• April 24 8:24 p.m

    *I'm sitting on a bench in an abonded park becuase it's night and it calming. I do this every day to get away from my father's cries for his father. Here is the first blast from the past:
    On October 3 George Kroffer the III died of a heart attack. And so sadly he was 'young', 52 years old.
    He also had a broken spine and lung cancer, so that could also be the reason he died. Funeral: October 25

    My father cries every night praying that he would come back, dince he has no mother becuase she died when my father was 2. And he couldn't let his own father die.
    The park is next door to my house, and my bedroom window is facing that way so all I have to do is jump out of my window and sit on my bench.
    I looked at my wrist-watch as the moon slowly came into view, and it shined on my watch. It was 10:23 p.m, and I made a rule when I came to this house in Oklahoma that I always had to be in bed by 10:35. I would leave now all I wanted to do is look at the beutiful moon and let it wash my problems away.
    I looked at the time. 10:30. I climed into my room. I just got in bed when someone knocked on the door. Without waiting for an answer, my father came in, tear stains on his cheeks.
    "Lilianna," He cried, hugging me hard. I would've pushed him away I saw somethings diffrent about him. 3 main things:
    - He was loosing his head of hair.
    - He lossed weight
    - When he creind, no tears came out of his eyes
    "I have made a desion. I'm going to ask Penny to marry me." Penny Heifer was a nice young lady who was dating my father. My orginal mother, Lily Phillistienem lived in North Dakota, with my step-brotherss and step-sister:
    - Ally(13)
    - Mark(13)
    - Max(13)
    - Ian (1)
    "Did you tell Jin?" I asked. Right away my father said "No" Jin and my father were never close, maybe because Jin is the reason my father and mother aren't still married.
    "You should"
    "He's sleeping"
    "No I'm not."
    Sleepy-eyed Jin walked into the room with Bob, his one-eared bunny. "You didn't tell me what?" Jin asked as he sat on my desk chair, far away from where my father sat my bed. "I'm going to marry Penny Heifer and that's final". My father stormed out my room and slammed the door.
    Jin picked up a pile of my father's hair and cried himself to sleep. I did the same.*