• I fell asleep while reading some hate mail from my ex boyfriend and his fiance. La dee daa.....

    Sitting on the peer watching the waves roll by, something struck me. Why was I in Wisconsin? I thought for a moment, and then remembered. Earlier in the year, when me and my ex boyfriend wren't together, but still friends, he asked me, since his fiance can't have children, if I wanted to be on some stupid list to have a child for them and get thrown away afterwards, basically. I said yes. And now I'm realizing that he must have picked me. But what I don't get is that I'm getting married, and yet I was chosen...weird....my fiance must have agreed to it. I saw my ex boyfriend strutting towards me, with his ungroomed hair and his stupid little goatee.

    "Hey, you just got here with your friends, didn't you?" he asked.

    "Yeah, Amy and Neko are probably at there home, and my fiance must be here somewhere."

    He looked surpirised.

    "Fiance? I didn't know you were getting married! He agreed to it?"

    "Yeah, I guess," I said, and then muttered, "Unfortunately."

    "Well come up to the house, I want you to meet everyone," he said. I thought about it and then-

    I woke up, went to my bed, and fell asleep to "Spongebobs Greatest Hits".

    I went with him up to the house to meet everyone. Their house was big (not nearly as big as mine) with a stone driveway. We stepped into the house where four people were sitting down.

    "These are my parents," he said, indicating the two oldest people, "My brother," The tallest one, certainly the cutest, "And my beautiful wife," he said, hugging a girl who looked like she just went dumpster diving. So thats that little whore, doesn't look as bad as I suspected, I thought.

    "Let me show you where you and your fiance will be staying, its right up the stairs."