“Live life with no regrets…” Sarah thought aloud.
“Just dive already!” Sarah’s cousin, Rei, yelled at her. Sarah and Rei were almost enemies. Rei
constantly was moody, as was Sarah. Rei mostly started it though, Sarah had a hot-temper and hated everyone almost. Sarah had long brown hair that reached her waist, and violet eyes. Rei had shoulder length blond hair, and blue eyes. Sarah was 15, Rei only 8.
“Shut up!” Sarah glared at her, then fell purposely backwards in the water. She sat at the bottom for about 10 seconds cursing Rei out, underneath her breath. She came up and swam to the ladder, “Shut up, and listen to your surroundings every once in a while! You talk too much!” She got out and grabbed her towel and sat in the porch.
“Jezz… Ms. Priss!” Rei yelled at Sarah. Sarah got up and decided to dive more.
“Either shut up or leave!” Sarah said then dove in again. Rei glared at her and made a face then dove in after her. Sarah got out then walked to the diving board with Rei behind her.
“What’d I do?” Rei asked sarcastically. Sarah got on the board.
“Don’t make me slap you!” Sarah wished she could slap sense into Rei. Rei looked at Sarah and stuck her tongue out. “LEAVE NOW!” Sarah got off the board and looked at Rei. Sarah was not even five feet tall, and Rei was about three and a half feet tall.
“No!” Rei was about to jump in.
“NOW!” Sarah grabbed a float on the ground and walked over to Rei. “GO NOW! In addition, when your Mom asks what happened say ‘Sarah kicked me out the pool!’ Don’t bother coming back here tomorrow!” She held the float as if she were going to hit Rei.
“Jezz… I’m going Ms. Priss!” Rei got up and grabbed her towel then left.
Sarah sat on the board for a while, staring into the water. I’ll be in trouble tomorrow for that she
thought. “Oh well, That’s life” She grabbed her towel then laid on the ground.
“Sarah!” Her mom yelled at her. Her mom was about five feet tall and had red hair that was very curly and was only shoulder length.
“Yea?” Sarah sat up.
“I need you to open the gate!” Her mom yelled at her. Sarah sighed, she knew what was going to happen. She walked over to the gate and opened it. “I saw Rei walking home, What happened?”
“Well, I sort of kicked her out!” Sarah said, making sure to mind her tone.
“Why?” Her mom glared at her
“Well, She was being you-know-what so I kicked her out…” Sarah knew she was going to be in trouble.
“So? You should not have kicked her out. Rei is too spoiled and gets her way too often. She thinks she rules you.”
“I know…What’s the verdict to my crime?” Sarah rolled her eyes.
“Two weeks grounded, but you can go somewhere tonight!” Her mom said half-happy.
“Okay…” Sarah walked inside and showered. Then she called Hikaru. Hikaru was 15. She had black hair that was a little longer than Sarah’s. However, Hikaru put her hair up in heart odangos. Hikaru had green eyes and was about five inches taller than Sarah.
“Hi… Can I speak to Hikaru?” Sarah hated phones and spoke softly.
“It’s me!” Hikaru sighed, low “GRR! SAKI! GIVE ME THE PHONE NOW!” Hikaru stole the phone from her brother, Saki.
“Hiya Hikaru!” Sarah started packing her bag. “Can I come over tonight, please? I’m getting grounded for two weeks… for kicking Rei out…”
“YAY! Of course you can come!” Hikaru sighed, “I got to go, Come a.s.a.s.p.!” She hung up.
“Mom, I’m going at Hikaru’s!” Sarah said then saw her Mom sleeping almost on the couch, “I’ll walk, I’ll bring the cell, If I get lost or kidnapped, I’ll call” She picked up the cell phone then walked out. She looked at her bike, sighed then decided on walking.
“Where ya going?” Rei asked her.
“I thought I told you to GO AWAY!” Sarah started to jog.
“FINE THEN!” Rei yelled to her.
Sarah kept joging for about ten minutes, until her ankle gave out. She decided she’d walk there, a slow walk but it’d take her an hour to get there. She thought on the way.
“Wow, How’d you get here?” Hikaru saw her, Sarah was at the door.
“Well, My Mom drove me, but she dropped me off a block from here,” Sarah lied. She had to, She didn’t want Hikaru to know how bad of parents she had.
“Ohh….” Hikaru yawned. Then, they went to her room.
Sarah yawned twice then fell asleep on Hikaru’s bed. A few minutes later, Hikaru went to sleep. The next day, Hikaru was first to wake up.
