• Kiku held onto the silver cross as she ran through the dammed village. The smoke from the blazing flames painted the sky scarlet and black as screams from innocent villagers filled the air in a chorus that would make the lord of Hell grin in amusement.
    The smell of burning animal flesh stuffed Kiku’s nostrils until she could no longer smell the putrid flesh, she was thankful though.
    The earth shook abruptly like if the mountain god was for sending his wrath upon the earth. Kiku knew no mountain god would send out his wrath this terrible. Now she knew that she had to hurry. Nui told her the story of Hell’s oven, Yomotsumono, when it is summon even the mountain gods will fall to their knees and beg for mercy.
    Kiku stopped dead in her tracks to look up at the sky. The black spiral shape cloud was spinning faster than usual. If her Yokai studies were correct the Yomotsumono should be raising right in the center of the Uzumaki (Vortex) like a hellish samurai returning from the flaming pits.
    A sharp pain was felt in her black eye. Kiku whimpered in pain then fell to her knees. She never had this feeling unless.
    “Well it’s been too long Kiku” someone chirped.
    Kiku’s eyes shot up then caught sight of a young boy sitting on the roof top. He was young around Kiku’s age. He had black shiny hair, clear blue eyes, pale skin, wearing a pearl white kosode and a green sash over his shoulder. His smile was gentle and non-hostile but Kiku knew better.
    “You!” Kiku snapped. The boy just smiled warmly at her.
    “Now that isn’t the way to greet an old friend” he said. He stood up and jumped down landing gracefully on his feet like a whooping crane. Kiku didn’t have time to react not until the boy grabbed her wrist and pushed her up against a wall. Kiku tried to break free however just by looking at this boy all her strength left her body. The boy leaned in closer until his face almost touched hers.
    “Well you’ve gotten taller since the last time we met” he said then with his free hand he ran his fingers through her short blonde hair. “Now let’s see, your hair is shorter and more rugged, you’ve got spots on your face. Wow you’re wearing glasses now too oh well makes you look cute either way”
    Kiku growled in a threatening way but the boy took no notice. “I see your eyes haven’t changed. The Doji (angel) made it permanent didn’t it?”
    “Why are you here? What do you want Kukaku?” Kiku demanded. The boy named Kukaku lifted up her chin forcing her to look at him in the eye.
    “Why ask why lovely Kiku?” he asked in a coy voice. “You know the answer so why ask questions. If only came with me then none of this would have to happen”
    Kiku lunged. “You mean you gave up being a Katsura-Otoko to summon a demon that could devour everything in this world!”
    The boy just laughed a bit. “No, no my sweet dear Kiku. Only humans, they only ones left standing will be Yokai and of course you and me”
    Kiku raised her hand against the Katsura-Otoko and the cross that Ren gave her. A bright blue light appeared throwing the moon spirit back. The light died down and Kiku wielded a long sword with a blade made of a ball of lighting.
    “I will survive Kukaku however for killing my sensei my revenge has to wait” she turned around and readied her sword. “Now I took a vow to save what’s left of this village. Farewell my dead love”
    With that said Kiku began to run away from the fallen spirit. Kukaku stood there for a moment then disappeared when the wind came in.