• Placing a kiss on her hand he looked into her eyes and spoke softly, “My lady, let me hold you once more before we must part.”

    The young girl flushed at his words. “My lord, you know we cannot. If my father finds out he'll have my head!”

    He stood up and tucked a stray, chocolate colored curl behind her ear. “How my heart abhors to hear you speak of him. Think not of him. Think of what you want; what your heart tells you.”

    She took his hand in hers. “My lord, my heart yearns to be twined forever with yours! But alas, it cannot be. For I am betrothed to another whom I love not. Alack! How I wish we could be together! But,what the heart wants and what father wants are two different things indeed.”

    The gentleman dropped to one knee and clutched her small hand to his chest and told her of his plan, “Then come away with me! Be free of him! You don't need him, we'll live happily together out in the country where he cannot touch us. Please my ladyship, let us both live and be happy!”

    Tears formed in the girl's eyes, her voice soft, “You must know that I've wished upon a thousand stars that we could! But my Lady Mother is only still living because of me. I'm all she has left! If I leave now she would waste away into nothingness. Would it not be like a murder to just let a woman die when you can prevent it?”

    Dropping her hand, he stood tall and gazed upon her with anger and hurt in his eyes. “What is one life when you can save many? Namely mine and your own! It is time for to choose; your love for me or your duty to your family! For in this world that which we live in, you cannot have both!”

    Her tears were falling freely now. “My lordship please! Let me have a night to think! Surely you cannot think that I could make this decision on a heated whim? And do not ever doubt my love for you, but I love my mother! Please my lord give me time!”

    His eyes were cold and devoid of their former warmth. “You have 'till tomorrow's eve my love. For tomorrow I shall depart from here with or without you.”

    He gave her one last cold look before he walked out of the dark bedchamber, slamming the rich oak door behind him.

    She collapsed onto the floor, gazing at the door he had just left through she whispered as if he could still hear her, “Oh my love, how can you ask this of me? For if I leave with you my mother shall die. But if I stay she will live and I shall die. I love you both dearly, but how can I ever hope to choose between to different loves?”