• Fai pranced slightly as he left the building and tossed the wallet to Kurogane with a grin. "I always knew you loved me!" Fai joked, referring to the picture.

    "WHAT!?" He yelled drawing attention to himself unintentionally, "I do not!" Taking a deep breath to calm himself he clarified, "Don't you remember? When we were on Friendship world Syaoran-bozu took a picture of us as a prop." He explained trying to refresh the wizard's memory, "I just never got around to tossing the photo out." He lied.

    "Face it. I'm just that awesome Kuro-poo! No wonder you'd love me!" Fai continued to joke though he kept his voice low so no other would hear.

    "Stop it, n-no I don't." He said turning away from Fai to hide his growing blush. Walking away down the street he called over his shoulder, "Just drop it, let's find those feathers."

    "Okay!" Fai said happily, following behind. He's so serious... I wonder... no way...Fai thought slowly. He kept a small distance from Kurogane as he thought on and on about it. Finally he shook it from his head and kicked up his pace to walk backwards in front of Kurogane so he could talk to him. "We should ask some locals. They'll probably know some rumors or details. Its the best way to start." Fai said, crossing his arms.

    'Gah! I really need to relax. He's too much of an airhead to figure out that I do in fact like him. Still, that was a close call.' He thought continueing to walk through town. As the pink in his cheeks faded Fai hurried ahead of him walking backwards. "We should ask some locals. They'll probably know some rumors or details. Its the best way to start." Fai said crossing his arms infront of himself.
    "Sure, good idea." He replied.

    Fai gave a thumbs up and almost simultaneously hit something and fell forward against Kurogane. "Damn teen!" some guy yelled. I'm not a teen... Fai thought, gazing over his shoulder at the guy, forgetting where he fell.

    Too late to warn Fai, he backed up into an older man and and fell forward into Kurogane's chest. Holding onto him with arms wrapped tight he yelled back at the man with a death glare, "You saw him walking backward knowing he couldn't see you. You should have moved out of his way, and he's not a teenager. Back off!"

    The man's jaw dropped slightly and Fai just chuckled. "That's my Kuro-chan!" he laughed. The man was frozen for a moment before giving a slight pissed look and walking off. The small group that formed around them also took off seeing Kurogane's glare. Fai only continued to laugh.

    "Jerk" Kurogane murmured to himself. "You alright? Not hurt are you?" He asked looking down at the blond-who was several inches shorter than himself-not registering that he was still holding onto Fai.

    Fai gave a thought filled look before nodding slightly. "Yeah..." he said simply, straightening himself. He brushed his blond hair back and sighed. "Stupid old people, but then again, what are you going to do?" Fai grinned slightly and dropped his hands to his own waist.

    "Good" He sighed as Fai moved to straighten himself out. Realizing he still holding Fai he dropped his hands and he blush from before returned. "Yeah...heh." He replied quickly looking away.

    Fai, oblivious as always, only turned on his heels and held a fist up in the air. "Away! To find the feather!" he exclaimed before looking over his shoulder. "Come on Kuro-tan! This isn't the time to think! We got to work!"

    "I'm coming" He replied walking up to Fai. As they walked Kurogane couldn't help but hear some girl's close by talking.

    "Oh look at her! She's pretty don't you think?" One girl said.
    "Yeah, and her boyfriend is cute too." Said a second.
    "Yeah I agree. They make a cute couple." the third replied.

    Looking around Kurogane didn't see any couples nearby but noticed the second girl looking at him. She turned away toward her friends and began talking again. 'Great... Those girls think Fai is a girl and that we are dating.'

    Fai shook his head slightly and stomped back to Kurogane. "H---ello!" he said, shaking his hand between them, "Wake-y wake-y! Time to go!" Fai cheered, still moving his hand to and fro.

    "Huh, what?" He asked taking a step back seeing Fai so close. "Sorry, I was thinking." Watching Fai's hand still moving back and forth, Kurogane grabbed it, making it stop. Still holding his hand he began walking to their first stop in finding the feather.

    Fai chuckled lightly, letting Kurogane lead the way.'He's still acting weird... I still wonder...' "We should stop in there." Fai pointed, "They look like a pretty popular place!"

