• 7 entites called the Chimmerian Children were released when the keys used to seal the darkness broke.
    Each with abilities that far surpass human limitations, It was thought that these beings had the power to seal the darkness once again.
    However, as the keys helped the citizens excape the darkness one of them was lost...

    Bound to a miror, he sleeps,with no dreams... no memories... just the darkness of slumber... waiting...
    That is where this stoy begins, as a foolish mortal frees this key from it's sleep the nightmares can truely begin...

    -CH 1-
    -----[Welcome to our world of black...]-----

    This tale starts in the city of Kamakashi... or, what once was that city.
    Just a few days before, the Darkness crushed it to ruin looking for something.
    And for the Darkness to spread so far from Haven is almost unheard of... whatever it's looking for must be very important.
    But now, we look upon one individual in specific, left alive among the wreckage from the Darkness.
    Looking for other survivors like him, he peers in to the depths of a collapsing building



    "Anyone still alive in here?"


    "Well, I guess nobody would be alive here after all."

    ...*That depends on what you consider to be "alive"*...

    "Wh- Who said that!?!"

    ...*I'm not sure...*...


    ...*I don't remember*...

    "Do you have amnesia or something?"

    ...*Stop asking questions! I DON'T KNOW!*...

    "Sorry, well are you hurt, can you move?"

    ...*I'm stuck in here...*...

    "Ok then, I'll climb down and see if I can help."

    (So he decended into the darkness of the crumbling structure beneath him.
    Unable to see anything in this darkness, he fell and dislodged a support beam, and the building started to collapse.)

    "Dangit, this couldn't get worse." he said as a piece of the roof fell down beside him.

    ...*I'm over this way, hurry up.*...

    (Stumbling accross the darkness, he worked his way towards the sound of the voice...
    Then he hit something... and before he could react, it flared bright white...
    It was a mirror, and on it's surface was a black figure.)

    ...*Sorry about this, but I don't want to be burried down here.*... said the dark reflection

    The reflection reached out of the mirror and grabbed the boy, it's pitch black hand spreading over the boy's body enveloping him in darkness.

    ...*Welcome to my world of black...*...

    Then the reflection dissappeared and the black coating around the boy shattered leaving a black pattern on his hand.

    "Oww!... what the hell was that!

    ...*Sorry but I need to use you to get out of here.*...

    "What the-!"

    (And as the boy said these words, the pattern grew up his arm and spread across his face.)

    ..."What the freak are you doing you little.. mirror... person... thingy!"...

    *Isn't it obvious? I bound my soul to yours, and now i'm taking over your body so we don't die from this building falling on us.*

    ..."So I narrowly excape the total anialation of my town, just to get possessed by a psycotic reflection... WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?"

    *Well, technically I'm not possessing you, that's too complicated and dark... I merely bound my soul to yours, think of it like sharing a room with me."

    ..."So some reflection creature I know nothing about, without any memories is put it's soul in me..."...

    *Just stop thinking about it, your giving yourself a headache, which is giving me a head ache, and it's really annoying!"

    (And with those words of wisdom, he blew a hole in a nearby wall and climbed out.)

    And this is where their story begins.
    Unknowingly, these one individuals have resurected the lost key.
    And their path shall take them deeper, into the world of black...