• I was walking down the street, hand in hand with the guy i truely love. But how did anyone know what true love is like? It only comes around once. Well, I'll tell you. True love is when know matter how hard you try- which you don't- you can't them out of your head. Your heart pounds in your chest at the simplest, most casual touch by them. And you're not afraid of telling them everything.

    "Hope you had fun tonight." Evan said, turning me towards him. We were standing on my front lawn, the light from the porch making a narrow path on the green grass.

    "How could I not? It was fun, and I was with you." I flushed as he brushed my cheek with his fingers. He pulled me gently to him, embracing me against his strong chest. He layed his cheek down on the top of my head and sighed.

    "What?" I asked. I hated it, absolutely despised it, when he sighed when something was troubling him. He cupped my chin, and turned my face towards his.

    "I love you to much, Ashley. That's what. But it's not a bad thing. No it's most definetely a good thing." He said, and leaned in to kiss me. He kissed the top of my head, my forehead, my nose, my neck, my chin, and finaly our lips met. His lips against mine, for the first time. It made me dizzy, and i couldn't think about anything else except him and I. I couldn't hear anything but his breathing, our heartbeats. He paused, never leaving my lips more than an inch apart. His hot breath came at me, and intoxicated me with happiness.

    "I love you too, Evan." And we began kissing again.