• I sighed as I stared discustedly out the back window, though I don't think anyone could tell I was discusted. I stared at the property next door. It used to be where I could go and relax during the day. Now, the property belongs to the Johnsons'. There are three of them. A husband and a wife with their son, Jacob. I had a feeling the boy wasn't going to be fond of us. My mom told me it was ridiculous to think that. Well, as for the other two, a small part of me would alwas dislike them for buying the property. Not because that's wher I used to go and sit, but because I, Elizibeth Lee Hanson, am a tree hugger.
    Just then a foot came out of no-where by the property. I turned my back to the property. I had no reason to want to see them. But, when I turned, I saw my mother.
    "Elizibeth Lee, what have I told you?" my mother exclaimed.
    I sighed again. We had been over this conversation way to many times. "'Stop staring out that stupid window. It's not going to change anything,'" I told her in my best impression of her voice.
    "That's right now if you'll be kind enough, let's go meet them."
    "Fine. I will come. I won't like it, but I will come," I said. I would of refused, but the look my mother was giving me had me desided against it.
    My mom lead me out the back door over to their yard. When we got over there, I notice that there were two adults there. Hm, I thought, I thought they had a son too.
    "Oh, hello!" the woman said as we approched.
    "Elizibeth, why don't you go meet their son?" my mom whispered to me. "He's over there," she added, pointing by the trees when she noticed I was confused.
    "Why should I?" I asked her.
    "Because, I told you to, and, he's a big reader and was the smartest in his class back at their home town," she replied with an edge in her voice that I couldn't identify.
    But, it still convinsed me alright. Someone I could finnaly relate to. "I'll be back," I shouted back as I ran to where she pointed.
    I slowed as I neared him. Wow! He's good looking to, I thought. I could see he saw me from behind his book.
    "Ugh. My mom sent you over didn't she?" Jacob accused. "Oh, never mind. I don't care if she did or not. I don't want to be here. Don't say a word," he said as I started to open my mouth. I closed it immediatly. Then he started talking to himself saying, "I told my mom I would go to the 7th grade class, but I would refuse to meet the neighbors. As far as I'm concerned I'll just push them out of my way when I see them. A death pit would work too."
    That set me off. "And I told my mom I didn't want to meet the neighbors!" I shouted at him. I half-turned to my mom and shouted, "I guess I was right!" Him hating us didn't seem so ridiculous now did it. "Goodbye!" I turned completly around and saw my mom staring at me, wide-eyed. I stomped away from where I was standing back to the house.
    "Wait," I heard him calling faintly. I just kept walking. I didn't care what he had to say. He just ruined my Saturday. There was no way I was going to forget what he said. I was going to feel horrible.