• A girl sat with her head down on the cold table in the middle of the crowed library. She had tears streaming down her face. She had light brown hair, a fair completion and eyes that changed color with her mood. They were a light blue gray today. A tall boy with black hair came up and sat across from her. He sat in silence as if to try and figure out what to say.
    “Brandy?” he finally spoke. She didn’t look up at him, she just sat there crying as though she didn’t have the strength to do much of anything.
    “Hey come on Brandy. Please don’t just sit there talk to me. I need to know what happened. Did you and your mom get into another fight?” he sounded really aggravated. Jack hated to see her cry. She looked up at him with tears still streaming down her face.
    “Please Jack, just get me out of here…,” this wasn’t her normal way of asking him to do something. This was a plea. He sighed and helped her to the car. He climbed into the driver’s seat but didn’t start it. He sat there and listened to her cry. He turned and looked at her as her breathing slowed, she was a sleep. The leaned over and leaned her head up agents the window. He sat staring at her for what to him seemed hours.
    “God how I wish you weren’t 15... Then maybe things would be different; you wouldn’t have to stay their any more. I could take you away… fare, fare away,” he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers so gently that she didn’t stir from her slumber. He turned and started the car and drove around until she woke to her phone ringing.
    “hello?” she said groggy. Her eyes got big but kept her voice calm and as the tears feel she said, “no mom I’m not coming home tonight I’m going to stay at a friends house tonight.” a pause “fine you know what I don’t care you want to kick me out fine. I don’t even know what I did to make you hate me but I’m tired of trying to prove that I’m a good daughter to you.”
    She hung up and took a breath and looked at him with a please say I can crash at your place a couple of nights. He smiled and nodded knowing his parents wouldn’t mind. It wouldn’t be the first time, and his parents had come to adore her.
    They went to his place and went inside and on up to his room. She fell on to his bed and berried her face into his pillow and just lay there until she felt Jacks arms snake around her waist pulling her up and away from the pillow and into his lap. She didn’t push him away but more snuggled closer needing the comfort and security being in his arms brought her.
    “so you ready to talk about what happened this time?” he mumbled into her hair. He felt her tense up but want exactly sure if it was because she didn’t want to talk or because of what her mom had done this time.