• so her i sit thinking "i don't wanna sleep in this house, that means i have to babysit tomorrow too. and the little brat's not really gonna let me sleep in" if i stay here that means i can't go to the one i loves house and ask him out, maybe mam will take me home after she arrives back from the party with her friend maybe i'll get my morning snooze (til 3) and then i'll run to his house and confess my love
    i forgot my nightwear, i'm in a flipping dress damnit i can't sleep tonight not fair i'd never be able to.. i look at he clock, 01:08.. been up since nine i just can't sleep sundays, then you've got monday, going shopping,being an idiot in front of someone you like and jeopardizing everything, falling asleep getting the dog's dinner and just ruining everything and getting insomnia from worrying about your love, then by tuesday it's a week til school and you've been sleeping so little you cannot consentrate on the summer homework (i'll get away with it i'm brilliant at manipulating teachers) but they slowly lose trust in you.
    tenth grade already and the teahers are merciless now no flunking tests buggering up with homework or getting treated to a movie (i bet there is a lot of flipping revision for a treat =[ ) you start to realize that sunday, that even though art is drawing theres gonna be a hell of a lot of writing to do
    you get tired of typing but there's not much else to do at 01:19 so you carry on dosilly slouching on a chair knowing that your back is gonna ache for weeks then there's pe - have i still got my kit, wheres my kit, is my kit dirty do i need tobuy more deodersnt?, am i gonna get hit again this year AAAAAAAAAAAGH it's too much to take in at once
    so instead you stare out the window unable to take your eyes away due to extrene fear of heights the wind blows and it's time to log out
    oh well it'll all be sorted i'm optimistic at heart sayonara and i hope you enjoyed reading it heart
