on a blank page of the book.
March 15, 2008
The De Forte family has been distant and dwindling, their numbers have been over populated by turned vampires and the pure bloods are found to be scarce in this time. It worries me for their distance and as consequence if contact is not made within five days an investigation will be set in place. If treachery is found within the family then I will issue the order for the De Forte family to disbanded and lose their royal title. It would be a shame for the pure blood’s of the family are great friends as well as warriors. It would be a shame to lose them before the treaty is completed.
Selene found herself wondering greatly for her dear friends that are part of the distant family. It was then that a guard came into the throne room and interrupted the human in mid sentence, “I am sorry to bother you my queen but Princess Tiffany is having another fit. She seems to be destroying her room once again.”
The queen stood up from her desk, “I am sorry sir but my attention is called elsewhere. Please leave the rest of your complaints with the guard and he will make sure I am notified of anything else.” Her voice was cold as she walked out of the room and headed to her middle daughters chambers.
Tiffany was throwing a fit in her room, everything was throne, several things had been blown up and tears were running down her face. She hated this day, the day that her father died. Out of all the De Coudray siblings, she was the closest to her father. She was the one that would run to him if anything was wrong, and she was the one who told daddy that mommy could be in danger. She was only five years of age at the time and didn’t know that her mommy could take care of herself.
“Tiffany Elizabeth De Coudray, calm down now!” Selene said as she came into the room. After quickly crossing the room she wrapped her daughter in a tight embrace. Several more crashes sounded as Tiffany’s power went into over drive.
The objects that were flying around the room were starting to come dangerously close to the Queen’s head. “Tiffany!”
Tiffany started to calm down as her body started to shake with silent sobs as her tears rundown her face. The things flying around the room crashed to the ground with a thud.
“Sweetie, do you want us to bind your powers until you can keep your emotions together?” Selene asked as she continued to keep her daughter close to her body and petted her hair.
“No, I want to keep my power’s it would be like losing a part of me.” She cried into her mother’s shoulder.
“I know baby.”
“My Queen, Princess Tresa and Tabitha have left the castle and have gone to the city. They are by themselves and Prince Michel is still out.” One of the guards pronounced as he came into the room.
“Damn it, they know not to go to the city without permission and an escort.” Selene said as she looked at the guard. She turned back to her daughter “Tiffany, I will be back soon.” Selene stud up and walked out of the door, “Get my sword.” Her voice cut like ice as the air around her became freezing. Her daughters never did as they were told, but always did as they pleased.
“Tresa it’s so beautiful today.” Tabitha said as she danced around the streets. Her long white hair was pulled up into pigtails with her bangs hanging down almost covering her bright crimson eyes.
“That it is Tabby. Be careful.” Tresa called as she watched her little sister prance around the streets of the city. She kept a watchful eye for any rogues that might attack her sister.
“Tresa!” Someone called from behind her.
She turned with her long midnight hair fanning out behind her. She smiled as her eyes rested on Alexander. Her brother was the spitting image of their father, long brunette hair, manly yet elegant features, and a muscular build. “Alexander, why are you down in the city today?” she asked as her brother hugged her.
“Because I noticed that you and Tabby were missing and I got worried. Tabby get over here.” His voice was laced with worry and authority as he spoke. Alexander was the eldest of De Coudray siblings and as such was extremely over protective of his sisters.
“Alex!” Tabby yelled as she ran up and hugged her eldest brother, “When did you get back from your trip?”
“Not too long ago. When did you become so recluse as to come to the city when your powers are still dormant and without a guard?”
“Excuse me but my power is powerful enough to protect all three of us.” Tresa stated as she glared at her brother. Her eyes flashing black as a spark of fire sprang from her hand.
“So you still could have been hurt. Tresa Marie De Coudray and Tabitha Lin De Coudray what were you thinking?” The powerful voice of their mother rang in behind the group of siblings.
“Mommy!” The twelve year old chimed in as she ran and hugged the tall light blue hared woman that was standing with a group of guards.
“We were going for a walk to clear our heads.” Tresa said from her brother’s side. It had only been nine years since her father’s death and she still hurt everyday of her life. “It is time that I should be able to leave the castle without having to have a body guard following me around. It makes my friends scared to be around me.”
“Tresa you of all people should know that isn’t safe. There have been multiple attempts on your life.”
“And every time I have protected myself. I am not a child anymore. I can take care of myself. Grandmother and you were both allowed to roam the city without an escort and nothing happened to you. Why can’t I?” Tresa’s crimson orbs showed the pain she was feeling. Everyone had always treated her like a child, as if she needed to be babied. She was almost eighteen and had enough power for kill anyone who dared to challenge her.
“Because of the treaty, people want you dead so that it cannot be completed, vampires and werewolves alike.” Selene’s blue pools showed the honesty behind her words.
Tresa stormed off heading back to the castle at vampire speed. Alexander flanked her to keep an eye on his most beloved sister.
