• Forgotten Children.

    I am alone, nobody cares about me, nobody knows I am here. I'm stuck with nothing, no warm bed to go to at night, no meal that put food in my stomach. Now that I look back, I feel stupid about leaving it all behind, but the only thing is. There was no warm bed to come home to, No hot meal, fresh from the stove for me to eat. If there was only a little bit while mum and dad ate big lobsters smothered in butter, right in front of me. They don't care anymore. They Abuse me, lock me in my room. No wonder I have no friends. I hate my dad, seeing that he was the one who sexually abused me. But I hate mum even more, seeing that she didn't do anything about it. I knew she felt bad, but I couldn't take her pity. I wonder if they are at home, sorry about my disappearance..... Nah, Bullocks. If they were they'd be searching for me, taking me home. But instead I am in this dark, damp, cold place. Nobody knows how cold I feel, Nobody knows how trapped, Alone, Scared, I feel. Nobody knows how hungry or thirsty I am. But this is what I am, and what I am is one of the forgotten children.
    Hi, my name is Caroline, I am 10 years of age and I am a london girl and now I am part of the Forgotten children.

    ~XxChapter OnexX~

    I am shivering, the goose bumps on my arm rise up. I clutch my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth. I knew I was alone, but I am happy. Even though I don't look like it. My Auburn curls have dirt and mud in it, while my clothes are so ripped and dirty they look like rags. I sit in a cave, under the bridge, sitting in the water that formed a little stream over time. A tear feel on to my cheeks, staining them. I whimper, making my delicate, soft london voice weak. So I started singing, trying to call myself down, well thats what I said to myself anyway. So I started.
    "Just a normal day
    Streets turn into graves,
    Traces have been removed,
    The search was dissaproved,
    So cold the night,
    The weak ones lose the fight,
    To many of them out there,
    No-one seems to care.."

    I stopped singing, more tears trickled down my face as I flashed back to my past. God it was so horrible!
    I still love them, but I can't carry on living there. I looked outside the cave, seeing the towns flashing lights from the traffic and shops. I was glad to be out of there and into this cave. I pulled a blanket from my ransack and laid down. I put the blanket ontop of me. Grabbing Scottie out,[ Don't judge me! Yes he was a teddy bear but I was 10!] I snuggled up to him under the blanket, keeping out all the sounds from the city and concentrating on the voices of the mountain.
    It started spitting rain and then began to drizzle, drowning out every sound except for the occasional drip noises from the rain.
    I felt warm and safe with Scottie to hold onto, but I still has a sad feeling as I saw the moon covered by storm clouds, making the dim light fade completely.
    Pulling the warm sack up to my chin I snuggled in it, trying to get comfortable on a night like this.
    It seemed like I wouldn’t be able to sleep. It felt like hours but I realized that I had fallen asleep when I woke up to see sunlight streaming into my eyes. I squealed lightly and pulled my hand up, protecting my eyes from the light that was attacking my eyes.
    I brushed my hair with my fingers and stood up. I yawned lightly as I exited the cave, slowly and wearily.
    Walking to the outskirts of London. They usually have a market in the morning because of the farms.
    Walking in my worn out shoes, I had behind a little board, next to the market, staring as people past. They couldn’t see me, but I could see them. They only way they knew I was looking at them were because they felt eyes on the back of their head.
    They would look around and see nothing. These two men walked past me, I could see in their jackets they had pistols. I knew I had to do something to save everyone but I was too tired and weak since I was too light for my age. I weighed only 28 lb for a ten year old. I was surprised how I could survive. Hiding in the darkness of the board, someone noticed me and pulled my by my hair. I yelped loudly in pain and everyone turned. He threw me to the ground, on the concrete I scraped my face and blood trickled down it.
    Tears threatened to come out of my eyes. “Where have you been!?” He yelled at me, as though acting if he was concerned.
    Policemen came to him and gave him my belongings. “We found her belongings in a cave near by.” They said looking down at me. Dad saw what was in the bag. His blanket and torch. He slapped me across the face, making my face bleed more and have a big hand mark on it. I was fed up with this. “You don’t care! You never paid attention and you only gave me a piece of bread if I was a good girl. Mum can’t stand up to you. But I can! I weigh 28lb because I haven’t been fed properly.” I said, everyone was shocked at my hoarse voice, proof that he hasn’t given me enough water either. “I do too care.” He protested. “Oh yeah. Well where did I get these marks from?” I asked, pulling up the sleeve to my arms reveling scars and cuts. “You hurt yourself.” He still lied. “Liar. How come I had to have an abortion 2 times and you kept saying it was ‘cause of a boyfriend? I can’t believe they fell for it! You are a horrible person and a horrible father!” I screamed at him. “Don’t talk to me like that!” He yelled and punched me in the face. Blood trickled from my nose. All the parents with their kids gasped and grabbed their little ones. Some boy looked to me, wondering why I was taking this.
    The police grabbed dad away from me and placed handcuffs on him. While doing so, they dropped my bags. I grabbed them and ran. Ran away into a forest that was not that far away. No-one would think I was in there because they all thought I was afraid of the dark.