• It was seen and heard
    I once heard a legend called “It was seen and heard” I’ve heard it in a village called Cemetery Stalks. The stalks were a place where all cemetery stories begin…

    The first seeing of the cemetery monster
    It was a snowy winter day as Mr. Brunner and his daughter and son, Katie and Josh were walking from the department store. As they walked around the cemetery Josh had noticed something. "Dad look! Dad! Look over there. I saw something move from the old cemetery!” Said Josh being very freaked out how something had moved from one place to the other. “Please Josh can you be quiet the “Dead” are sleeping.” Katie Said sarcastically. “Shush, you two. Your mom might not want you two yellin’ about the cemetery while we’re walking home.” Dad had said being annoyed. “Yes, father.” Josh and Katie said walking towards their dad fast.

    Home with the Brunner’s

    When they got home Josh screamed to his sister, “Mama wants you, K!” “Okay, just tell her I’m trying to clean my room!” Katie said. “Mama, Katie is cleaning her room!” Josh said sending the message from Katie to Mama. “Okay dear just also tell her that we are going to have supper in like… 15 – 20 minutes!” Mama had said signaling Josh to tell Katie. “Katie, mom says okay, but you better come down to eat in 15-20 minutes!” Josh said yelling. “Okay!” Kelly said loud enough so Mama and Josh could hear. “What’s all this screaming? Why can’t a man get some sleep in the house?” Papa said. “We are yelling because we had to send each other “notes”.” Josh had said very sarcastically. “I get it Josh-nips.” Papa had said very softly to him. “What we have for dinner, mama?” Papa asked. “Stew with chicken and eggs! Plus some bread with sausages!” Mama said shouting into Papa’s ear.

    The next Morning
    Day one
    WE TALK!
    The next morning Josh and Katie got ready for school. After they ate their breakfast they went outside and waited by the bus stop sign. “Hurry, hurry, hurry.” Josh said to himself. “Don’t worry the bus will come, dunk.” Katie said naming Josh the name Katie had gave him when he was three. They heard a *rug a rug a* and they knew it was the bus coming. As the bus stopped Katie thought she’d seen a ghost. They both walked up the steps and sat next to their friends. Josh talked to his friend Terry about last night. “Terry, I swear I saw the cemetery monster last night when we were coming home.” Josh said almost freaked out. “I cannot trust you because of last time. You tricked me to go into the crazy house and I got stuck in there for like two minutes and then I got out and you… YOU ditched me!” Terry said very calmly so no one but Josh could hear. “Just trust me this time!” Josh said calmly. On the other hand Katie was talking to her friend Sasha. "Sasha I really need to ask you something.” Katie said like it was an emergency. “Don’t tell me you have to go take a number 1.” Sasha said like she was for real that Katie had to go. “No it’s about the cemetery monster. Do you believe in it?” Katie asked still mad about the comment Sasha made. “I believe all right and plus I saw it before in the cemetery.” Sasha said. “My brother thinks he saw it.” Katie said. “It’s like bad luck. End of discussion.” Sasha said. As Josh and Katie arrived to school they saw something gray and they moved towards each other to talk. “Did you see that?” Josh said. “Yeah, it’s watching us. Someone opened the cage.” Katie said. “Yeah, let’s talk about it later with papa and mama, okay?” Josh asked. “Okay just don’t tell anyone else besides your and my friends.” Katie said. "You've got a deal, goat girl." Josh said giving Katie her nick name.

    After School
    Day 1
    Talk with parents
    When they got home from school they sat down at the kitchen table and did their homework. “Where’s mummy?” Josh asked. “I don’t know maybe mummy is still at work.” Kelly suggested. “Yeah maybe she still is working, oh its still 3:10p.m so she's still at work. Let’s do our home work so that when they come back then we can talk about it all we want with out doing our homework.” “Okay.” They went up stairs and they did their homework.

    A few hours past and they heard a *vroom, vroom* and they ran downstairs. “Mummy, we got to tell you something.” Josh and Katie said as their mom walked in. “Okay, maybe we should wait for papa?” Their mom suggested. “Sure, better to tell it once than twice.” Josh said very happily.

    Papa had come home around 4:00 p.m. and then they all sat down to eat and then that’s when it all began. The weirdest thing is that they were going to talk like a regular family, well they aren’t that weird. “So what did you want to tell us Josh and Katie?” Mama asked. “Well, we were going to tell you guys about last night. Well… It started when Josh saw the cemetery monster…

    Josh had just walked last out of the grocery shop. As we walked with Papa, of course, we came to the cemetery street where we had to turn. And we were walking because the stores weren’t too far to walk too…

    “Papa, I’ve told you a thousand times not to walk out in those streets like that. We are not going to have to let our children think that they saw something that they didn’t. Which by the way, I don’t think that it's not true." Mama said to the whole table. “Go, on.” Papa said softly.

    Okay where were we… Oh yes, when we turned onto Cemetery Street Josh had stopped. I yelled to Papa that Josh had stop to stare at the cemetery. Then Josh shouted to papa that he saw something in the cemetery. Then we got into an argument. Then papa stopped us and we came home…

    The whole table was quiet for awhile. “Well, is that all?” Papa and Mama said looking at Katie. "What I just stopped to see if any of you wanted to say anything." Katie said.

    Okay after that night we got ready for school and then we headed to the bus. When we got on the bus Josh told Terry, his friend, about the night that he saw the cemetery monster. And then I told Sasha, my friend, about it and she freaked out and looked at Josh very weirdly.

    “What’s that supposed to mean? I thought she looked at me because I looked very handsome.” Josh said. “Well to bad Josh. She thought you looked like a bag of chips waiting to be crunched into a thousand of pieces.” Katie said very fast. “Why you little punk, how dare you call me!” Josh screamed hitting Katie. “HEY, HEY, HEY!! Stop it please!” Mama said.

    After Josh and Katie got done arguing papa said, “So that’s what happened?” “Nope theirs one more part but I’ll say it. I and Katie saw this gray body looking at us.” Josh said fast.