“Sarah! Wake up!” Hikaru shook her.
“Yea… Yea… I’m up!” Sarah sat up. She looked around, They weren’t at Hikaru’s anymore. Somewhere entirely different. Sarah blinked a few times. “Where…. Where are we?” she shook her head. They were in a forest, under a tree.
“I was hoping you knew…” Hikaru looked at Sarah. Sarah stood up, then helped Hikaru up. Sarah almost fell again. “What’s wrong?” Hikaru grabbed her.
“Nothing, I sprained my ankle yesterday… ehh… I’ll get over it…” Sarah stood up again. She glanced around, “We’re not on Earth anymore."
“How do you know?” Hikaru asked almost in awe.
“… Ehh… This tree…” Sarah said then stripped bark from it and the bark regenerated. “That’s how…” Hikaru screamed, Sarah stared at the bark, she wasn’t really expecting that.
“Who’s there!?” Someone yelled at them.
“…Ehh…err… We’re a bit lost….” Sarah yelled at the person.
“More than lost!” Hikaru sighed.
“Yea, I know…” Sarah sighed with Hikaru. Someone appeared in front of them. He had blue hair and was about six feet tall. Hikaru leaned against the tree, she wanted to scream. Sarah sighed. “Hey, Can you tell us… Where this is?” she asked.
“First tell me who you two are!” The guy demanded.
“You first!” Sarah almost yelled at him. She was in a black skirt and long-sleeve black shirt. Her brown hair was in a braid, she imagined herself. Then, Hikaru, who was wearing dark blue pants and a dark green shirt with her heart odangos. Sarah thought of that briefly.
“I’m Yoru!” the guy walked to them both. Sarah looked at his eyes, they were an odd blue. He wore black pants and a blue shirt, but it didn’t look normal.
“Your lying!” Sarah glared at him.
The guy’s expression was of surprise. “How’d you know that!?” Sarah sighed, most people asked her that. She just knew when people were lying. That was that.
“That’s none of your business! But your name?” Sarah had to be pushy. Hikaru was shy, but Sarah knew that if she wasn’t like this right now, They’d look too weak.
“My name is Akira Shotoru,” he said, analyzing the two girls.
“I’m Sarah,” Sarah almost smiled, but then glared.
“I’m Hikaru Zenkai!” Hikaru moved a bit and Sarah yawned.
“Now, Where is this?” Sarah grabbed her cap, that was on the ground. She had just noticed it.
“This is the town of Mawsa,” Akira looked at Sarah.
Sarah put her cap on, and tucker her long braid in it. “Mawsa?” Sarah looked at Hikaru. Hikaru just looked at Sarah, they both rolled their eyes. Sarah then looked Akira. “Mawsa? What country?”
“Country? What’s that?” Akira eyed them.
“….Another question, What year is this?” Sarah was about to break down. They weren’t where they were suppose to be.
“208901… You didn’t know that? You two don’t look like you’re from around here."
Sarah glared at him, “Hikaru, Let’s go…” She took one step then fell. “Damn ankle…I’ve walked more than that trip!” She mumbled under breath.
Hikaru grabbed Sarah’s arm. Akira ran over. “Are you okay!?” Akira asked Sarah.
“I’m fine! Leave me alone, Akira!” Hikaru pulled Sarah up. Sarah looked at Hikaru.
“Are you okay?” Akira repeated, looking at Sarah.
“I’m fine!” Sarah yelled at him, then began limping off. Hikaru stood by her side. Sarah sighed, “That trip was too much, I guess I over-did myself….” Sarah fell again, and began to lowly curse herself for not being able to stand up. Akira walked over and then picked Sarah up. “Leave me alone!” Sarah protested, but couldn’t do much.
“Hikaru? That’s your name, right? Come.” Akira started to walk, Sarah on his arms.
“Yes…” Hikaru began to walk behind Akira.
“I’m fine! Let me down!” Sarah commanded, coldly.
“Alright” Akira put Sarah down, Sarah stood up perfectly and began to walk.
“Where are we going?” Hikaru asked.
“To my home…” Akira pointed to a small wooden house. Sarah walked behind Hikaru.
“That’s your home?” Sarah asked, she had calmed down sort of.
“Yep!” Akira said joyfully.
When they got there, Akira introduced them to his family. His Mom seemed nice; she looked so young to have Akira. She had purple hair that was same length as Sarah’s which was down to her knees. But Sarah’s had hers hidden under a cap. Akira’s mom showed Hikaru and Sarah to a room. “So your names are Hikaru and Sarah?” Akira’s Mom asked.
