• "Watchya playing 'Kura?" Bakura's sweet sixteen year old hikari, Ryou asked as he entered the spirit's room. "MW2." he replied, keeping his eyes on the game. "MW2?" the younger one repeated. "Modern Warfare 2." Bakura sighed. "Oh." he kept watching. "DAMMIT!" Bakura shouted. He spoke into the mic, "I HATE YOU VALDMXDISCO!" he kept the mic on. Then after Valdmx killed him a second time, Bakura started to curse in egyptian at him. Ryou's eyes widened. "Er... Let me try..." He took the controler and started killing people like crazy. Bakura stared in astonishment. Is my hikari actually kicking everyone's asses? He asked himself. Then, Ryou was face to face with ValdmxDisco. He aimed the gun at his head quickly and pressed the RT button rapidlly, shooting his .44 Magnum.ValdmxDisco dodged the attacks and started to shoot Ryou(or MasterofTheives5000) with his SCAR-H. Ryou shot his .44 Magnum at Valdmx. When they both shot, they were both suprised to what they saw. They had both fallen at the same time, holding pistols. As quickly as possible, they shot eachother, trying to make one die. Then someone threw a flashback at them both, they still shot. When the flash cleared, there it revealed who died. Both screens were surrounded with red and the words PRESS X TO RESPAWN appeared below the red. Their jaws dropped. They both had died! Bakura and Ryou had looked at eachother wide eyed. After the game was over, they announced the winner. The username was... Bladeofpyon... ValdmxDisco shouted, "WHAT?! YOU'RE KIDDING ME!!!" then bladeofpyon laughed. "MUAHAHAHAHAAA! VICTORY!" Bakura growled and shouted, "NO NEED TO BRAG!!!" into his mic. Bladeofpyon stood silent. "You're voice, sounds sooo familiar... You're usr is too- OMG ARE YOU BAKURA?!" Bakura looked at the screen disbelievingly. "AKEFIA? BAKURA? THEIF KING?!?!" she asked. "Yes. And are you Justin Beiber or something? You sound like you're thirteen or something!" "Actually I am twelve." He stood silent. "What?" "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" he screamed and threw the controler down. He turnned off the Xbox and steam literally came out of his ears. "K-Kura?" Ryou said nervously. "What...?" he replied. "Bladeofpyon sent us a friend request."