• Chapter 4- Friends

    As I opened the door with my keys and laid down on my bed, I’m still wondering about what Akasu just said.
    Keep it I said, it’s your after all.
    What did he mean by all of that? It’s still a big question mark on my head right now. Now matter how I try I can’t shrug or shake of those words he just said. I know its useless to dwell on something like that but…
    I looked at the book once again and it didn’t look like mine. So I just placed it near the window and tried to forget all about it. The wind at that time was just right; a gentle and cool breeze.
    Sleep was overcoming me now, and I’m afraid I can’t fight it now. So I just allowed the cool breeze to cradle me to sleep.

    When I woke up, it was almost dark, maybe its sundown now. I guess I didn’t sleep long. I was still lying around; too woozy to get up just yet, I look around my room when I heard the pages of the book flicker I moved my head to look at it; it when into the last pages of the book. So I sat up to close my book and place it somewhere else when I noticed something at those last pages.
    There are some scribbles on it. That’s strange, I never imagined him to be that kind of guy, and he certainly doesn’t look like it. I cant help but think that there’s some kind of secret he’s written in there or maybe some cheat codes; that’ll surely explain why he never studies but get good result on tests.
    I flipped through the pages and saw some messages, or some kind of chat box.
    Huh? This is weird, it looks like my handwriting and some of Haru’s doodles. Haru’s? But how can it be? It’s his book, how can my doodles be in his book. I flipped the pages again, looking for some of my original doodles and scribbles in this book that’ll prove that this is mine.
    I flipped roughly to every page until I was at page 136 and there was my doodle of Patrick Star; I did this when I was bored in English. I can’t believe it but right next to it was my panda drawing.
    No way, no way. It has my doodles on it and it even has my handwriting. I mean, what’s going on here? There isn’t any possible human explanation that he found my book. It was very wet that night and I dropped my things, even if he found my book by accident; it isn’t possible that it’s still like before and dry.
    Keep it I said, it’s your after all. Is that what he meant, I don’t know what to believe because this is utterly impossible.
    I grabbed my keys, head straight for the door and locked it. I don’t know what will happen next so I have to brace myself for what will happen next. The thing that immediately popped through my head was that street…when all of it happened. Evidence or at least some proof that everything that happened in there was just a horrible dream. And when I reached that street there was…nothing, not even a small trace of blood.
    “What was that?” a scream coming from a girl, it’s just near here.
    I did what I have to do and run toward where the scream was coming from and hope that it’s something I can handle this time. I run as fast as I can without looking back and when I know I’m almost there; just one turn to the right then suddenly…
    “Ouch…that hurts” I mutter as I try to get up
    “Oh…it’s you. The girl from my class; your Youshi, right?”
    “Akasu…” I said with great disappointment
    He held his hand toward me in a gesture of offering help, but I noticed that he’s wearing gloves this time. Gloves, in this time of year? How odd.
    When I stood up I tried to pat my shirt and skirt; getting rid of the dust when I fall on the ground and said, “Thanks…”
    “No need, it’s all right.” He said casually.
    Ok, so now I guess he’s in a good mood. What’s wrong with this guy? Does he have multiple personality disorder? Or is this one of his jokes? I absolutely have no idea what this guy is up to but I think it would be better if I didn’t.
    “What are you doing at this time of day? It’s almost sundown, it’s not safe for you to walk around here you know, especially when you’re alone.”
    Yeah, especially when your also lurking around in the streets. “For your information, Mr.-I’m-so-great, I’m not walking around here in the streets and you can’t tell me that it’s not safe around here because I’ve lived here for a while now and I know everything about this place, unlike you.”
    “Whoa, sure looks like someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed? Or maybe you didn’t have enough sleep?”
    “That’s none of your business ok?” I shrug
    “Would you like me to escort you on your way home?” he said as he gestured his hand towards the road.
    I just looked at him and raised my eyebrow, “Is this some kind of-“
    “Joke?” he interrupted.
    “Anyway, I have no time to play jokes with you.”
    His face was serious now and his tone of voice was cold again, “But this isn’t a joke…”
    I sighed, “Fine, but I’ve got important things to do now. So if you’ll excuse me I-“
    I can’t continue my sentence because I feel woozy, so woozy and everything turned…black.

