• tab Jenna stepped back as Theo cut between her and Nate. Unlike everybody else, Theo was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt. For a moment Nate said nothing before turning and glancing at her, “I’ll be right back,” he assured her before taking Theo by the arm and leading him out into the lobby.
    tab Walking back to the table, Jenna couldn’t erase the image of Nate slowly bending down as if he was preparing to kiss her. But he didn’t like her like that; he liked Cassidy, didn’t he? Of course he did, she told herself, don’t go imagining things that can’t possibly happen. She was just being stupid, over analyzing the situation. It didn’t mean anything, though she wished she hadn’t told Nate that he made her feel safe, even if it was true. If Cassidy found out about how she felt, she would be angry and probably accuse of her of trying to steal Nate away. At least, that’s what her old friends would have done in a similar situation. And then there was Theo. What if Cassidy had seen her with Nate and sent Theo over to break it up? Knowing for sure that Cassidy hated her, Jenna grabbed her glass cup off the table and walked outside to the empty balcony. Closing her eyes, she took a long sip of water before setting the glass down on the railing.
    tab “Nice night isn’t it?” a low voice whispered.
    tab Opening her eyes, Jenna glanced to her right to see Lance appear from behind the bushes.
    tab “So where’s your loser boyfriend? Enjoying the one night when people aren’t throwing rotten fruit at him?”
    tab Jenna took a step back; she didn’t like the way Lance was looking at her. In his eyes she could see the resentment he had towards Nate along with something else, something that made her scared to be alone with him
    tab “Nate,” she corrected, “is not my boyfriend,” though she wanted to add that at that very moment, she wished he were.
    tab Smirking, Lance undid the tie around his neck. “Good, I wasn’t sure how I could go on knowing that a dweeb like him was able to land such a hot girl like you,” he said this while inching towards her, causing Jenna to back up until she was pushed into a corner.
    tab Looking away, she flinched when Lance touched her cheek with his enormous sized hand, “Leave me alone,” she whispered loudly before shoving his hand away. Pushing past him, she started to walk back towards the double door, “And another thing,” she called before turning around, “I think this whole name calling thing is pathetically immature. Your seventeen not five, grow up.” The words were flying out of her mouth and she couldn’t seem to stop.
    tab “You’re obviously jealous of him but you’re too attached to your ego to admit it. Just face it, you’re a jerk and Nate’s the guy you wish you could be,” she said firmly, glad to get it off her chest.
    tab “I wish I could be him huh?” Lance spoke in a sarcastic tone, “then I guess I’ll do the one thing that wonder boy will never have the guts too do…”
    tab Suddenly she felt Lance grab her arm and yank her back into the corner. Before she could stop him, Lance swept down like a bird of prey and pressed his lips forcefully against hers. She tried to push him away, but Lance locked his hands on top of her wrists and planted them painfully onto the railing. Suddenly behind her, she heard the familiar sound of fireworks exploding, bursting into bright colors. While he kissed her, Lance pulled one of his hands away and forced it down the front of her dress. Jenna closed her eyes as tightly as she could. In her ears, the sounds of Lance breathing loudly echoed over and over again, blasting out the sounds of the fireworks.
    tab Of course no one could see them. They were in the shadows of the building and everybody else’s attention was focused on the bright lights filling the sky. Tears were running down her face when Lance finally let her go.
    tab Readjusting his tie, Lance wiped his lips clean of her lipstick. “Lets see what Nate thinks when he sees that,” he sneered before walking away as if nothing had happened.
    tab Once he was gone, Jenna stood in silence, unable to move. She was shaking, her whole body trembling with fear. No matter where she went, she wasn’t safe. Even with friends to protect her, she was still easy prey.
    tab Another wave of fireworks exploded behind her but Jenna didn’t seem them, she was already running away.
    tab Thankfully, the crowd was too engrossed in the fireworks to notice a terrified crying girl run through the room. It wasn’t like they could hear her anyway. She had just reached the lobby when she heard someone shout her name. Glancing back she saw Nate following behind her, confusion in his eyes. Ignoring his pleas for her to stop, she raced towards the elevator and pressed the button repeatedly. It wasn’t coming fast enough.
    tab “Jenna,” Nate called again, getting closer, “Jenna what happened?”
    tab Forgetting the elevator, Jenna quickly kicked off her shoes and ran towards the stairway. It was harder to run up the steps with her heavy gown weighing her down but she kept running anyway. She got as far as the third floor before Nate caught up with her.
    tab Cutting in front of her, Nate blocked her path. “Tell me what happened,” he ordered, as he looked her over, his eyes full of concern though his voice remained sharp. “Tell me right now!”
