• Sophia
    She is a young women, that lives in a village called woodcut.

    One evening, Sophia was walking through a graveyard with her long deep brown hair flowing though the air and her white skin shiningthrough the night.

    Sophia wore a grey and black winter coat with a grey going to down the both arms, underneath a thick black hood sweate. She had black tight black jeans, black and red strioed leg warmers and a black sneakers.

    Sophia suddenly out of nowhere found herself in a place in time tht she didn't realize. she thought to herself, 'where the hell, I am I.' she kept on wandering around and explorering. Sophia placed her arms around her body to kept herself warm from the cold wintery night. She seen a house up ahead across from her. She looked at the house and thought that, ' This house is unfimilar to me, but why?' she was curious, but confused in sted. She kept on walking though the snow hill and seen a sled riding down the snowy road. The sled was pulled by two chestnut horses. The women with a black dress and coat hoody over her shoulders. a man beside her that could be her beloved husband, he wore a black coat with a vest and underneath a white dress shirt. He wore for pants a black compres and white stockings that no one would wear, she lived in Woodcut. Behind them were two young childhounding togetter for warmth in the chilly winter night. The sled splashed snow towards sophia. she quickly moved her arm over her face. Sophia briched the the snow off of her body. she was furious and said, " stupid people, splashed me with snow.' after she was splashed by snow she knowist that there was a red moon instead of a sliver moon. Sophia looked down and kept on walking up the road to a town with fashionabke houses.

    Sophia walked a near a black matel gate. she seen a young man with his dog walking outside towards the gate, where she was. The black shaggy and yellow eyed. The dog barked at sophia and frightened her to death. The young man knowist his dog was barking at a bright white skinned women at his gate. sophia seen that he awas walking towards her with his dog. She quickly turned her head and walked away. He opened the gate and followed her with his dog. "Excuse me, pale women. could you stop walking away from me." said the young man as he damanded her. She turned her head and suddenly trapped upon a ice block underneath the snow. She fall face first into the snow.

    To be Contiuned.............................................