• tab We're not white and flowery and all that beautiful. We look like you, or the person next to you, or even the person on the other side of the world. We walk among you, and you don't notice us. You tease us, you laugh with us, you cry with us. We love anything no more then you do, as we are just beings sprinkling magic and hope around. We don't create miracles, but strive to push many into the bounders of their comprehension. We are, simply put, people of kind nature, and a pure heart...
    tab I love you. Those words tumbled out so easily. I shouldn't, couldn't, have said that. I do not love, I spread love. How could this have happened? Mother will not know, oh I hope not. She knows what it's like; to be in love with a Earthling. It's not to be. It is like being in love with your cat, or dog, or even car. We are supposed to own you, control you. But you beings are stubborn. You have a heart, a mind. You don't need orders to function. You Earthlings are not like plants, where we coo you to breathe, but like worms. Yes, that's very fitting. Worms live in the Earth, and you live on it. They go around doing their business, and give back. Some go rouge, straying from their potential duty, but we set you back in line. Then you die, but life carries on. And for awhile, people- and worms- will mourn, but then you will be forgotten. You are the same. Yes, worms and Earthlings. But could an angel really love a worm? No. I know I couldn't. Because when we created the Worm, it was to do one purpose, but you don't. I don't feel a flicker in my heart for a Worm. No, I can- do- love you. My heart pounds and my breathe gets short, and I know you love me too, because, after all, I created you. That's it, kiss me. Kiss me like you will never see me again. Kiss me like you love me more then anything in the world. Kiss me like I'm an Angel.