• Chapter 4
    ***Derek's POV***
    I stared at her for a moment then through the bond I felt her go to sleep,I had never told her but I always knew her feelings. It wasn't just because I had fed off her recently. I turned my attention back to Logan,who right now I wanted to kill,and said,"I didn't know you were here because your vampire is not with you.I can only sense the vampires,"I said annoyed at how he was with Christine other then me. I looked back at Christine,I loved her with all my nonbeating heart. She was perfect,and she was mine even if I could sense through our bond that Logan was pulling her toward him. Stupid immortals. They were always pulled to each other even if they were bonded with someone completely different. I didn't want to blame Christine for her being drawn to Logan,but part of it was her fault. I would never admit that to her though,she would be mad I thought of her as the so called 'villian'.
    "It is partly her fault,"Logan noted. Ahhh so he was a mindreader,for all our centuries together Christine and I had never figured out her special power."She doesn't have a power yet? That's weird. Are you sure she's immortal?"Logan said. I laughed and went over to Christine carefully drawing a tiny line on her skin with my fingernail,her blood automatically came out.It smelled wonderful,and tasted even better.I brought my mouth closer to the cut and sucked.I felt energized as soon as I did,I felt like I got stronger.I pulled away and licked the cut so it would close up,since I didn't bite her it healed automatically.
    I looked back at Logan who had a stricken look on his face,I smiled,"She sure tasted immortal,"I said.She had woken up for a minute after I cut her,but I made sure she had fallen asleep,she would hate me if she had woken up with me drinking her blood.
    Logan grimaced,"She said you had already taken enough today."I automatically felt guilty,what if she was sick when she woke up because I had fed off her too much? I grimaced.I was tired of talking to Logan.
    "Leave,your depressing me,"I said.Logan smiled and then went out the open window which I had come through. I sighed then curled around Christine to protect her from everything and fell into a deep sleep that only a vampire could acheive.
    **Back to Christine's POV**
    I woke up feeling sick.Not like I'm going to puke any minute,but that I really don't want to open my eyes sick. Unfortunately though I opened my eyes. I saw a blur of color at first then everything settled into place I saw my black desk with the white wheely chair with my colored lamp on it.Sitting in the wheely chair was Derek.He was beautiful.So beautiful I didn't even feel like I was good enough to have been bonded to him.He smiled which made him even more beautiful,but I saw in his eyes that he was worried.I sat up slowly watching him as he watched me.
    "Good morning,"I said in a sleepy voice.How long had I slept?
    "Morning,"Derek said,he still had that worried look in his eyes.I stood up feeling alittle dizzy and went to my bathroom to go take a shower.I looked in the mirror and sighed. My right eye was bruised badly.I would have to wear sunglasses today. I sighed again and took my shower.I got out and dried myself off.I looked in my closet that was in my bathroom and tried to find a outfit. After about ten minutes I chose a black camisole with a low v neck top to go over it and skinny jeans. I dried my hair and straightened it until it was as straight as a pin. I put on a pair of black sunglasses that covered my eye and walked out of my bathroom to find my converses.
    "So,sunglasses huh?"Derek said leaning against my wall.He was wearing a dark blue shirt with some designer name on the front with light colored jeans and skater shoes. I nodded while I put on my converses.
    "Seemed like a good idea,"I muttered. I stood up and grabbed my blue jean messenger bag with my notebooks and everything in it.Derek just stood there,"Are we going or what?"I said.
    He shook his head,"I'm not going to be there today." I was shocked,why wasn't he going to be there? He was always there.
    "Why?"I said.
    "My parents want to take me out,"He said annoyed.
    "Oh,"I said."Well I guess I will see you later then,"I said and kissed him.I meant for it to be a quick kiss,I really did. He put his hands on either side of my face,I threaded my fingers through his thick hair.I didn't notice the knock on my door at first. Or the second time. I noticed it the third time though.It sounded like a hammer was pounding on my door.I stepped away from Derek,breaking off the kiss,and opened the door to find Logan.
    "Hey,"he said. "Thought I would take you to school today,"he said smiling. I looked at Derek worriedly,but he was already gone.I thought for a moment then looked to Logan's smiling face and shrugged indifferently,"Sure."
    **Derek's POV**
    I ran,fast. I had told her my parents had wanted me to take the day off,but I really had to know what was going on with that Logan kid.My parents were away on a business trip so I didn't have to worry about explaining my absence to them.I ran home then got my car,which is not a Volvo like that Edward Cullen guy in Twilight had,and drove to the airport.I parked the car making sure to lock it and went into the airport.I stood in line for awhile before I could finally buy my ticket.I paid for it in cash,which made the lady give me a funny look,then went to wait for the plane. I was heading to Greece so I could ask the elders what was up with that guy,he was not normal.I closed my eyes and tried to open my mind up to Christine's feelings.I couldn't though,something was blocking me from knowing her feelings.
    "That's odd,"I whispered to myself.
    **Christine's POV**
    "What are you doing?"I said to Logan.We were on our way to school when he pulled me into a alley.
    Logan smiled at me,"What you want us to do,"he whispered and pushed me up against a wall.I tilted my head up ready to be kissed.He kissed me with such passion my legs felt like jello after.Why was I kissing Logan? I don't even like him,but for some reason this feels right.He pulled away slightly resting his forehead on mine,"I know what you mean,"he said his breath coming fast.This time I kissed him.What is with Logan? Why is he making me feel like this?
    I pushed him away,"Stop,"I whispered even though I wasn't putting up much of a fight for him to stop he stepped away.I leaned against the alley wall trying to catch my breath.
    He smiled at me."Why are we stopping? You love this,"he said,and he was right. I loved it when I was kissing him it felt so right. But I belong with Derek,he's the guy I was bonded with.Logan looked like I had slapped him.I blinked and it was gone.He grabbed my bag off of the ground from where I had dropped it,"Come on,we have school,"he said.I followed him feeling like he was mad at me.Part of me was saying that I did belong with Derek and there was nothing Logan could do about it,but part of me hated his face after I thought it. It hated how it looked like I had slapped him,and wished I could take it all back and go back to kissing him. That's wrong though.We reached the school,we were late for 1st period,and the office wouldn't let us in till 2nd.
    "Come on,"I said,"I'm hungry anyways."Logan looked at me and nodded.He took my hand and it was like I was remembering everything.I was glad we were outside the school because I fell to the ground quickly accidently pulling Logan with me.I couldn't see the school around me all I could see were my memories.Logan was in all of them,he was just in the background.He was at my first marriage to Derek.Logan was in the crowd watching us,again at my graduation from my last high school he was there cheering and looking proud. I could barely hear Logan asking me what was wrong,I was surrounded by tons of memories of Logan and I. He was always there,watching me.When I almost fell at a feild trip I had a couple high schools back he had been the one to catch me.I always thought it was Derek.I was suddenly pulled out of all the thoughts and back into the present.I was staring into Logan's eyes.