• Introduction
    I was born January 1, 1993 at 12:00 a.m. The day that starts every year and the time that starts every day. They say I’ve always been normal but I’m not so sure they’re right. Sure I cried when I wanted something, smiled at every funny looking face and had all the attention in the world. Which my parents say I still do it just doesn’t work for me anymore. And I face the problems every teenager faces. But I must be different. Everything I see is as though I have the eyes of the world.

    Ch One

    Looking around I see nothing. Reaching out I feel nothing, no wall no object nothing that I can grab onto. Until I see a small light out of the corner of my eye moving in the opposite direction. “Wait!” I chase after it but it doesn’t take long for it to seem hopeless. I hear screams full of pain all around me but all I see is darkness. I trip. Falling I look up.