• I strode into the gym, hoping, praying that I would not be the first one there. My prayer was answered. The gym was full of people dancing and shouting over the loud pounding music. I stood there in the door while people pushed past me. Someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see George trying to pull me into the crowd. “C’mon!” I smiled at his eagerness.

    Seven songs and seven dances, I thought he would never tire. Though with him I could dance all night. I kissed him and briefly tugged him to the side. “You look tired!” “No, I’m fine. Let’s get…” He stopped midsentence and stared at the doors. Collin stood smiling as perfect as ever dressed in a tux like George. I could have used a whole string of words that probably should not be used in public but instead I said, “Oh god!” and pushed George back into the crowd. Though it took him five minutes tops to find us. I wasn’t surprised. I was about to shout leave when George motioned to Collin and backed of to his friends off to the side. “I…I…can’t dance.” I stumbled over the words unsure that he’d buy it. He didn’t. “Yea right…I saw you earlier!” He took a step torwards me and I began to back away. “C’mon one dance. Your boyfriend practically asked me.” “Fine.” How bad could it be?

    It was amazing. He spun, twirled, and dipped me. But my happy ending would break apart into a thousand pieces. Collin spun me one last time. And on that one last spin I caught a glimpse of George kissing a blonde in the back of the room. Not just any blonde, Alex. She began to lead him out of the room. Right then and there I snapped and Collin sensed it. He tried to pull me in the other direction but I was frozen in agony and anguish. With a quick yank I was free of his grip. I pushed through the crowd with a lot of “Heys!” trailing behind me. I finally made it to the back door of the gym. I had never really explored the park behind the school, but I was about too. I pulled off my heels and ran. I felt like melting away into nothingness. No one would miss me. I’d just be the puddle of a girl that once was. The more I thought the more I ran. I got faster and faster until I couldn’t feel my legs. Rain began to pour down and I blinked hard to keep the drops out of my eyes. My hair came down in bundles and the dress I was wearing tore at the seams. Before long my mascara ran too. I was a mess, a girl ripped apart at the seams like my dress. Yes, that’s what I was. I was a dress that was used, torn, and thrown away. That’s all I ever was. More tears streaked my face. It felt like I had been running for hours. I was now past the beautiful park and into the forest. The twigs cut and stained my feet with blood but I couldn’t feel anything. Nothing. The rain beat down harder with each step. I couldn’t think any more. I could only run.

    Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders. The impact made me fall to the forest floor. “I’m sorry. Let me help you up.” Collin held his hand out to me but I swatted it aside. I pushed myself off the ground and turned to begin run but he caught my shoulders turning me back to him. “Brooke, you have to stop!” “I won’t. I’ll never! Oh, and you can tell Alex that she can GO TO HELL!” I screamed at him. Warm tears mix with cold rain as they ran down my face. I breathed hard and tried to pull away but it was useless. Finally I slowed my breath. “Are you happy now? Let me go!” He released his grip on me. I started to run. “I sorry," he mumbled. His voice was barely audible but in the silence of the forest I heard it. “What?” I turned around and walked till I was inches from his face. “I said I’m sorry.” “I’m sorry for everything. For Alex being well a b***h, for biting you, for George being human and attracted to her, and most of all for bringing all this stupid vampire stuff into your life. Its all my fault that your life is screwed up. I should have stayed in that forest or killed myself or something…anything except coming back to you.” I couldn’t resist wrapping my arms around him in a hug and crying for the third time today. I lied my head on his chest not caring about the cold chills that went down my spine. “I…forgive you.” I felt a warm drop on my head. This was a tear from Collin. It was only one but it was enough for me to forgive him.