• "Is love true happiness?"
    Meg watched as her best friend in the whole world, Carrie, walked down the aisle in a white dress. Carrie's chin was lifted high, with an air like she was on the top of the tallest mountain, high above everyone, and seeing everyone. Happy.
    "Is it really all meant to be?"
    Meg watched as Carrie and her husband rode away in a horse drawn carrige, smiles on their faces and happiness in their eyes.
    "Is happiness that easy?"
    Meg watched as Carrie came home from work, exhausted, saw her husband and smiled. Just for a second, happiness, and then it disappeared.
    "If it is true love then why does it hurt so much?"
    Meg watched Carrie struggle to smile, struggle to laugh, struggle to do anything fun.
    "How come?"
    Meg watched as as Carrie fought more, yelled more, cried more.
    Meg watched Carrie die inside.
