• I opened my eyes to see the dim light of a rainy day outside my window. My favorite. I hopped off the bed Pulled on a t shirt and dashed down the staircase. I woke up to find my mom waiting for me. "lesley where were you last night?" She asked me with a frown on her face. "i was at Ashley's studying" i lied. She still was glaring at me and after a long silence she replied, "then why did i find this letter on the dining table?" Oh crap i'm in for it now. She handed me the letter and i read it cautiously

    Lesley i'm sorry for keeping you up last night my parents want to meet you i'll come over at 6:00

    love you ~Alexander

    Im guessing she already read it by her expression when i was reading it. I ignored it "mom-"
    She interrupted me "i don't want to hear it lesley your grounded" She paused alex is gonna kill me. "Next time think twice when you lie to me lesley" She growled

    Beep beep. Alex was here oh no,mom opened the door and told alex i can't go but he stayed. He made a gesture to go upstairs so i did. He crawled up the wall and hopped into the window,took my hand and we jumped out.

    "some how i knew you wouldn't let my mom stop you" I said

    He grinned.