By the time Alexander caught up to her she was crying in the stall of her horse Romeo. The large black majestic creature let out a loud nay as Alexander stepped closer to Tresa. He pulled her into an embrace and whispered softly, “Tresa its okay, she only cares for your well being.”
She cried into his toned chest as he rubbed her back, “Shhh… Shhh… Tresa it’s all right. Soon you will be eighteen and you will have to start to prepare to become Queen. Then you will be able to do as you wish.”
“But Alexander, I will also have to marry someone I do not know, someone that is not of are kind.” Tresa said as she looked at her brother.
“It will be okay I will be here for you, as will Tabby, Tiffany, and Michel. Plus if that werewolf hurts you he will be nothing but a bag of bones after I am done with him.” Alexander smiled kindly at his sister, “It is time for your training now so go. Demetri should be waiting for you on the practice field.” His voice was soft yet showed that he would not take no for an answer. She had to train and that was that.
“Thank you.” Tresa hugged her brother and then disappeared. She went to her room to change. Once she was done she had a pair of tight black short shorts on and a black sports bra. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun so that it was out of the way. Her black and white tub socks went to her knee’s and her black DC’s matched perfectly with them.
With vampire speed she was down at the training field, “Hello Demetri, what’s the lesson today?”
He turned around and smiled at Tresa. His hair was black and messy, his eyes a beautiful violet color. Demetri only wore a pair of basketball shorts and matching Etneys. His chest was well toned and muscular, “Well today I was thinking hand to hand. No powers, no weapons, just your body.”
Tresa smiled “Well that just sounds like you want your hands on me.”
“That may be so, but I also have to make sure that you have learned what I have thought.” He said with a mischievous grin as he took his defensive stance. Dimitri had always had feelings for the eldest princess but he knew the brothers would tear him to peaces if he ever tried to act on those feelings.
Tresa gave a sweet and innocent smile before she disappeared and then repapered when she gave Demetri a kick to the stomach.
“You have gotten faster,” Demetri said as he held Tresa’s foot in one hand, with the other hand at her thigh, “But not fast enough.” He gripped her inner thigh and used it to spin her around.
Tresa brought her other leg up and used it to kick Demetri in the head. His grip loosened and she flipped back to land on her feet, “No you’re just not that smart.” She had a playful grin on her face.
Demetri rubbed his head and then sprang at Tresa knocking her down to the ground. He pulled her arms out so that she was pinned down the ground, “You have gotten better, but you still have a long way to go.” His face was covered with a massive grin as he held her tight to the ground.
Tresa leaned up and kissed his lips. Demetri moved one of his hands to her shoulder. She took the advantage and grabbed his other arm and through him to the ground beside her. Before he could move he was being pinned to the ground as Tresa straddled his hips, “Like I said before you’re just not that smart.”
“It’s not fare using your sexuality like that.”
“Well you did say we are allowed to use are body’s. Is the lesson over?”
“Yes the lesson is over for today.”
Tresa smiled and let go of his arms but didn’t move from her position on top of him.
“Tresa, that is not fair.” He looked at her with a serious face, yet his eyes were full of lust.
“Whatever are you talking about?” She said as she let down her hair and tilted her head to the side so that if fell to cover the side of her face.
“You sitting on me like that when you know I want you.” He let his hand cup her face, “You know I want you more than anything else but I can’t have you.”
“Whoever said I didn’t want you as well? Whoever said you couldn’t have me?” She leaned her head into his hand.
“You are to marry the werewolves’ prince. You are to fall in love with him not me.”
“But I love you not him.” She bent down and crashed her lips into his.
His arms snacked around her waist and pulled her closer to him, allowing their bodies to mold to each other. He ran his tong along her lips waiting for her to grant him entrance. She spread her lips with a gasp, she loved the fee if her lips against his, the feel of his tong in her mouth.
Demetri turned them over so that he was straddling Tresa. He started to kiss her jaw line, heading towards her collar bone.
“Tresa! Demetri! Separate. Now!” Demetri and Tresa both turned their heads in shock as their eyes rested on a tall blond haired young man, “I. Said. Separate!” He said through gridded teeth.
Demetri got off of Tresa and moved at least ten feet from her, fear resident in his eyes as he saw the angered prince. ‘She’s ganna be the death of me. Literally.’ He thought.
“Michel, what are you doing here? I thought you were out of town.” Tresa said as she looked at her brother, her face was red from embracement.
“I came back early for your birthday, but was surprised when I caught your sent still coming from the training field, so I decided to come and watch only to be shocked when I see my sister and her best friend/trainer practically having sex.” His calm blue pools were now a blazing crimson.
Tresa saw the change and ran in front of Demetri “Michel calm down.”
“I’m not the one you should worry about staying calm. Alexander is on his was here.”
“You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“How could you share what you saw with him? You know how protective he can be when it comes to me.” Tresa looked back at Demetri “Don’t move from behind me.”
“I know your brother, I know not to move.” Demetri said fear ringing in his voice as he made sure that he was behind her.
Tresa grabbed both of Demetri’s arms and put them around her waist “Michel, why did you…”
“I did it because he should know not to touch you like that. You are betrothed and that means you are taken.”