    tab Shaking her head while tears ran down her face, she begged him to move. But Nate stubbornly stood his ground. Dropping her shoes, she turned around and started to make her way down the steps but Nate caught her hand in his.
    tab “Please Jenna,” he whispered softly. “Tell me what’s going on. Let me help you.”
    tab It was too much for her. Bringing her hands to her eyes, Jenna sank down onto the ground in tears. Nate was besides her in moments. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a tissue and dabbed her eyes. Closing them, she let him put his arms around her before resting her head against his shoulder, while he told her softly to trust him. But she didn’t he know that she did trust him, that she trusted him more than anyone?
    tab So she told him, told him what Lance had done while everybody else was watching the fireworks. She watched his face grow angrier with each passing moment. And when she got to the part when Lance forced his hand down her dress, Nate clenched his hand into a fist and punched the wall while cursing.
    tab “I’ll kill that damn b*****d,” he shouted furiously and Jenna could tell from his tone that he meant it.
    tab “Nate,” she whispered, no tears left in her eyes, “ I want to go home. Please, just take me home.”
    tab She watched the fire in Nate’s green eyes recede as he helped her to her feet and led her the rest of the way up the stairs. They walked with her head resting against his shoulder, while he kept one arm wrapped protectively around her. When they reached her apartment, Nate kicked the mat aside and pulled out the key. Once inside, Jenna went straight into her room and lay down on her bed, curled up in a tight ball. A moment later, Nate appeared standing in the doorway.
    tab “I’ll stay if you want,” he offered. “But if you want to be alone…”
    tab “What about Cassidy?”
    tab Nate put one hand against the doorframe, “She won’t mind. In fact,” he paused as if he was trying to find the right words to say, “she’s the one that told me to go after you. But I’ll go if you-”
    tab Please don’t,” Jenna said instantly. “I really don’t want to be alone anymore.” And it was true. She had been alone since that second week of May and she was tired of being by herself.
    tab Slipping off his jacket and shoes, Nate closed the door behind him before climbing into bed and lying down besides her. Putting his arms around her again, Jenna rested her head against his chest and could still smell the salty ocean within his hair while he held her hand gently.
    tab For a while they both lay there. Nate running his hands through her hair while he told her stories of the adventures he and his friends had had in Fantasia. Some of the stories were funny and Jenna laughed along with him, others had bittersweet endings where the monster was slain but the hero died as well. Then he told her about his life in the real world, and how at times, he wished he could just disappear from it all and travel to Fantasia where he’d spend the rest of his days being a hero. Eventually, Jenna fell asleep, her head still resting on Nate’s chest.
    tab She didn’t know what time it was when she opened her eyes. Through her window, she could see that the sun had not yet risen and the lights on the boardwalk were still on. Sitting up, she was surprised to see Nate sleeping besides her, one of his hands still holding hers. The fact that he had stayed almost brought tears to her eyes. None of her old friends would have done something like this. Their excuse would be that they were busy with their own lives to care if one of their own was suffering or not. Thinking back on it, Jenna started to wonder if they were ever really her friends or not. Perhaps the only reason they liked her, was because she was popular. She didn’t want to believe it but it all made sense, her friends turning on her just to keep their reputations good. Besides her, Nate mumbled something before rolling onto his back.
    tab At that very moment, she wanted to kiss him. She wanted him to know that she considered him to be the greatest guy that she’d ever met, despite his rough edges, and never wanted to be with anyone else. Even though Nate had said that Cassidy had told him to follow her, she still didn’t feel right kissing him. Not until she heard if from Cassidy’s own mouth would she even consider kissing Nate. It was the only way Jenna wouldn’t feel like she was stealing Nate from behind Cassidy’s back.
    tab Lying back down again, she rested her head against her pillow, being lulled asleep by the soft sounds of Nate’s breathing.
    tab There was no sun to greet her when she opened her eyes again, only grey clouds. Sitting up, Jenna realized that someone had covered her in her blanket.
    tab “Hope you don’t mind.”
    tab Glancing to her left, she saw Nate’s green eyes gazing back at her. Smiling, he sat up and tucked a few fallen strand of her hair behind her ear; “It was cold when I woke up so I figured you must be freezing being in your dress and all.”
    tab Pulling the blanket up to cover her bare shoulders, she thanked him. Even though his once neat hair was now messy and his clothes wrinkled, he still looked as handsome as ever. He didn’t have to stay with her, but the fact that he had, made her eternally grateful.
    tab Pulling back the sleeve on his shirt, Nate examined his watch, “I should probably be going. If Dahlia catches me here, then I think she’ll hate me even more than she does already.” He was right about Dahlia. If she found him here, then Jenna was afraid that she might throw Nate out the window.
