"We have to change your birthday Mr. Lammur," My teacher, Ms. Feak said sternly to my little brother.
"Why?!" My sibbling exclaimed.
"Your birthday is June 6, 1996, or 666 that's not normal!" My teacher shot back.
Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Keah Lammur. The person my teacher is yelling at it my little brother, Maxxy. Apparently, he's a genious and got put up a grade. This place is my school, Rosemont. This is where we learn how to be "normal." Sorry, you probably don't get what I'm saying. You see there are freaks in this world, we have claws, tails, the whole lot. Sadly, normals (aka you people) run the world so us freaks are sent to schools like this to be educated, and to be taught how to be "normal" whatever that is.
I looked up at my little brother. He had red hair with black stripes, tiger ears, tail, and claws.
"Hey, Ms. Feak," I intervened.
"Yes, Ms. Lammur?" She asked
"Isn't your birthday April 4th, 1960?" I asked innocently
"Yes why?"
"Well, I think you should change it,"
"What?! Why?!"
"'Cause I've never met anyone with that birthday before," I gave a sly smile.
She glared at me and my brother and screeched, "Mr. and Ms. Lammur, detention both of you!"
I sighed as I walked out of class with Maxxy. Another detention!
I would've started ranting to my little brother if I hadn't heard a familiar voice, "Hey, Keah!!!"
I turned around and my two best friends in the whole world, Maggie (or Mag for short) and Nate.
Maggie had black wings like a crow and if you saw her feet you would see talons. Her hair was onyx black.
Nate on the other hand had chocolate brown hair and bear ears and claws.
"Mag! Nate!" I called excitedly and hugged both of them
"Hi," Nate said in a monotone. Nate hardly ever talked.
"Hey, guys!" Maxxy said happily.
"Hi, my little Maxxy!" Mag yelled and hugged my sibling.
"Come on, I'm hungry," Nate said ending our love-fest.
We walked to the cafeteria, I think I'm getting more stares each day. I mean, it's bad enough to be an outcast, but an outcast among outcasts was terrible!
The four of us got our food and sat down. The first thing out of my mouth was: "Anyone else get detention?"
Nate and Mag rose their hands.
"Ok, good, we won't be all alone today," Maxxy smiled.
outcasts among outcasts
this emo has fallen
if feed back is good might make part 2
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