Scene: Outside of Charlie's house
(Bella runs out the front door, slips, and falls down the steps of the porch. Charlie helps her up at once.)
Charlie: (whispering) Klutz.
Bella: Skank face.
(Bella opens the driver's door of her truck. Charlie does the same to his cruiser.)
Charlie: I might be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.
Bella: Animal?
Charlie: You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells.
Bella: What kind of animal?
Charlie: They think it was a squirel.
(picture of squirel flashes on screen)
Scene: Biology class
(Eric, Mike, and Bella walks into the room. Bella notices that Edward is there again. The pencil from before is still in his arm. Bella checks for a fan before going to her seat.)
Edward: Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myslef last week.
Bella: You were too busy telling me I smell bad.
Edward: Because you do.
(Bella looks down at the pencil in Edward's arm. She grabs it and yanks it out. Edward moans with pain when she does.)
Bella: My pencil.
(Bella quickly smells the blood and passes out, again.)
Edward: Some vampire you'll make.
Scene: Hallway at Forks High Scool
(Bella and Edward stands at her locker. Edward has a bandage on his arm where the pencil was before.)
Edward: You're very difficult for me to read.
Bella: Of course it's hard. I'm not a freakin book.
Edward: You're in a book.
Bella: Then read the book mister smart guy.
Edward: I can't.
Bella: Why?
Edward: (mumbling) I can't read.
Bella: What was that?
Edward: I can't read.
Bella: Are you serious?!
Edward: As serious as Billy.
Bella: How can you not read? You've been alive for, like, a hundred years.
Edward: That doesn't mean anything.
Bella: (under her breath) Idiot.
Edward: I'm not an idiot.
Bella: Is that why you redo high school over and over and over and over...
Edward: (cutting Bella off) I get it.
(long akward pause)
Bella: Hey did you get contacts?
Edward: No.
Bella: They were black the last time I saw you, now they're a golden brown.
Edward: Yeah, I know, it's the...It's the flourescents.
(Edward quickly turns and walks away. He walks into an open locker door.)
Bella: Flourescents? What the...!
Scene: Parking lot at Forks High School
(Bella walks over to her truck. She stands next to it and looks over her shoulder at Edward. He's on the other side of the parking lot, next to his car and no where near Bella. Tyler's van hits a patch of ice and skids toward Bella. Bella looks at the van, then at Edward. Only Edward isn't there any more.)
Bella: (thinking) s**t!
(The van slows down and barely taps Bella. Bella goes flying through the air and everyone screams with panic.)
Scene: Forks Hospital ER
(Bella sits on a bed with a small bandage on her leg. Tyler sits on the bed next to her's with nothing wrong with him. Charlie barges into the room.)
Charlie: Bella. You okay?
Bella: Do I look okay to you?
(Charlie takes a second to look at Bella.)
Charlie: Yes.
Bella: Well I'm not.
Tyler: She wet her pants. (laughs)
(Bella glares at Tyler. Dr.Cullen then walks into the room while a sexy songs play and in a magical white light.)
Carlisle: I heard the cheif's daughter was here.
Charlie: Dr.Cullen.
Carlisle: Charlie.
(Carlisle walks over to Bella.)
Carlisle: Isabella.
Bella: Bella.
Carlisle: Well, Bella, looks like you took quite spill.
Bella: That wouldn't be the case if Edward had stopped the van like he was supposed to.
Charlie: You're son?
Carlisle: (under his breath) Akward. (pulls out a flask and takes a sip from it)
Flashlight (part three)
Part three of the twilight spoof
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