    tab “Besides,” Nate continued, “Theo’s already mad at me.”
    tab “What? Why?”
    tab Nate smiled slyly as he pulled back the covers and stood up, “Because he knows I like you,” he whispered as he grabbed his jacket and shoes off the floor.
    tab His response came with a shock. Nate liked her? But didn’t…didn’t he like Cassidy?
    tab Together, they crept out of her room and headed towards the door. When they reached it, Nate turned around and gazed into her eyes, “Can you meet me in the pool later today?”
    tab Jenna looked away unsure if she should say yes.
    tab Nate must have sensed her apprehension because he bent down besides her and whispered softly in her ear, “If not, then maybe this evening. I promised to teach you how to swim and that’s what I’m going to do.”
    tab Jenna reluctantly nodded, she was going to be seeing him later when all three of them were hanging out, and maybe she could think of a better excuse to get out of it then. But wasn’t like she didn’t want to see Nate, she just didn’t want to hurt Cassidy.
    tab “So I’ll see you after breakfast,” he said with a smile, “and then again later.”

    tab The great forest of Fantasia was quiet as Nate lurked within the shadows of the massive trees. The birds were no longer singing, having sensed the danger hidden deep within their home. Clutching his sword tightly, Nate tried to think of where the monster had taken Cass and the princess. Creeping out from his hiding place, Nate listened as he heard the vibrating sounds of a Troll nearby. Trolls were stupid forgetful creatures, but they often avoided coming out during the day, even on ones when there wasn’t any sun.
    tab A troll huh? Nate thought to himself before smiling. It had been awhile since he had fought one and was looking forward to the soon-to-be battle.
    tab Of course if his comrade hadn’t abandoned him, claming that he wanted to be the hero for once, this would have been a hell of a lot easier. But no, as soon as the girls took off, Theo had issued him a challenge.
    tab “Whoever saves the girls first, gets to give the loser one order, an order he must follow,” Theo had said flatly before running off into the forest.
    tab Nate knew what Theo was doing, the other night he had been very clear about his views towards Jenna. He didn’t want her hanging out with them anymore. The way Theo viewed it; Jenna was the wrecking ball that had finally come to destroy Fantasia. In his mind, her presence marked the end of their childhood games and days having imaginary adventures in their land of make believe. For the last eleven years, it had just been them three, no one else. Years ago, Nate had promised that him and Cass that it would always just be them, no outsiders. But then Jenna came along and now Nate realized that he could never keep that promise. They were getting older, and in less than two years, they would be going their separate ways off to college. But even so, it did not mean he was ready to give up on his friends and he wouldn’t give up until Theo understood that.
    tab Hearing the sounds of little voices, Nate ducked back into the shadows. He should have seen this coming. Theo had always been sensitive about the future. Since he was always looking after his mom, Theo hadn’t had as much time to be a kid like Nate and Cass did. He looked forward to the summer because it was the only time his older sister was able to come home and take care of their mother while he went off and played with his friends. But when the summer reached its end, it was back to working extra hours just to make ends meet at home. Nate my like Fantasia, but Theo needed it. He needed to come here just to know what it feels like to have fun and be kid. Take Fantasia away and Theo might become even more isolated than he already was.
    tab But did he really need to go this far to secure Fantasia’s immortality? Just because he liked her, didn’t make Jenna a threat to Fantasia’s existence.
    tab Suddenly, Nate heard the sounds of rustling of leaves. Turning around, he ducked just in time as a branch whipped past him, narrowly missing his right eye. Then he was running, dodging tree roots that were lifting out of the ground, attempting to squish him.
    tab So that’s how it’s going to be, Nate thought as he reached a clearing, referring to Theo’s ability to bring life to anything he touches. If Theo was going to play rough, then so would he.
    tab Glancing around, Nate listened for sounds of movements but all he heard was the sounds of his own breathing.
    tab “Come on,” he whispered as he scanned the tree line, hoping to see the top of a tower or something, “where are hiding them.”
    tab Then he saw it, off to the left in the far distance he saw the tip of a stone tower.
    tab Bingo!
    tab Running as fast he could, he jumped over a small stream, the tower getting closer. Before he even reached the tower, he noticed that some of trees had yellow paint splattered on them. It had to be Cass. Upon arriving he wasn’t surprised to see Cass fighting a large troll.
    tab Swinging a staff and mouthing spells, thousands of illustrations sprang free from the scrolls that Cass tossed into the air. Not wasting a second, Nate jumped into the fray and was soon fighting along side his friend.
