• "Why should I stop!?! Who said it was alright to let him do that?" Roxas yelled, as he held the shiny blue blade towards Kodoma. "Roxas please...He didn't mean to!" Akemi tried to convince him, considering, she knew the real truth. "Roxas listen to the girl man! I swear I had noth-Ahh!" Roxas had slammed his free fist directly into Kodoma's stomach, cutting him off half sentence.

    Akemi felt a few tears begin to form and roll down her pale cheeks. "Roxas...Please...Stop this..." He glared at Akemi, his optics now a pale red. Akemi backed away in fear, her form beginning to shake and cry. "No...Roxas!" Kodoma, who was still subdued from the punch to his gut, shook a little as well. Roxas felt his teeth begin to grow into fangs, his ears folding into pointed elf ears, and his nails grew out about an extra inch.