• She sat alone on the cold grass of the dark hill. Looking up at the stars all she thought of was the times when she came up here when she was little, All the memories of rolling down it and getting grass stains on her trousers or top and then running back up it only to do it all over again. The wind swept past her lifting her hair up, blowing it along with the leaves and the smell of fresh flowers. The cold night wasn’t bothering her she was too lost in her thoughts. She came up here a lot; just to get away from that city life she lived in all day, just to think of the past, the memories, just to think of…Him

    The laughter sounded through the walls as the couple ran around the house acting like little kids, playing Hide and seek. It was nice to go back to them times and just lose your adult hood for a few hours.

    “Ah no don’t…n-no don’t tickle me!” She giggled under his hands as he ran them up her sides tickling her senseless. This didn’t stop until she finally wriggled free and ran upstairs hiding in the guest bedroom, he soon followed and found her “Ah ha! Found you~” he made motions with his hands as if to tickle her again and she ran again almost tripping when he grabbed her waist wrapping an arm around it and pulling her close to him “shh, no more running hmm?” and he kissed her lightly on the lips and settled them both on the bed…

    The girl on the grass smiled to herself at the memory and laid down on the grass looking up at the few stars in the sky…

    “Don’t open your eyes” the hands covered her eyes and she smiled as she knew who it was “okay I wont”

    The hands moved from her eyes and they moved around her front, then she felt a cold sensation on her neck and a light kiss on the back of it “you can open them now” she was moved to the mirror and when she opened them she gasped “you didn’t…you got the necklace I saw in the window…but that cost-“ she was hushed by fingers on her lips “anything for you my love” and fingers were replaced by lips.

    She felt the tears in her eyes, sitting up she looked upon the small city below her. She still had the smile gracing her lips…

    He woke up to a bed that was empty and cold on one side, he sat up and got out of the bed looking for her. Walking through the house he heard running water in the bathroom. He followed the sound and opened the door and there she was, sitting on the floor of the shower with the cold water on, just falling around her. Her arms were wrapped around the fabric-covered legs as she hugged them close to her body.

    He swiftly walked over to her and sat by her side getting wet he Just pulled her into a hug and she leant more into him, if they were dry he could of felt her warm tears soak into his top. No words were exchanged; the silence was just bearable for the two as the sat in the cold water

    The tears ran freely down her face now, she closed her eyes thinking of this memory hurt her more than anything else. She felt warmth near her face and that warmth wiped away the flowing tears she opened her eyes to see Him.
    The hands stayed on her face, merely cupping it and she bought her hands up holding his in her grasp. They looked into each other’s eyes the moons light glinting in glass of the soft orbs; warm breath hit warm breath as lips met. She let go of his hands to wrap her arms around his neck and his hands stayed on the sides of her face. The kiss wasn’t forceful, nor was it light. It was a slow, sweet kiss, No need to rush or hurry, No need to worry or be scared, because this was just right.

    In the moment the world stopped for the both of them, Stopped turning stopped living. They were in their world it was their time, their time for love and nothing else. The wind flowed through the both of them, but it didn’t make them part, the cold couldn’t stop them. He missed her of course he did, She missed him, and she would think about him all night and all day.

    Once more the wind came by, nothing could part them. Through Wind, through rain through snow, the kiss would last forever. Through Fights, through break up, through lies, their love for one and other would smash the walls down; nothing could break them apart, Not Wars, not rivers not walls. Strong enough to make everything stop and peace come, them two would last forever.

    Even when the kiss stopped the tears still ran down her face, through happiness. They just lay back together looking up at the night sky holding each others hands in the cold grass.


    Written on 27 ‎September ‎2008
    hope you enjoyed C&C welcomed