    "Alright" Walking into the store Kurogane saw hearts, candy and other romantic things for couples. 'You've got to joking.' He thought.
    "Hello sir, are you here to buy you're lovely girlfriend something for Valentine's day tomorrow?" a young lady asked walking up to them.

    Fai grinned then leaned over the desk. "No, we have more important business here." he said smoothly. "Oh." the girl muttered, now seeing Fai wasn't a girl. rested his head on his hands and smiled. "Does the young lady know any weird rumors? Maybe some sudden rise in power people thought would never happen? Something bizarre and magic?" he asked.

    "I'm sorry, I haven't noticed anything, strange. Other than the fact that you are still are hold your, um...Boyfriend's? hand." She said pointing out that Kurogane was still holding Fai's hand."Sorry I couldn't have been a help to you."

    Fai laughed and straightened himself, not saying a word though a unnoticeable cringe formed in his mouth. "Well. Thank you anyways." he said, dragging Kurogane quickly out of the shop. "Now where?" he asked, trying to move on from the last subject brought up.

    "Ah...I, don't know." He replied at a lost for words unable to think of anything but why Fai hadn't let go of his hand. 'I wonder why he hasn't taken his hand back. Does he not mind holding my hand, or does he want to hold it? His hand is so warm and soft.'

    Fai forgot he even held Kurogane's hand as he continued to pull him through the town. He brought them to another shop, this one not so pink and happy. "Looky looky! Its a bar. Daddy likes these doesn't he?" Fai asked, gazing over his shoulder to Kurogane.

    "Bar? Yes I do like 'em. Let's go in!" He said surprisingly happy. Dragging him in part boy music was playing 'Unce, unce, unce' Went the beat of the music, and everyone was grinding up against each other. The one thing that caught Kurogane's eye was that eveyone in the bar was male, it was a little odd to see them dancing that way.

    Fai shook his head side to side a retarded grin crossing him like always. He was totally oblivious of the dancing around him and even what kind of bar it was. "The bartender is over there!" Fai exclaimed, pointing the way to go.

    'My luck really sucks! I try hiding I like guys and eveywhere I go in this stupid town has something to do with it! Seriously, a gay bar!?' Kurogane screamed in his head walking hand-in-hand, still, to where the bartender stood. "Excuse me, have you noticed anything unusual or impossibably magical resently?" Kurogane asked the bartender.

    "Besides your little friend here, nothing that I can remember. Though maybe if you let me borrow your boyfriend for a bit I just might." the bartender replied with a almost wicked grin. Fai glanced between Kurogane and the bartender having one of his moments when he didn't know what to do or say.

    "Excuse me?! HELL NO!" He yelled, "If you lay one finger on him I'll personally rip you to shreads." Stepping in front of Fai to block the bartenders view of him Kurogane felt Fai's fingers being pulled from his. Someone behind him had pulled Fai to himself, holding him close. Too close in Kurogane's opinion. "Get your hand's off him! He's with me."

    Fai, being as stupid as usual, only laughed until he was pulled away from Kurogane. "Kuro-tan!" Fai called playfully like always. He could have probably broke away but didn't. He was more interested in what Kurogane would do. He wanted to confirm his thoughts and he felt this was the best way.

    "Why should I? He's far too cute to possibly be with the likes of you,; he could do so much better." The man taunted, "Even if he is with you, I bet you do forfill his needs well enough. I could give him the best he's ever had." He continued on, "And even to prove it, I bet I can woo him with a single kiss." Leaning in swiftly the man's lips were inches from Fai's. Just as his lips grased Fai's Kurogane pulled Fai away and held him close with one arm. The other he hit the man with such force it sent him sprawling on the ground across the length of the bar with a broken, bloody nose.
    Wrapping the other arm now around Fai's waist he yelled out to all the other guy's that were now staring with disbelief. "Anyone else man enough to try and do what you please with him?" When no one replied he then said, "I thought not." Turning his attention now on Fai he asked, "Why didn't you push him off!? I know you are far strong enough to have done what I just did."