In the great sand dunes of Egypt lay a forgotten village with a forgotten name. The people of this village where content with their lives in the middle of the great sands, and lived day by day in peace. But one day a giant sidewinder as large as a skyscraper appeared declaring its name to be Aya.
As this beast whom declared its name as "Aya" descended upon the forgotten village, the suns rays slowly moved. The tops of the village could be seen going black, one by one until the entire village was engulfed in the darkness that was its shadow. The sun was therefore forgotten, just as the name of this village. Darkness was all that remained.
The villagers looked up in fear at the sight of the large god, as her cold snake eyes slid over each and everyone of them. After a cold pause, a hissy and yet somehow silky voice echoed throughout the village, "I....I am the god of darkness....Aya. I claim this villiage as my own, those who wish to oppose step forward now..." The villagers, who knew nothing but peace their whole lives recoiled from the evil entity before them. Thus, Aya began terrorizing the poor village.
As days passed, the darkness seemed to let up a little bit for the villagers. This was due to the constant lack of light upon the nameless village. Their eyes slowly, began adjusting to the darkness. What they did not realize was that this darkness was not letting up, nor was it getting any darker. It was in fact infecting the nameless, and darkening everything about themselves. Their skin, hair, eyes.... And their hearts...
Soon, the once bright and peaceful village was entirely dark and corrupted, revealing the disgusted hidden secrets that they so desperatly tried to keep locked away. The streets, once clean and filled with laughter, were now filthy and filled with lost spirits. The unfortunate with no will to live. The unfortunates would eventually dissappear into the darkness, never to be seen or heard from again. Aya circles the village, feeding on unfortunates and despair, enjoying the darkness and corruption in the air. But her eyes could see a tiny glimer of light in her dark dreams, growing brighter with every sleep.
Aya was unsure as to where this glimmer was coming from, besides the fact that it was from somewhere within the village. As every day passed, that glimmer grew a little. The glimmer, seemed like a glint of hope to those who were still left in this unfortunate darkness. As weeks passed, that small glimmer was big enough to clearly be seen by the people left in the unfortunate darkness. But in regards to Aya, it was only seen in her dreams, like an un-reachable obsticle placed before her. Something in which she had no control over.
The light shimmered, and ate at the edges of darkness, ebbing it away little by little. Aya desperatly tried to dispell the light from her dream, causing as much pain and suffering as she could to the village. But it was no use, the people saw that light, and felt its undeniable warmth. The tiny seed of hope was planted in their hearts, becoming strong and unwavering as the village was slowly returning to the people as it once was.
Aya narrowed her eyes and hissed curses at the light, for she could sense something at work that was beyond her dark heart. As the light grew bigger, the darkness that was Aya started crumbling. From the very edge of the village, where the darkness first started retreating, arose the blinding light that was fending off the darkness that once had taken this fatefull village. This light rose into the air looking upon the village with love. With the most beautiful voice, the light spoke, "I am Aether, the God of Light". People slowly started comming out of their homes to see the magnifiant event.
The darkness known as "Aya" was therefore forgotten in the forbidden wasteland outside of the forgotten village.And as many times before, another day has passed.
Forgotten Hope
Caelum Lupus
So, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, for those of you that care. Anyways, this is a collab. Roughknite and I did a while ago, and I just now got the energy to put it up haha. Hope you like it. The way we did it was I started a paragraph and he would counter by writing a response to it with his own paragraph. It turned out pretty damn well in my opinion, lets hear you gaians and your opinions!
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