    My room…I can see it. But why am I in here again? What happened.
    Everything started to get clear. I am right, it’s my room.
    “Good…you’re awake now, I thought you’ll die right in front of me back then,” who’s voice is that? It sounds familiar
    My head hurts but I still sat up my bed and saw that Akasu was sitting in my black computer chair. So I guess it’s just Akasu then, I thought it was somebody else.
    When I saw who was in there I lay down my head in my pillow and started to close my eyes when I realized something…
    “Wait! What are you doing here?” I said as I quickly stood up out of my bed.
    “That’s going to cause some serious head rush,” he said mockingly
    And he’s right, the head rush was starting to kick in. I hate it when he’s always right like that. I quickly sat up on my head and waited for it to subside before I can shout at him again.
    “Ok,ok. No more head rush. So the heck are you doing in here? How did this happen? How do you know where I live? I don’t remember telling you that and are you stalking me?”
    He chuckled to himself and asked, “Can you repeat the question?”
    “This isn’t funny,”
    “Well first, I’m not stalking you. I was just wondering on the streets, asking people if they know you and luckily I didn’t have to ask many because one of your neighbors gave me directions to your house.”
    “So, let me get this straight, you carried me all the way here?” I asked, bewildered by his actions.
    I flushed of embarrassment, not just because of the fact that the guy I don’t like carried me all the way here but also embarrassed because of my weight. I know I’m not fat and all but I’m still heavy and it’s kind of a long walk from that street up to my house.
    “I-I’m sorry,” I muttered
    “What? I didn’t hear you?” he said mockingly
    I’m starting to take back my embarrassment.
    “I’m sorry, I’m sorry because of the burden I caused for having you to carry me all the way here,”
    “That’s better,” he said with a smug tone.
    Speaking of which, I still have no idea what happened back there. The reason why I passed out like that and I guess asking him is not such a good idea.
    He stood up and walks toward me, “We went off in a pretty bad start so how about we start from scratch again?”
    A bad start? I don’t remember telling him I don’t like him or anything, and I don’t think my actions towards him was a give away.
    “Don’t even try to deny it, because I heard from someone that you don’t really like me that well and it would be hard to sit at the back of someone who doesn’t like me, right?”
    Isamu. That tattletale.
    “Fine, we’re ok now. But don’t get me wrong, this is just because you carried me all the way here, you got that?”
    “As you wish…” he agreed
    “Anyway, what are you doing out there?”
    “I was trying to look around in this place, you know, trying to get use to this place,”
    As if I’m going to buy that excuse, and besides I thought he lives far from here so why would he start with this place.
    “I thought I might start here cause it’s close to school,”
    Well, he’s right about that. But I’m still not convinced, especially with the book thing. Why does he have my book? When my book was left or lost when I was attacked by that weird creature.
    “Aren’t you going to offer me something to eat?”
    “No…but if you want something please don’t be shy to ask me,” I said in a sarcastic tone
    “Don’t worry, I’m not planning on asking for anything.”
    Then why’s you ask in the first place? Seriously, the nerve of this guy.
    “ So, are we friends now?” he said in a-matter-of-fact tone not as a question.
    Friends? I don’t remember agreeing on that fact.
    He sighed as he sat on my black computer chair again while looking around in my room. This “action” of his made me feel uncomfortable.
    “What?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow
    After a quick look around he looked at me and answered, “Well, for once I expect your room to be all girly and full of pictures of you, like some girl’s room are.”
    “Well, I’m not like some girl,”
    He’s comparing so does that mean he’s been to a girl’s room before. Maybe his girlfriend’s.
    “You’re right about that, you certainly aren’t just some girl. Your different,” his tone is very serious and cold just like always.
    He smirked, “Never mind, it doesn’t matter,” he was still looking around when he sees something and he stands up.
    I look at him, to see where he was going. He was heading towards my study table, which I don’t really use for studying.
    He grabs something and looks at me, “And so far this is the only picture of you that I can see in this room,”
    He was referring to my family picture; me, my brother and my parents.
    “So where are your parents? Aren’t they suppose to be home by now, it’s getting late isn’t it?”
    “They’re not here…I live alone, my parents are at America. Well, my foster parents actually.”
    “Foster? So what happened to your real parents?” he said, and I can sense the concern in his tone.
    I can feel his heavy gaze at me, I want to avoid it but I can’t help myself. The once cold eyes were now warm and kind as they looked upon me. He locks my eyes with his warm and kind eyes, making it hard to look away.
    He finally releases me and starts to walk towards me; sitting at the floor, just right in front of me. “So?” his eyes eager and willing to listen.
    I quickly look away from him, “They were murdered …ten years ago. My brother was out of town because of some school activity he has to go to and me and my parents were the only ones home. The police never knew how or what happened, didn’t solve it either.”
    “Didn't solve it?” he asked, skeptical of my use of word.
    “Yeah,” I don’t even know why I’m telling all of this to him. I don’t even know him, and yet here I am, telling my secrets to him.
    I pretend to look at my clock and say, “It’s already late, and I think you should go home now.”
    He stood up from my black computer chair again, “Yeah, you’re right. So, see you later,”
    “No, see you at school. And thanks for the you know…”
    “Yes, don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about this,” Wow he’s good, it’s like he’s reading my mind.
    “Thanks…” I said as I led him to our door, and I watch him as he disappear into the dark streets.

    That was a long day for me; becoming friends with that guy and those strange circumstances. I went to my bed and immediately drifted to sleep, while thinking of the things that I will do for the weekend.