Fanfiction #1 Part 2 – Trinity
In Trinity, Ohio, Torchwood the Hastings family, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black visited the town in ruins. The town was in ruins because their had been an invasion to the dragon-heat stone. At this point Jessamine Longbranch and Geoffrey Wylie had no powers. They were taken from them by the “Lady Aiden” (who was part of the dragon-heart.) They were all walking around the city, where the people of Trinity were rebuilding. Many families were rebuilding their houses and many store owners were rebuilding their shops.
A kid shouted, “Hey Seph, over here.”
It was Jack Swift. Jack was one of the warriors in the warrior guild. He was putting in a door for Trinity High School.
“Hey Jack, have you been working all summer?” Seph asked.
“Yeah, my mom made me help out instead of lounging around playing video games all summer.” Jack said.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready to go to college?” Hastings asked.
“I’m all packed and everything, I leave next week.” Jack concluded.
Jack looked around.
“Who are these people?” Jack asked.
“These are the two people who I found fighting in a bar in Toronto.” Seph said pointing to Edward and Jacob. “This is Edward Cullen and Jacob Black.”
“Nice to meet you!” Jack said.
Jack turned to Hastings.
“Who are they?” Jack asked pointing at Jack Harkness.
“Thi-” Harkness cut Hastings off.
“I’m Captain Jack Harkness.” He introduced himself.
“I’m Gwen.” Gwen said. “This is Toshiko and Owen.”
“I’m a dead man.” Owen said bluntly.
“Wow, this place is not that bad like you described, Hastings.” Jacob said looking around.
“We’ve been working all summer.” Jack said “So, it better look mice!”
“Is our house finished?” Seph asked.
“Yes, it is.” A girl said coming toward them.
It was Madison Moss. Madison was the one who consumed the power of the dragon-heart and became the “Lady Aiden.”
“Everyone, this is Madison Moss, my girlfriend.” Seph said introducing Madison. “She is the one who has the dragon-heart.”
The dragon-heart was a stone that glowed because of its magical powers. It came with a staff.
“You’re wearing modern clothing!” Linda said with glee.
“Yes, I am, Mrs. Swift bought a lot of stuff over the summer. Madison said.
Madison was wearing a purple tank top with shorts and gold gladiator sandals.
“How is it being ‘The Dragon Heir’?” Edward asked putting air quotes around it.
“It was hard at first, but at least I could kill Warren Barber.” Madison said.
Warren Barber was a Weir kid. He wanted the dragon-heart and takeover the wizard council. He kidnapped Madison’s siblings, Grace and John- Robert.
“I’m a witness!” Seph said.
“We went to the top of Booker Mountain where he held Madison’s brother and sister.” Seph explained. “Madison used her powers to takeout Warren Barber.”
“Are you here to show them around this city?” Jack asked confused.
Jack and Seph could all of a sudden hear a familiar voice, they looked around and it was the resurrected Jason Hayley. Torchwood had resurrected him with the glove.
“Hey Jason, how was Wales?” Seph asked.
Jason had gone to Cardiff, Wales since Torchwood was located there.
“It was a weird trip. All these children all over the Cardiff were saying ‘We are coming, We are coming.’ A lot of weird things happened there.” Jason said.
“It’s because of the rift which is a portal that other things or other aliens and stuff come through from other dimensions and from the future etc.” Harkness explained.
“By the way, was that you in that World War II picture of that man in uniform?” Jason asked.
“No, it was my father.” Harkness lied.
Gwen knew the truth, but couldn’t tell anyone. Then Jason turned to Owen.
“You must be the other dead man.” Jason gave his hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Jason Hayley.” Jason introduced himself.
Owen shakes Jason’s hand.
“I’m Owen Harper.” Owen said kind of annoyed, but relieved.
“How did you die?” Jason asked.
“I died taking a shot from a mad scientist at . Now I’m king of these weird creatures! Don’t ask me what they are I am not particularly proud of it.” Owen said. “How did you die?”
“I died from also taking a shot for the team, but from a very powerful source trying to protect Madison Moss. I killed Claude D’Orsay [who was trying to takeover the wizard council the wizard council and, also his son Deveraux D’Orsay.” Jason explained.
Jason changing the subject asks Harkness, “Why did they blow up the Torchwood hub?”
“They thought we were part of an invasion. I had lost my friend Ianto Jones in this.
Fanfiction 1 Part 2
Charlotte Smith-Gubler
The next part of the stroy if you liked the first part. =) Nice comments and tips are appreciated.
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