• Gunners Death

    For hundreds of years war raged on in the outworlds of cities and villages in Japan. War raged on between the two races, werewolf clan and snow werewolf clan. Although usually they hunt for humans for food. They kill the men and use the females as slaves till they die. But years has past now and humans live in peace. It is the 21st century 2005 just four years after the after the event took in place.

    One morning somewhere in Shinjuku city there was two homeless fifteen year old girls. One was Shi Shinori, her name was supposed to mean Death for the unlucky number four although four and death actually prounouce the samething in Japanese Shinori her last name is suppsoed to mean 242, in Japanese hospitals they have number rooms although they do not use a room called 242 cause its actually like a curse like.

    Shinori has black hair and red eyes. Her black hair is actually covering up her right eye and has a cross mark symbol on her belly. She wears a dirty shredded shirt and skirt uniform and black gloves which covers up her blooded wounded hands. Akira actually has the same personality as her friend although Shinori has a mean attitude and she doesn’t like love but when boys come up to her she usually takes out a morning star which is a ball with spikes that has a chain attached to it.

    Akira however mostly acts nice and gathers food from bins and grounds. She always worries too much because Shinori fights alone. When the age of ten or nine they were use as slaves by a rich family. Shinori was a slave to the Fukiyama family and Akira was a slave to some other rich family. They’re hands were tortured, slammed, burn’t and also broked. The only way was to fix they’re hands was to forcfully slam them on the ground and that’s what they did. However the pain does not always go away, the pain always ache and always bleeds from darkness and lightness.

    Shinori sat in a shelter by the city and looked to her hands while it bleeds. “the pain still bleeds….why are we here? Is this how our fate chooses?” Shinori says to herself. Shinori closes her eyes and sleeps while resting in the shelter. Meanwhile in Shinjuku the heart of Tokyo Akira looked through bins and tunnels to gather some food to survive. On the way back to the shelter Akira found some pile of money on the floor, she picked it up and head off back home.

    Later at the shelter, an odd looking furry animal lurked around to the shelter. While Shinori was leepiong se felt that something was lurking around her. She woked up and picked up her morning star.

    Shinori felt calm but someone moved behind her, a furry starts grab her neck but Shinori kicked him in the groan and was armed ready.

    “gah!!!!” the wolf painfully screamed. Shinori felt confident and fearedfull. “who are you?” Shinori angrilly answerd. :my name is Kamuchi from the wolf clan and we’re here to capture you” Kamuchi said.

    “if you want to capture me that badly then come and get me then!” Shinori screamed

    The wolf ran up to her like a lightning bolt and striked her to the gut unfortunately that wasn’t enough for her so she grabbed his head and headbutted him with her head. The wolf was really dizzy and he falled down with conciouseness.

    “who the heck are these guys…..?” Shinori says to herself. Akira runs by and saw Shinori standing next to the wolf

    “what happened here?” Akira asked
    “it’s nothing….”Shinori said

    “hey whats that thing? It looks quite dead” Akira sked Shinori

    Shinori ignored her and ties up the wolf

    Meanwhile at night time the wolf was about to be awaken while Shinori had a shotgun in her hand aiming at the wolfs head

    “ahhhnnn…… where am i….?” the wolf groaned

    “your in our shelter… now speak up or I’ll blow that head off of yours and I’ll make wolf stew”

    Shinori staired at him with her left reded eye with such fear while the wolf looks away

    “well? Aren’t you going to speak?” Shinori asked

    “alright fine…. I was ordered to capture you for a slave”

    Shinori knewed this before that he might do that just like five years ago

    “look I’ll set you free but if you ever and I mean “ever” come near us again I will shoot that head off of yours you got that!”

    “Yes! Yes! I understand!”

    Shinori cutted the ropes and set the wolf free. While the wolf was fleeing away from Shinori, she sat down by the fire that Akria had set up and rest up for a bit. She looked up the sky and said to herself. “I’m betting that more of those freaks are coming….”

    One morning later at the base camp of the wolf clan Kamuchi hurried to the clan leader and puffed really hard by all that running.

    “my lord! My lord! I have failed to capture the girl called Shinori my lord…. Please forgive me” Kamuchi paniced and was frightened by the clan lord

    “you were beaten by a female fifteen year old girl! BAH! This girl name Shinori…. Is quite interesting….. I should meet her in person and fight her to the death!” the clan lord roared with his feet and prepared to preparations

    “we must go! Bring all your womens! And food! We must begin an arena!”

    The whole base camp went off to the two girls shelters

    A few minutes later Akira and Shinori woked up and said “morning already…? oh wait I guess we both said it didn’t we…?” the both said.