“But I wish to be with Demetri. I love him. I never asked to be married so some smelly werewolf!”
“Tresa, you only think that. You haven’t even meet Matthew yet.” Alexander said as he walked over to Tresa, “I have seen it; you will love Matthew more that anyone you have ever known.” Alexander looked at Demetri “I have also seen your death. It is a very tragic yet noble death; you will give your life to protect Tresa when the time comes but you will never be her lover or anymore that just a friend once Matthew arrives.” Alexander then grabbed Demetri’s arm and bent it backwards so that the bone could be heard miles away as it cracked.
An ear splitting scream left Demetri’s lips as he fell to his knees.
“Alexander stop!” Tresa shouted as she pulled on her brother’s arm. “Please.” Tears started to fill her eyes.
Alexander let go of Demetri and walked away pulling Tresa along with him, “You are forbidden from coming to training without Michel or myself as long as Demetri is your trainer. Do I make myself clear?”
“Alexander I do not have to listen to you. You cannot take fathers place.”
“Who do you think mother will agree with, you or me? You know I would rather not get her involved but if I must, I will.” Alexander let out a sigh. He hated being so mean to his beloved sister but he could see that she would forgive him.
“Fine.” Tresa pulled her arm from Alexander’s grip and stormed off when he tried to follow, a wall of flames appeared. Alexander jumped back.
“Damn it! Why did she have to get the power to control fire, the most dangerous thing to our kind?”
Michel walked over to stand beside Alexander, “He has fled to his home. I can also feel the prince’s thoughts coming closer. He is rather nervous to meet mother and Tresa.”
“Let’s just hope Tresa doesn’t burn him to a crisp... The prince is just coming into the city, we need to go tell mother, and thank you for coming back early, I will need your gift.”
The brothers made their way to the throne room where there mother would be.
As they approached the voices of two very angry vampires could be heard, “They purposely hurt my son.” Alexander and Michel recognized the voice immediately; it was Heather’s mother’s voice. Alexander burst through the door.
“Lady De Luna what happened? Is Eric okay? Did Heather get hurt?” Alexander’s face was horrified as he asked if his beloved had been hurt. He would never be able to forgive himself if she did and he didn’t prevent it.
“She is fine Alexander and Eric was attacked by a group of humans because he fell in love with a mortal girl. What do you need? It must be important for you not to see what would happen.” Queen Selene commented.
“Demetri was extremely close to deflowering your daughter and Prince Matthew will be here within five minutes.” Alexander retorted wile Michel stepped into the room.
“Alice, Ryan, we will have to continue this later, the humans will be punished and as for the matter of the girl I will discuss with her what her options are.” Selene stood and strapped her long blue sword around her waist. As she walked out of the room her white blue locks flowed as did the small strip of long cloth –that only covered on leg- from around her waist.
“Mother, do you always have to dress like that?” Michel asked as he and his brother followed their mother down to the front steps.
“Yes I do, its comfortable and easy to fight in, so stop complaining and be nice today.” She then turned to Alexander, “You’re the only one who had meet the young prince so you must make sure he knows the rules and that he gets acquainted with everyone, especially Tresa. Oh and please make sure she doesn’t try to burn him. That would make everything very complicated.”
Alexander nodded his head before his crimson orbs looked as if they were glazed over, “Alexander what is it?” Selene asked as Michel started to laugh at what his brother was seeing.
“Matthew and Tresa will have a rocky start but it will work out.” Alexander’s grin went ear-to-ear, he knew that at first Tresa would despise Matthew but he also knew that Matthew would love Tresa from the moment there eyes met, and he would do anything to win her heart.
“Well I guess we will have to wait and see the results. Just make sure Demetri does not interfere. I would prefer not have him killed before his time.” Selene’s ice blue pools showed anger as his name spilled from her mouth. The air around her was frigid and icy. She always did dislike Demetri for she knew how he felt for her little Tresa.
“Mother, you’re telling me to be nice when you’re about to freeze the front steps.” Michel commented as he saw his mother’s mood change.
“Oh be quiet Michel.” Selene said as she looked at her blond haired son, she then looked to Alexander, “How far away is he now?”
“His car is pulling into the gates now. I would say 4.5 seconds.”
Just as Alexander has said, 4.5 seconds later a shiny red Jaggier convertible pulled up with a werewolf inside.
As Selene spotted the young male werewolf inside she said in her thoughts ‘Just like his father, good looks and a taste for fast cars.’
“Mother please don’t take that thought process any further.” Michel said though clenched teeth.
“Sorry.” She said to her son as she stifled a giggle. Her children had no idea about her past love life before their father. From the sound of it they had no desire to know either.
- by II Rave Party Shuffle II |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/10/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Shattered Hearts
- Artist: II Rave Party Shuffle II
- Description: Vampire and Werewolf Romance story. Prologue and Chapter 1. Chapter 2 up soon.
- Date: 01/10/2010
- Tags: shattered hearts
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