• It's August 22, 2009, the time is 6:00 a.m., the sun isn't up yet and it's dark, cloudy and rainy.

    *BEEEP* BEEP * BEEP* BEEP* BEEP *BEEP*BEEEP* -click- Alexandra rolls over on her back then kicks off her black and blue bed sheets and slowly sits up. "Great, the first day of high school. No real friends and no life. And I bet mom'll be taking pictures." She thinks. Alexandra gets out of bed and heads toward her bathroom to take a shower and does everything else she does normally before school. When she walks out of her room, she sees both of her parents waiting in the living room with broad smiles and her mom with a camera. "Knew it", she thought. Alexandra stands and bears a smile or two for some pictures then rushes out the door and down the stairs of the apartment. She walks out the door and goes to the bus stop. The bus arrives and Alexandra thinks,"The yellow transportation to my doom.".........