“Yep, I’m Sarah…” Sarah rolled her eyes, Akira’s mom was being way to nice for Sarah to adjust to.
“I’m Hikaru!” Hikaru smiled and stepped on Sarah’s toe to tell her to be nice.
Sarah sighed, “Thank you very much, Ma’am” Sarah limped to sit down.
“What’s wrong with your leg?” Akira’s mother asked her.
“Ehh…. Nothing….” Sarah lied, smiling.
“No, something is wrong…” Akira’s mother took a look at Sarah’s swollen ankle, then bandaged it up.
“You didn’t have to do that…” Sarah wanted to take off and go somewhere else immediately. She bit her lip, and then looked at Hikaru. “I’m tired… still…” Sarah fell asleep in the chair.
Hikaru yawned, and fell asleep on the bed. They woke up about an hour later. “I have some clothes for you two to change into!” Akira’s mother came in.
“Good!” Hikaru smiled. Sarah saw the clothes, two dresses… both pink.
Sarah’s eyes lowered to a death glare, “I’m not wearing pink…”
Akira’s mom laughed, “I’ll get something else for you two, and for you Sarah, I’ll get something black.” She walked out.
“SARAH!” Hikaru glared at her. “You should appreciate her giving you something!”
“Hikaru? Do you see me wearing pink, much of the less a dress?” Sarah eyed Hikaru’s reaction to that.
Akira’s mom came back, with a dark blue dress and a black one. “Here you two go!” she smiled.
“Thanks!” Sarah got up, then grabbed the black dress. It looked like an old fashion dress so did everything else around. Hikaru grabbed her dress. Akira’s mom left, still laughing at Sarah.
“I’m going change in the closet…” Hikaru opened the closet and then went in it. Sarah looked at the closet, sighing. Sarah managed to put her dress on, complicated as it was. She only wore a dress twice in her life, and only wore a skirt three times, and why’d she have to be in one when they transported she wondered. She put her cap on; she didn’t want her hair to get in the way.
“Hey, umm… Sarah…” Hikaru sighed, “I can’t get the back of this dress…” She opened the closet. Sarah limped over to her and helped Hikaru, who was laughing the entire time.
They walked out the room, Hikaru still laughing. Sarah sighed; Hikaru was always so cheerful, and it was starting to get funny. She began laughing with her.
“Hey girls! You look better now!” Akira’s mom told them. She was cooking in the kitchen.
“Really?” Hikaru twirled. She looked at Sarah, who had her arms folded and was leaning against the door frame laughing. “Hey, Sarah! What’s wrong?”
“Ohh, nothing… I was just thinking if my mom would see me right now...” Sarah started to laugh more, then Hikaru started laughing. “Hey, Ma’am, what’s your name?”
“My name? It’s Sami,” Akira’s mom told them. Sarah smiled.
“How about we go wander off? I want to see more about this land…” Sarah asked.
“I wouldn’t suggest that'd be lucky that Akira found you and not someone else… These are bad lands…” Sami told them, “My little girl was shot… while playing outside.”
“Ohh, sorry I brought it up…” Sarah sighed. An arrow shot and landed near Sami, Hikaru ran behind Sarah.
“That’s right, now! Hand over your valuables!” A guy in all black approached Sami. Hikaru held onto Sarah.
“Mister, I suggest getting a new job!” Sarah yelled at him. Hikaru let go of her friend.
“What was that, little kid?” the guy walked up to Sarah. Sarah glared at him.
“I said get a new job!” Sarah yelled. The guy punched at Sarah put Sarah dodged it and then double slapped him.
“WHAT!? A little kid hit me?” The guy was about to try and hit Sarah again.
“I’m not little, I’m 15!” She yelled at him, “Now Get Out!” He tried to punch Sarah but Sarah moved. Hikaru ran to Sami. “I said leave!” the guy tried to punch Sarah, but she moved, and he fell. Sarah knocked him in his neck. He knocked out. “I told you to leave!” She then grabbed him and put him on her back. “Where do you want me to dispose of this creep?”
“Sarah, he’s dangerous…” Hikaru got worried.
“Bring him to Akira… He’ll take care of him,” Sami smiled at Sarah. Sarah’s cap fell off.
“Hey! Hikaru… Can you keep my cap until I get back…?” she asked Hikaru very sweetly.
