• it is night and a car is speeding down the highway. in the back seat is a young girl named hope. in front are her mother and father.
    hope looks out the window, she watches the rain thunder and lightning pound down. she yawns and snuggles up to her moshie pillow
    and her soft blanket. hope falls asleep to the sound of the rain against the windshield wipers, and her parents quiet conversation. hope suddenly
    wakes up to the sound of screaching rubber, and the car careening over the gaurd rail speeding twords the swamp below. hope screams.
    a window breaks. the shattered glass cuts her on the fore arm. the car crashes into the water and hope is despritatly scrambling to find a way out. hope comes up
    gasping for air. she takes a look around for her parents. they're both gone. theres a heavy forest and swamp all around, red eyes glare at her.
    hope trudges through the mud and walks straight into a gooey spider web. she screams. the she sees an alligator staring at her. its cold eyes and
    inticipating its next meal. she struggles to find a weapon of some sort. finally she finds a stick she can use as a batter in the muddy goop. as the
    gator is about to take a chomp, hope yanks up the cajill and bashes the alligator right on the nose. hope scrambles away from the alligator to find a
    safer vantage spot. hungry and desparate she wades through the silt mouskettos are buzzing all around hope. she tosses her arms around
    batting away bugs. she looks up to see a white fluffy platform just above the water. looks safe and inviting. hope slowly inches her way up to the
    white fluffy area. the look of comfort and relief washes across her face. exausted she plunks into her safe haven. as she closes her eyes she
    hears a crack. and the nest begins to crumble. she screams as the mess descends into the water and sees the hungry jaws of alligators.
    she squeezes her eyes tightly shut. everything goes fuzzy until she hears her mothers voice gently speaking. saying "hope! hope! wake up! it
    was only a bad dream."

    Hope sighs with relief as she wakes up. She smiles at her mother then looks out of the window of the car. Thunder claps in the sky. Her face
    turns from relaxed to terrified as she hears rubber screaching and the car careening off the road into the guard rail twords the swamp.
    hope screams. her parents are nowhere in sight.