    “ hey Shinori who are they?” Akria asked

    “augh heck its them again….. I knew this would happen” Shinori said.

    The wolves starts to clear a path for the clan lord. The clan lrod started walking with a cape on and a neckless with two human ears and four snow wolf clan tooths.

    “greetings! My name is Hajime! I am the clan lord of the werewolf clan! And I came here to challenge you!”

    Shinori sighed and started talking back

    “so you want a fight huh? Alright crown boy lets see what you got….. but… hey whats the catch here anyway?” Shinroi answerd

    “if I win you will be my slave! Or maybe… be my wife or daughter!” Hajime answered back

    “your disgusting! Alright fine! But if I win you’ll have to leave us alone… or maybe I could just spread all of your clans blood and make a blood bath and make your head for wolf stew how about that?” Shinori laughed.

    “BAH! Disgusting! Your no ordinary girl human! Fine that will be the deal….. begin the arena!” Hajime roared.

    The wolves start to circle around to make an circle arena, Shinori armed with a shotgun and a morning star while holding the two weopons tightly. Hajime holded one axe, one sword and one stick with two sharp blades attached to both sides.

    Hajime is holding the two weopons with his hands and one weopon on his mouth which is actually the one with the two blades sticking out of the both ends.

    “three blades huh? Interesting no one has ever used three blades on me…. Maybe this should be fun” Shinori laughed and smiled with a smurk.

    “prepare to die!” Hajime roared with anger and slashed his blades towards Shinori, she dodged them as fast as she could like a lightning bolt with just one blow she kneed him into Hajime’s gut.

    “grrr…. Nice knee kick…. But not good enough!” Hajime grabbed her leg and slammed her to the floor.

    “GAH!!!!! Why you?!” Shinori screamed but Hajime slammed his foot to her left hand.

    “AHH!!!!!!!!!” Shinori screamed so loud that the pain will still not go away.

    “so that is your weakness? Interesting there……” Hajime started to smile, however Shinori’s right eye was turning into a red blooded colour and a drip of blood tears falls away from her right eye.

    “hehehe… you lose” Hajime laughed.

    “I WON’T LET YOU HAVE ME NOR AKIRA! AHH!!!!!” Shinori grabbed his arms and broked with her bear hands.

    “AHHHNNN!!!!! Grrr……. My arms….. how did you get that powerful strength….?” Hajime groaned.

    “it’s my right blooded eye….. when ever you break my hands or painfully kill me or torture me my right eye turns to blood and I get the strength to kill the person who faces the Death herself”

    “please I beg you…. Spare me….. I beg of you mercer” he groaned and started to growl.

    “what a pathetic dog……. Look at you…. Sitting there with your arms broken…. Look what you did to my left arm… now I have to break it back to place…..” Shinori starts to smile and starts breaking her hand back to place while it bleeds recklessly.

    Shinori started to left the left hand up and started to twist around it and slams it on the floor.

    “I’ll spare you for today…. But remember this all of you animals… should stop fighting…. If you’ll keep fighting where would your fate choose? How can you find your destiny? Besides there is no hope and other things! We’re just humans who create and feel things…. For us two girls we’re just a bunch of trash who lurk around in the darkness eating food on the ground and from garbage… now go! I for i change my mind!” Shinori screamed.

    The wovles started to escape and carry the clan lord on there backs while Shinori’s right eye turns to normal.

    “are you alright Shinori?” Akira asked.

    “yeah I’m alright…… things are getting crazier everytime….” Shinori sighed.

    A bird was watching them from the tree but unfortunately that bird was from the snow werewolf clan.

    Meanwhile at the mountains the clan lord of the snow werewolf clan started to sigh and started to laugh.

    “hehehehe…… so this girl name Shi Shinori the Death herself defeated Hajime the clan lord of werewofl clan….. how interesting she could be….. maybe I should…… meet her in person….” The clan lord started to laugh evily. The two girls started to sleep under the shelter and started to sleep together in one bed. Tucked in warm with just a box they felt something that are always coming towards them……

    The world cannot be changed…… thigns wil lalways be the same as always they’re won’t be any Heaven nor Hell people wil lend up in darkness itself and lightness shall always be passed away itself.

    To be continued.

    Poem: Shattered World and Fears of Darkness

    I am sad

    I am afraid

    I am alone

    My world is consumed with darkness itself

    Everywhere I see is shattered with BloodShed and Fear

    People will stood the Death itself and fear will always be stood by Death and Darkness

    I am sad

    I am afraid

    I am alone

    I am the Darkness of the Death

    Written and editted by Dan Nguyen from 6W