“I’d rather come with you!” Hikaru walked over to Sarah and then grabbed her cap. Sarah walked out with Hikaru following her.
They found Akira, chopping wood. “Akira!” Hikaru yelled at him. “We have a creep for you to dispose of!” Sarah threw him, it was a good five feet to Akira, but she threw the creep all the way to him. “Here he is…”
“You two go back now…” Akira smiled at them. Sarah started walking back, Hikaru on her side.
“Here’s your cap!” Hikaru said cheerfully, handing Sarah her cap.
“Oh yea! Thanks!” Sarah put it on then put her hands behind her head. She yawned making Hikaru laugh.
When they got back, Sami was still cooking. She looked at the two of them oddly.
“You gave him to Akira?”
“Yep!” Sarah winked and Hikaru smiled. “Should we leave?”
“Huh?” Sami asked oddly. “Leave, why?”
“We don’t really belong here…” Sarah sighed.
“Neither does Akira, but he’s fine here.” Sami smiled, then put some plates down for them to eat.
“I’ll get Akira!” Hikaru started walking out.
“Hey! Wait up!” Sarah walked behind her.
“What you’re coming with me?” Hikaru smiled happily.
“Well, of course! What’d—Why you don’t want me?” Sarah looked down.
“I always want you!” Hikaru smiled and Sarah smiled back.
“Good, same way here…” Sarah smiled.
They met up with Akira. “Dinner is ready!” Sarah broke the silence.
“Okay!” Akira yelled at them, walking the three steps to them.
They began to walk back. Hikaru slipped and Sarah grabbed her before she fell.
“These dresses…are so hard to walk in!” Hikaru mumbled, but only Sarah heard her.
“I know… I know” Sarah whispered to Hikaru. Akira stared at them for a while.
When they got there, Sarah and Hikaru were laughing at Akira.
They sat down to eat, no one said much. Hikaru poked at her sandwich. No one saw her do that, except for Sarah whom almost bursted out laughing at that. After dinner, they all went there separate ways. Sami began to clean up, Akira went back chop wood, and Hikaru and Sarah roamed around the house.
Hikaru and Sarah found their way to Akira’s room. Sarah picked up a letter. “Hey, Hikaru!” Hikaru walked over to Sarah. “This letter, its signed Seishirou…!”
“Huh?” Hikaru asked surprised. “Seishirou and Akira are the same person?”
Sarah put the letter back, “I have an uncanny feeling they are the same…” Someone dashed at them both. Sarah jumped back and Hikaru ran behind Sarah.
“What are you doing here!?” Akira tried to hit Sarah, but Sarah jumped out the way, She put Hikaru on her back. Sarah ran out the room with Hikaru still on her back.
“SARAH, HIKARU!” Sami yelled at them. Sarah wasn’t too good at running. She nearly fell, but caught her balance two inches from the ground. Hikaru nearly fell off of Sarah’s back four times but Sarah grabbed her. They were out the house in no time.
After thirty minutes of running, Sarah was exhausted and started walking. Hikaru was on Sarah’s side. “Akira’s one scary guy…”Sarah said under her breath.
Someone shot at them, Sarah pushed Hikaru out the way,and they tumbled down a hill. “Damn hills!” Sarah screamed, holding onto Hikaru. Hikaru was also holding onto Sarah. Both were screaming low and cursing the hill. They hit a tree, but Sarah took the hit. “DAMN!” Sarah got up helping Hikaru up.
“Looks like we have to run more…” Hikaru opened her eyes. Sarah looked around. They were surrounded with loaded guns pointed at them. Sarah glared at them.
“Look, If you’re going to try and kill us, We’ll just have to retaliate!” Sarah warned them.
“Wow, That’s some attitude you got there…” Someone said to Sarah. He was apparently the 'leader'.
She looked at the person who said that, “Yea, well there’s plenty more where that came from!” Hikaru hugged onto Sarah. “So, what did we do to get shot at!?” Sarah put Hikaru on her back. Hikaru knew Sarah was thinking of fighting.
“Well, you crossed into our land!” the ‘leader’ said while glaring at Sarah.
“Well, isn’t that just so bad? I’m not from around here, and I’m not asking for trouble! Let us go now, and I won’t be forced to use violence!”
“Oh, Great… Some kid is going to beat us up…” Someone said picking up Sarah’s cap.
“Give me back my cap!” Sarah yelled at the person holding her cap.
“Temper, Temper! Tell us your names and we’ll give you your cap back!” he said looking at Sarah. She was glaring at him.