    tab “About time you got here,” Cass joked as she brought to life an illustration of a rhinoceros that charged straight into the troll’s massive green stomach, sending him flying through the air until he crashed into the tower, causing it to shake from the impact.
    tab “Where’s Theo?”
    tab Nate smiled as the troll rubbed his massive horned head before struggling to pull himself out of the large hole his body had made. “We’re kind of in the middle of something.”
    tab Switching her staff from one hand to the other, Cass frowned. “Why do I have a bad feeling that this is related to the princess,” she groaned. The troll wobbled to his feet. “Speaking of which, where is Jenna?”
    tab Nate opened his mouth to ask what she meant but at that exact moment the troll started to charge forward but Cass opened a scroll with a picture of lightning on it before whispering a spell. Seconds later the sky grew dark and before the stupid troll could realize what was happening, a white lightning bolt struck him right in middle of his chest sending him crashing to the ground where he remained still.
    tab “You haven’t seen her?” he asked once the smoke had cleared from the troll’s chard flesh. Cass shook her head. “Damn it,” he muttered. “Have you seen Theo lately?”
    tab Picking up her scrolls, Cass nodded, “Yeah, he’s the one that set me free.”
    tab s**t, Theo had already rescued one girl and now he was probably already on his way to save Jenna.
    tab “Nate, what exactly is going on between you,” she paused while she searched his face for her answer.
    tab Sighing, Nate signaled for her to follow him. “In a nutshell, I guess you could say that Theo thinks that Jenna is going to be the thing that tears us apart.” Nate went on to tell her about Theo’s challenge.
    tab Cass understood, she knew just how important Fantasia was to Theo just like he did.
    tab “So what's the plan?”
    tab Nate glanced back at her. The moment their eyes connected, she smiled.
    tab “Go, I’ll see if I can stall him,” she promised before taking off in another direction.
    tab Taking off, Nate let his senses guide him. He knew that if Theo found Jenna then it was all over. Theo may not talk much, but when he did, he knew how to bring his point home. He’d make Jenna wish she’d never come to Florida. Gripping his sword tighter, he knew he would be using it soon. For the first time ever in Fantasia, two of its greatest protectors, were about to face off. Above him, the clouds let off a threatening blast of thunder. Suddenly Theo appeared, running along side Nate.
    tab “So, how’s the search coming?” Theo’s voice was bitter, which meant that he hadn’t located the princess yet either.
    tab “You know if we both find the princess at the same time, you are aware of what might happen?” Nate asked as he picked up his pace.
    tab Theo shrugged his shoulders as the wide fields of Fantasia shot by. “If we have to fight, than we fight.”
    tab Nate was just about to try and talk some sense it into his friend when suddenly a pillar of fire broke through the tree line. A moment later, the silence of the forest was cut short by a scream.
    tab Dragons were rare creatures, even in Fantasia, but this wouldn’t be the first time that Nate had fought one. Together, both he and Theo raced towards the spot where the fire had come from. Moments later both were staring into the yellow eyes of a massive dragon, just beyond it, was a terrified princess.
    tab “Nate!” the princess called, her voice dripping in fear.
    tab “So a dragon huh?” Theo smirked as he turned and stared at Nate.
    tab Understanding where Theo was going, Nate smiled, “First one to reach the princess…”
    tab “A deal’s a deal,” Theo replied as he prepared himself for battle.
    tab “Just hold on,” Nate called, “we’ll save you.”
    tab And then the battle began. Together, both friends worked as a team and took the dragon straight on. While Theo distracted the winged beast with his living trees, Nate ducked past his tail, stabbing at its scaled purple belly. Back in the real world, Nate and Theo were actually climbing over the large rocks that jutted out of the grounds of the forest located near their town. On the other side of the rocks was Jenna, doing her best to prove to Theo that she believed in Fantasia. But in Fantasia, the two heroes were having a hard time fighting the dragon. It was a stubborn creature, one that refused to give up. Together they combined their attacks just as it started to rain. It wasn’t enough. They needed more power. Then as if heaven had heard their prayers, Cass appeared with a barrage of living illustrations. Combining all three of their powers, the friends attacked the dragon with full force. When the smoke cleared from their attack, the dragon was dead. Cheering the three friends congratulated one another on their victory.
    tab Then the two friends turned and faced one another.
    tab “Ready to finish that challenge?” Nate asked eager to know if Theo was still mad at him.
    tab Theo glanced off at Jenna before shaking his head, “Forget about it,” he pointed to Jenna. “Your princess is waiting,” he said before walking over to join Cassidy.
    tab Nate caught Cass’s eyes and she smiled. Then he started running towards Jenna, unable to hide his smile