• It's been about 2 day's since the "accident" and things are actually returning to normal, the only difrence is that all the window's are nailed shut and Autumn is watching me like a hawk. But it's ok I guess, I mean I get to talk to mom now which is great, but she believe's im in some sort of camp with my friend's. So when I call I really play it up so Autumn won't pick up another phone to listen to our conversation. Autumn's decided that it was time to train my as a timekeeper, so every afternoon in his office he tell's me diffrent bit's of information then ask's how it happened in order. So put simply so you can understnd to, and this is what he told me too, he pick's something from history, and then with my "special ability" im supposed to recall what happened and put it in order. It's way harder than it sound's believe me, can you say majoy migrain's? So we'd do this for about 2 hours at the most then Autumn would smile and we'd go out for lunch. Which i'm happy about believe me, anything to go outside, but it's just.....going to eat with Autumn is just weird...I know he's a vampire and you're first impression would be " blood-drinker" but here he is sitting infront of me eating a salad from a resterant. It's just kind of weird...and another weird thing is I have never once seen him drink anything that even resembled blood...it was alway's a soda or something.It just kind of bugged me, I thought vamp's got sick or died if they didn't drink blood. " Luna, are you listening to me?"Came Autumn's voice, breaking my train of thought. " What'd you say?" I looked up suprised. He sighed and looked at me with mock annoyace, " I was saying that I think your school year will be starting soon, am I correct?" He finished with a smile. " Yeah school does start soon...mom already got me taken care of, she said so on the phone last night but does that have to do with anything?" I asked suspiciously. Nothing that concerned my outside life ever came up with Autumn unless he was planning something. " Well as it turns out your calculus teacher retired last month and....im going to be one of your teachers, and Laura didn't want to stay home alone all day so I enrolled her in all your classes other than mine." He finished watching my face carefully for the reaction. Honestly I was scared and excited at the same time, im mean in school im the exact opposite then I am at his house i'm the school's badass, pardon my french but that's the only way i can explain it. I was excited cause I though it would shock Autumn, but scared because of how he might act toward's me after. It was a horrible feeling, but even though he asked me many time's how I felt about it I just kept silent.