“I’m Sora! And this is Haruka!” She lied, but her lies were not noticed.
The guy gave Sarah her cap, and Sarah put her cap on, tucking her braid in it as usual.
“So…” the ‘leader’ said, “Where are you from?”
“Hnn….” Sarah thought aloud, “That’s for us to know and you not to know!” She smiled.
Someone took Hikaru off her back and held her hands. Then, someone came to slap Sarah. Sarah sighed, “LET ME GO AND HER NOW OR ELSE!”
“SORA!” Hikaru yelled knowing she could not fight. Sarah kicked the person that came to slap her then flipped up and stood on the person who was holding Hikaru's hands and hit them in the neck, knocking him out. Then she knocked the other guy out. She walked over to Hikaru and put her on her back.
“We’re leaving, now!” Sarah said and started walking away, but the leader glared at her.
“Sora! Stay now or we’ll shoot!”
“I’ll met up with you later… I have to deal with these freaks… Met me about three miles from here. After the first shot I want you to run as fast as you can to get away!” Sarah whispered to Hikaru. She nodded. “I’m leaving!” She yelled at them, the first gun shot at Sarah, but she dodged and then Hikaru jumped off of her back and ran. “I’m not that easy to kill!” Sarah jumped into a tree and climbed form tree to tree, to get to someone. She landed on one guy that was alone. She took his gun then ran to the leader and pointed her gun at him.
“I could still shoot you, in the time it takes for you to pull that trigger,” The leader informed Sarah, but Sarah only sadistically smiled.
“Like wise” She said calmly. She cocked the trigger. “Call off your ‘hounds’ and ensure my safe leave or else I’ll shoot you. The chances of you actually hitting me with that bullet are under 10%.” She informed him with a big smile. The leader shot at her, she dodged and jumped up and had the gun at his head. “Now, Don’t make me kill you!” She sighed, then backed off and walked away, throwing the gun in front of the leader.
“How do you know I won’t shoot at you again?” he asked Sarah.
“Well, I had you down once, I could do it again…” Sarah was well out of sight.
A couple of hours later, Sarah saw Hikaru. Hikaru turned and saw Sarah. She ran to Sarah, and hugged her. “I was so worried, you’d have gotten shot or something!”
“Me, shot?” She laughed at the thought because of knowing it could have happened.
“So, Tell me why you where in my room!” Akira jumped down from a tree, right in front of them.
“I told you! We were wandering around the house!” Sarah got in front of Hikaru.
“You’re lying! Where are you from!?” Akira walked up to them. He knew they would not fight him or he at least hoped so.
“Well, if you really want to know…” Sarah looked down, she couldn’t remember, “I don’t remember…” Hikaru looked at Sarah. She didn’t remember either.
“You’re lying!” Akira slapped Sarah. She took the hit, she didn’t want to fight him.
“We’re not… I wish I were!” She looked to the ground and began to cry.
“How can you not remember!?” Akira glared at them. Sarah fell to her knees crying. Hikaru knelt down beside her.
“It’s okay…” Hikaru hugged her. Sarah put her head on Hikaru’s shoulder. “This time, I’ll protect you…”
Akira stared at them. “You really don’t remember do you?”
Hikaru looked at him and she built up her courage, “You think we’d lie to you, the first person to greet us in this world!? I don’t know what happened! But leave us alone!” she yelled at him.
Akira started to walk away, but stopped. “So… That makes three of us. My name is Seishirou. I was transported here about a year ago.”
Sarah got up, now she was very angry. She helped Hikaru up. “Seishirou! I’m not finished with you yet!” She yelled at him. Seishirou just turned around. He didn’t look at all like Akira. He had black hair that was spiked, and wore a black trench coat. Sarah noticed that she was not the same either. She was in a pair of black pants, and a long sleeve black shirt, and her hair was black. And was in it’s braid, tumbling down her shoulder to reach her knees. She had her cap in her hands. She turned around and saw that Hikaru was different too. Her eyes were the same but her hair was dark blue and in a ponytail, and she was wearing a pair of dark blue pants and a sleeveless dark blue shirt.
“What the…” Hikaru and Sarah said at the same time.
“We’re being warped again…” Seishirou told them.
“Warped?” Sarah asked, eying the change in the background.
“AHH!” Hikaru screamed. She looked down. They were floating in a sky.
Seishirou disappeared from their sight.
