• another day accomplished, only because of him. only becuase he is in her life. only bc he loves her like no one has ever did. only becuase at this point he is the only one who does love her. only becuase if she hurts herself she hurts him. and his pain is too much for her to live with.
    the feeling of accomplish brings the feeling of the past. being born. an abbusive father. she touched the scar on her eye he gave her. forcing black all over her left eye. parents divorced young. mother who just doesnt care. family gone. no friends. nothing but him.
    "hey wanna hang after school?" he spoke with a vioce of angels. making her melt inside. "not in the mood." she forced through him, feeling his green eyes on her. then arms were holding her close. she felt his hot minty breath on her.
    she could feel his heart. bump bump bump bumpity bump. " listen, kiddo u no i luv u. nd u no tht u luv me." she winced wen he sed tht. " u no tht u luv me mor than anything in the world. u luv me so much tht u cant stand it. tht ur in denial. tht u hate me for making u luv me. i no tht u wnt let me in bc of ur past. i no u wnt let me in bc of ur presant. but try to unlock the door for me. plz!"
    he turned her body to face him. her brown eyes looked behind him. her dark red hair flowed in the harmony of the wind. making her black high lights unnoticable. her scar he wanted to touch it so badly. he wanted to make the pain end for her. he wanted her to c tht she cn trust him. " tomoro, plz i am rrly not in the mood." her vioce was scratchy. she was rrly upset over some thing.
    he let her go nd she walked awey from him. Jake his good friend ...........................................................................NOT FINNISHED TOO LAZY TO TYPE WILL WRITE MOR LATER LEAVE UR CMMENTS HOPE I DID GOOD