“Look’s like we’re going to fall!” Sarah warned, standing ready for something to happen. Hikaru grabbed her hand. Then, without warning they started to fall. Hikaru was screaming, and Sarah was trying to figure out a way to land. Hikaru accidentally let go of her hand.
“Sarah!” Hikaru was screaming. “Help me!”
“O’ No!” Sarah noticed they were in for a rough landing, She was going to fall more, but Hikaru was going to stop at this cliff. Hikaru fell onto the ledge of the cliff. She didn’t land on her feet, so she knocked out instantly from fear and pain. Sarah fell about three hundred more feet. She landed on her feet only hurting her ankle more than it was already. She laid down for a while, knowing she couldn’t walk with her ankle now. She cursed Seishirou under her breath.
“Look, someone’s there! I told you!” Sarah heard, it sounded like a kid talking. She did not want to move, she was in too much pain with her ankle. She opened her eyes. It was almost dark.
“Damn Seishirou!” She sat up, slamming her hand into the ground. She tried to get up, but fell.
“Dammit… My ankle's broken…” She grabbed her cap and put it on, tucking her braid in it. She managed to get up, and limped forward. “Damn Seishirou… Damn him…” She mumbled. After walking/limping for three hours, her energy and motivation gave out. She collapsed, cutting her face on a tree branch. She awoke from cold water on her forehead. “WHAT!?” She sat up, looking someone directly in the eyes. She could tell they were taller than her. Their eyes were red. Their hair was white and spiked. They had a sword on their back, he wore a white sleeveless shirt and white pants.
“You are awake…That is good” he said. “How are you feeling?”
“You want an honest answer or lie?” she sat up.
“Honest…” He eyed her expression.
“Well, I feel like hell hit me!” She sighed. He laughed at her making her smile. “Was there another girl found?”
“No, why?” he asked.
“…. Hnn….” She stared off. “I was just wondering, That’s all”
“Oh…” he brought her a plate of food. “Eat something, it will help you get better faster.”
“Yea…” She took the plate and slowly ate.
“I’m Akurei…” He took her plate when she finished. Then, Sarah froze. Akurei saw the reaction in her face.
“ I don’t remember my name…”
“Where are you from?” Akurei started to pick up camp.
“I don’t remember…” She slowly began to cry but stopped herself. Crying is weak.
“That’s okay…” Akurei had packed everything up into a small bag on his side. He only had a blanket, two plates, two forks, and one cup.
“No, it’s not…” She looked around. “Where is this?”
“We’re at Katro…” Akurei helped her up. “We’re heading to Mekka. It’s a large advanced city.”
“Oh,” She walked behind Akurei. Her walk was a limp. She took in pain as a part of life. When they got there, she nearly jumped. Mekka was more like New York City. Except it was not advanced at all. Some people drove in carriages. Akurei took her to a doctor for her ankle. He said it was necessary. When they finished at the doctor’s office. They were walking down the street. Sarah stopped and fell to the ground. She started crying, She had figured it out… She was being wiped out of existence. She was slowly going to forget who she was. This was not the world she lived in. She was going to die in another world, she was slowly being dragged into the past, each world further down than the other. Until… She’d find out who did this and kill them.
“Are you okay!?” Akurei shook her… she wouldn’t respond.
“I don’t remember!” She yelled as loud as she could.
“It’s okay!” Akurei assured her. She didn’t respond at all, she was in ‘her own world’. A world of thought and confusion.
“I don’t remember… I can’t remember!” she mumbled then fell back. Akurei stared at her.
“Someone get me help!” Akurei yelled. She had collapsed, but was still crying.
“We can’t!” Everyone yelled back. Then, Akurei noticed this wasn’t his world either. She woke up, briefly.
“Akurei! Go, run away…” She pleaded.
“ I can’t!” he told her. Seishirou appeared in front of them.
“You’re the one! The one that’s making this happen!” she yelled at Seishirou.
“Yes, I am…” Seishirou sighed. “I’m happy you figured it out… Too bad for your friend who has not been able to know before she died.”
Sarah froze, her heart stopped. “Hikaru!? You killed her!?”
Seishirou sighed. “I didn’t kill her, You did…”
Sarah shook her head “I’d never!” she looked at her hands…
“Don’t think that way!” Akurei warned her.
“You know the truth!” Seishirou told her. She looked at him oddly.
“There is no truth!” She pulled out Akurei’s sword.
“Kill me!” Seishirou yelled at her. She ran at him with the sword. She sliced through him, crying.
“I didn’t kill her!” She dropped Akurei’s bloody sword. Then, looked at her bloody hands. She turned around, Everything faded…
She opened her eyes, she was in a hospital. She sat up and almost screamed. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital,” Someone told her. Her eyes focused and then she recognized that it was her mother.
“What happened?” she grimaced, there was pain in her, all over her body she was aching.
“Someone broke in at Hikaru’s house…” Her mom told her. She gasped.
“Don’t tell me Hikaru is dead….”She started to cry.
“How… How did you know?” Her mom asked.
“Who survived?”
“You and someone else… He wasn’t even supposed to be at the house. They say he just appeared next to your body in a way… They don’t even know his name…”
“What!?” Sarah closed her eyes… she felt her hair, it was cut shorter, it only reached her shoulders. “Can I go and see him?”
“Sure… but I don’t think that’s wise… You’re still severely injured.”
“But I can walk? Can’t I? What room is he in!?” Sarah got up painfully and walked to the door.
“The room on the right side to this one…” Her mom answered. She left the room, and walked to the room on the right. She wanted to fall back and give up, but she would not allow herself.
She opened the door, and saw someone lying in a bed, looking out the window. “Akurei?” she asked.
“Where am I?” He asked. Sarah ran to him.
“Akurei! You are in a hospital… You were severely injured like me…”
“Your friend? The one Seishirou was saying died… What happened to her?”
“She was killed with the break-in…” Sarah finally realized what happened was not a dream. “I remember my name now, it’s Sarah…” she fell in a chair.
“That’s good…” Akurei smiled.
“Yea… But this is my world… the one I live in… why are you here?” Sarah asked, knowing he probably wouldn’t know.
“I don’t really know… but…” he started to disappear. Sarah knew he was going to his own world. She smiled.
“Bye… Akurei…” Then, she got up and left the room. She went back to her room. She was in a lot of pain but smiled.
“School’s starting next week,” Her Mom told her. Sarah looked at her odd…
“How long was I un-conscience for?” Sarah laid down.
“About two months… You missed your entire vacation…” Her mom glared at her.
“Oh… When will I be able to get out of this hospital?”
“In about two weeks…” Her mom said to her.
Two weeks later, Sarah sat in her desk at school. “Yea… They say her best friend, Hikaru, died a few months ago with a break in…and that she was hospitalized for two months…” “Some say she’s cold-hearted now…” “She’s not worth talking to…” She heard people talk about her. It was free-time in one of her morning classes, the third day she was at school. She stood up, “Shut up!” She yelled at them. “I can hear you all! Leave me alone!” She walked to a corner and sat down, rocking back and forth while crying. The teacher approached her.
“Are you okay, Sarah?” The teacher looked at her, and knelt down beside her.
“I don’t know…” She responded, still rocking back and forth and crying.
“You want to see the counselor?”
“No… She would not understand me…” She rocked faster.
“Are you sure?”
“Can I go to the office?”
“Why?” The teacher put her arm around Sarah. Sarah immediately shrugged the teacher's arm off of herself.
“I want to call home, I’m not feeling mentally up to school yet…” Sarah got up and grabbed her bag before the teacher even answered.
“Okay…” the teacher said as Sarah walked out the classroom.
Sarah walked down the hall. She stopped in the middle of one and sat down. She needed to rest, she still was hurting a lot mentally and physically.
“Are you okay?” Another student asked her.
“I don’t know, but could you help me to the office?”
“Sure!” The other student helped Sarah up, and walked by her side.
“I really appreciate it…” Sarah said when they had reached the office. The other student walked off. She walked in the office.
“I would like to call home…” She asked.
“It’s only second hour, Come back later!” one of the Office ladies said.
“I really can’t carry on…”
“Yes you can!” The lady said then looked at Sarah. Then she noticed that Sarah’s face was covered in tears, and that she was the student who had missed about three weeks of school due to hospitalization.
“No, I can’t!” Sarah picked up the phone and called her Mom or morely pretended to. Then she hung up.
“She’s coming to pick you up?” the office lady looked at her. She had an empty look in her eyes. That made a chill run up Sarah's spine. It was like she was staring at a corpse.
“I’m going to met her a block from here. I’ll call here, as soon as I get home…” She went out the office to get her books. She walked slow, staring into every class. Most of the classes were having fun. She started to cry. What had happened to her? She wanted to fall back into those worlds… reset time so that she would be able to save her. She wanted to save her. Sarah grabbed most of her books, then left. She wanted to stop in the middle of the road and scream, but she only stopped for a few seconds and let a tear fall down her cheek. Then, she kept walking. When she got to a pay phone, she called the school and said she was home and with her mom. They bought her story. She wandered around the city all that day.
“What are you doing here?” someone asked her. She looked up at them. They resembled Seishirou, but were an Officer.
“I’m thinking…” she answered while looking around.
“You’re suppose to be in school…” The Officer scolded at her. She smiled slightly.
“I know, I checked out…” She got up and limped on her way.
“Hey! Kid! Get back here!” he started to chase after her.
“I’m going home…” she walked away with some limping. Her eyes closed and pain filled her body. She opened her eyes. Two seconds later, the officer was right behind her. “Don’t grab me!” she managed to say.
“Okay, but don’t go anywhere!” he stood next to her. She shook her head, trying to make her vision clear. Everything began to fade, she reached out toward anything to grab something, something to hold on to…“Wake up!” she heard him yell at her. She felt more pain circulating throughout her body. She opened her eyes, shook her head again then sat up.
“I’m okay…” She said, getting up.
“You have to go to the hospital…” the Officer almost grabbed her,but she moved out the way.
“No, I’m okay!” She protested, running away. She didn’t want to go home. She didn’t want this to be real, but the pain was real. This world was real. She ran home… screaming in her mind that this was reality. This was pain. She slowed her run to a walk in minutes. She reached home but sat outside. She sat on the ground until long after night fall, rocking back and forth while crying.
“SARAH!?” her mom opened the door. She immediately stood up.
“Yes?” she starred at her mom questionably.
“It’s almost midnight! Get inside!” Her mom yelled at her.
“I’m fine…”She sat back down. Then her head went numb with pain. She blacked out.
“Wake up!” Someone told her, it was becoming a familiar phrase to her. She didn’t move, she couldn’t. “Are you okay?” Sarah started to recognize the voice, it sounded like Akira.
She opened her eyes, Akurei was in front of her, “Akurei?” She looked around, they were in the black area. The same place she was before the transports. “Where am I?”
“I was about to ask that question, myself!” Akurei helped her up. She stood in shock for a moment. Akurei pulled out his sword. “Someone else is here…”
“Good Job! I applaud your performance!” Seishirou appeared in front of them.
“You!?” Sarah and Akurei said at the same time.
“What a wonderful welcoming…” Seishirou pulled out his sword. “Akurei…”
“Don’t duel him!” Sarah took Akurei’s sword. “It’s my job…”
“But.... Sarah… Okay…” Akurei backed away. She smiled at him. In the brief moments of her smile, Seishirou glided at him. She fell to her knees within seconds.
“Sarah!” Akurei yelled before Seishirou killed him.
She valued her courage and slashed at Seishirou. He fell to the ground. “I wasn’t expecting you to fight…” then he stabbed her.
“Never, Never… Underestimate…” Sarah started falling. She saw Seishirou fall back and saw his soul leave his body, she smiled.The world was back to normal, Hikaru was alive now. Everything was back to normal… except one thing. Sarah smiled. She laid near the door of her mom’s house, stabbed. “I’ve set everything straight…” She managed that and then a tear fell. It was her own tear. She moved one of her fingers in her own blood, saying in her mind ‘This is but a mirror of two worlds…’

- Title: Mirror
- Artist: XVNekioVX
Someone once told me that I had too much free time. I guess they were right. :3
Someone commented previous work with that, but I've been told that very often.
I had re-discovered and posted this to my DeviantArt on April 27, 2006. I wrote this about 6 or 7 years ago. [Probably when I was 14 so that's 6.] Apologizes on any typos. Based on real life. Rei, my cousin; Sarah, myself; Hikaru, one of my best friends at the time; Saki, her brother; other people just were creations. - Date: 07/15/2009
- Tags: mirror
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Comments (3 Comments)
- XVNekioVX - 10/10/2010
- Gir, this is really late. the personalities aren't sure because that's how the people are. My Mom is psychotic and I based the mom after my own mom. The grammar is off because I wrote this when I was about 14. I don't really want to edit it at all. I may rewrite it entirely later on. Seishirou was half way based off my brother.
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- TheWishingPanda - 07/16/2009
- IT'S SOOOOO LONG!! but I liked it......
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- Lolo Taboto - 07/16/2009
- I like it! The only criticism I could make would be to pick up the grammar a lil'... and become a little more sure of their personalities... like with the mother, for example. Gee, you must not get along well with your cousin, huh? ^_^"'
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